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Everything posted by BMonroe

  1. Proud to announce that I swung by Chaosium this morning, and grabbed my copy. Suck on that, losers!
  2. And, it is now available: http://www.chaosium.com/article.php?story_id=494
  3. Meh. BRP combat goes so fast, adding another die roll really isn't that big a deal. Especially if you're not using things like Strike Ranks.
  4. I've grown tired of Hit Locations, and because of that, I like the variable APs. You never know if a strike is going to land full-on on your chainmail shirt, or graze the hem and stab you in the leg where you've only got leather or cloth armor. I tend to prefer the combination of variable AP and Major Wounds instead of hit locations, now.
  5. In my old RQ3 games, it was Max Roll + Number of Dice/Bonus. So, 2D6+6 gave a possible max of 21. I can't remember if that was explicitly spelled out in the rules, but that's how we played at Sandy's, so I stuck with it.
  6. Basic Magic is a cut and paste of the RQIII Magic Book. The "Magic Book" is the same basic text, but then gone through to remove specific RQIII-isms. No references to Strike Ranks, Encumbrance, etc. THings like that. It's essentially the same book, but tweaked a bit to be more easily-useable with the BGB. I've no idea how compatible it will be with the Grimoire. I would imagine very.
  7. For what it's worth, when I created the demon power suites for 4th ed. Stormbringer, each power was built by combining various SuperWorld powers to give the wanted effects. Point being, the various power suites for the BRP games can quite easily be re-skinned for different effect. I'd thought about running a street-level supers game once, and just letting PCs have access to 6-12 points of RQIII Spirit Magic for their 'powers'. They'd activate them by spending MPs as normal.
  8. About half a clack, passed through the digestive tract of a broo.
  9. http://moondesignpublications.com/blog/2011/05/23/welcome-pete-nash-to-the-moon-design-team/
  10. Oooh! And Pete Nash is working for Moon Designs as well! http://moondesignpublications.com/blog/2011/05/23/welcome-pete-nash-to-the-moon-design-team/
  11. With the news about Mongoose stopping production of RQII, I thought those of you who are fans of Glorantha might be interested in some -great- news: http://moondesignpublications.com/blog/2011/05/23/moon-design-welcomes-aboard-lawrence-whitaker/ Lawrence Whitaker is going to be writing for the HeroQuest system now. His first project is "Harreksaga" which sees the PCs travelling alongside the most infamous anti-hero of Glorantha. I can't wait to see this one.
  12. Wow. Imagine that.... Mongoose acted unprofessionally... I never would have seen that coming... BTW: just want to say that I am -really- looking forward to Merrie England. The BRP fantasy setting I'm working on is sort of a 12th-century England analog, with fair folk and dark haunted forests. I can see that M.E. will offer a lot of material to steal for it.
  13. I don't agree, honestly. I ran an RQIII campaign a few summers ago, for a group that was evenly mixed between people who'd been fans of RQ 'in the day' as well as players who were new to RQ as well as Glorantha. They had no idea what to expect, and they loved the magic rules. Ironically, they specifically thought the Sorcery rules were awesome. And, this was completely without any house ruling at all. I think the BRP magic rules are fine, and work great as-is.
  14. The blurb on Chaosium's home page says September.
  15. No. The Magic Book will essentially give you the play style of RQIII, while using the basic BRP rules.
  16. I was the project editor for this book. I hope Narl won't kill me when I tell you that essentially it is Basic Magic. However, I spent quite some time going through the whole thing, and updating it to the BRP core rules. Any specific RQIII isms were pulled out: for example, any references to Fatigue, Hit Locations, Strike Ranks, etc. They were either converted to the core BRP equivalent, or smoothed into something else. Existing errata was also incorporated into the book. If anyone has futher questions, feel free to ask. It's been a while since I worked on this, so my memory may be fuzzy, but I'll do my best to answer.
  17. Trif -- Hi! Hey, I was the 'project editor' for the forthcoming "The Magic Book" supplement. If you wanted to start a topic on it in the books section, I'd be happy to answer any questions I can.

  18. Nice! Could you do a little description of the piece in the front matter, explaining that? Seriously can't wait for this book.
  19. Yeah, sort of like the Fear Spirits in RQIII. They'd attack your POW with theirs, and if they win, you're essentially under the effect of a "Demoralize" spell until you can get someone to exorcise you. Or something like that. Been a while since I looked at it. Also, glad you guys like the Stress rules from UW2. Those were fun to write, and I hope they get some use by the community.
  20. I gotta say, I really like this. I'm becoming a big proponent of having more DIY stuff in RPGs, and I like this tactic a lot. Giving a GM the basic sketch of a critter, and letting the individual GMs the ability to customize it to their specific campaign is neat. Makes the fey specifically very mysterious and strange.
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