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Everything posted by BMonroe

  1. Not sure. It comes out in hardcopy towards the end of March, so I'd imagine sometime shortly after that. No guarantees, of course... As has been mentioned elsewhere, there are four products written, edited, and moving toward layout: Advanced Sorcery, The Chronicler's Companion, the Chronicler's Shield, and the MW Bestiary. There's a fifth after that that's about 75% written. It's a combo of setting and adventures, but that's about all I can say on that for now.
  2. Yes, but it's been slightly streamlined from how it is in the BRP book. Essentially, it's the same thing, though. Yes. Yes. No. It's a complete, stand-alone game. Very much so. Indeed in a game I ran I ported Superpowers over from BRP into Magic World, and it worked just fine.
  3. No, the table works fine for both physical and magic attacks, so there's no need for a separate one. There is a rule for aiming missile weapons (delaying your action to get an increase in your skill %). There's nothing set up for called shots to specific areas of your opponent's body, but that shouldn't be hard to do. My suggestion would be to make it an alternate result of a special or critical result. Instead of the increased damage, you can choose the location hit.
  4. Yes, it's the same table and system as in the BRP book.
  5. Glad you're enjoying it! I'm sure I've mentioned elsewhere, but there are already four other supplements written and edited, and ready to go into the production queue (and a fifth which is about 75% done). If all those do well, I hope there'll be a long line of support for the game in the future!
  6. Lynn was a friend, and mentor to me for many years. I've been in the publishing field (in a variety of roles) for twenty years now, and just about everything I've learned can trace back to something Lynn had taught me at some point. He'd been sick for a while, and when I started on MW his prognosis was "it's only a matter of time". To be completely honest, I took the project on in tribute to him, and as a way of saying "thanks". I'd long thought Elric!/Stormbringer was a great game, and it was important to me that it get a second chance. Hence the cover painting, "Standing on the shoulders of giants". I used to be a hard-core Hit Locations fan from the RQIII days. But then I fell in love with the free-flowing fun of Major Wounds and random Armor Values. I think they accomplish much the same thing, but a bit faster. Also, I heartily recommend plugging BRP Magic into the game. It works great, and if it fits your style, I say go for it. Initially, when I was planning this book out, I was going to include -all- the magic material from the Elric! line. However, when I started pulling it all together, I realized that would mean almost half the book would be spells and magic of various sorts. Despite the game's name, I've long been frustrated by RPG books that focus overly-much on one type of character, most notably mages of various sorts. Note the Pathfinder rules, or most versions of D&D, where half the book is taken up with spells and magic. And yet (to my memory) only a quarter or so of the classes in the game can use them. So, in the end, we decided to present one solid, good magic system in the core rules, and then leave the rest for the supplement. I honestly hope that doesn't come off like we're making a broken, or incomplete game, only to have you buy more books to 'fix' it. My intention all along was that the core rules would be as complete as the Call of Cthulhu core book, and the supplements would all be 'optional, but very useful'. That was indeed, the original intent. Chroniclers should be able to drop the Southern Reaches into their own campaign setting, or use it by itself as an isolated realm. I keep going back to the example of the "Robin of Sherwood" TV series, and how 95% of the action in the game takes place directly in and around Nottingham/Sherwood. My intention was to never detail the areas outside the Reaches at all; to leave them vague and open to Chronicler caveat. Indeed, there've been a number of times when the writers working on the setting asked about creating some NPC, or other thing from 'outside', and making up details of its origins, and I had to rein that back in. I want the areas outside the Reaches to be whatever individual play groups want them to be.
  7. They won't be in the Bestiary itself, but possibly I can see about putting together a freebie PDF that contains all that information for those who want it. I think that could be done easily for most of the critters. I wouldn't bother for doing -every- humanoid creature, as it's essentially the same chart over and over again.
  8. No. There are no hit locations used in Magic World. Instead, it uses variable armor values, and Major Wounds.
  9. The Aging description on p. 21 is a bit muddy. Read the full description on p. 17 instead. Yes, for each D6 of age you take, you get +20 percentiles to distribute as you wish (IE: to any skills you want). At 5D6, aging kicks in, and you lose the two characteristic points. See p. 219: "THESE RULES ARE MALLEABLE: This book contains the material that most peo- ple should need to run an epic fantasy cam- paign. Inevitably, your setting will have ar- eas that fall outside of the scope of what we have written. If you don’t want to allow certain races, equipment, spells, etc. in your game that is your prerogative. Discuss with your players the changes you wish to make, and feel free to add, delete, and modify rules to make the game exactly fit your style. Make sure to note anything which alters from the core Magic World rules, so that there will be no confusion as the Chronicle progresses."
  10. MW doesn't use hit charts, but does use the Major Wounds rules. It has Special, Crit and Fumbles like in BRP core. There's a lot of back and forth, and jockeying for position in MW combat, as in most BRP-based games. There is a small-ish campaign setting in MW. It's called the Southern Reaches, and is about 200 miles across. It's two baronies, split by a river, who are constantly sniping and pestering each other. They're not at all-out war, but there's tension. Then, add to that the difficulties posed to the area by the strange fey original inhabitants, and there's plenty to keep you busy for a while. The Reaches were purposefully designed not to be a whole world, but a smaller, more intimate setting. Think something along the lines of the classic Robin Hood stories, where all the action took place in and around Sherwood/Nottingham. There's a bunch of stuff in the works for MW. Elsewhere it's been noted that there are four supplements written, and making their way into layout: Advanced Sorcery, the Chronicler's Companion, Chronicler's Screen, and the MW Bestiary. There's a fifth book in the works, but that's not been formally announced yet. I will hint that it will include some scenarios, and be tied in to the Southern Reaches.
  11. The PDF is available now, with hardcopy coming towards the end of March. Magic World Chaosium Inc.
  12. Mechanical Repair: 55% Art: Cook Crab Cakes: 75% Done.
  13. I'm not sure if it yet, but I imagine someday it'll be up on Drivethru.
  14. MC: yeah, i noticed a couple too. Go ahead and send them to me via PM and I'll see what I can do. If nothing else, I'll track them for the future. Also, I've posted a link upforum to the MW errata. There's nothing in it right now, but inevitably there'll be a few errors that slipped through, and I'll note them there.
  15. All Inevitably, no matter how many eyes looked at the game, a few errors most likely fell through the cracks. If you spot any problems, please send them to me via Private Message on this forum. I will compile them as they come in, and post them to an errata doc. That doc is up on Google Drive here: Magic World Errata I'm stickying this thread in order to keep it evergreen. Ben
  16. I'm pretty sure it's softcover. It will also have an 11"x17" fold out map tucked into the back (much like in Mythic Iceland). Not sure about AS. I know it's the next up in the queue for art/layout, but I'm not sure how far along they are with it.
  17. I've heard from a number of people who've been able to download the book with no problem. Might be that a lot of people are all trying to download it at the same time?
  18. Let the wild rumpus start! Magic World Chaosium Inc.
  19. Have you spoken with Richard Watts and Mark Morrison yet? I could put you in touch with them.
  20. Final touches are being made to MW. I'm not sure exactly when it'll be out, but I'm guessing it's -very- close, at least in electronic format. Advanced Sorcery, I'm not too sure about. I know it's being worked on, and should hopefully be out shortly after MW. When I hear more, I'll let you know.
  21. Soon! Nick's putting in final edits as we speak!
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