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Everything posted by BMonroe

  1. Yup. There's more in the pipeline.
  2. At least in Magic World, MP is restored at a rate of 1/24th POW per hour. So, it takes 24 hours to regainit all, but you don't get it back all at once. It's a slow drip. I think it's that way in other BRP games too, but don't have any handy to check at the moment. As someone stated above, most good mages use MP batteries of some sort. The Wizard's staff, for example, or bound Power spirits in RQ/MW.
  3. Please post all questions about errata in the thread at the top of the forum. It's helpful to have it all in one place, rather than scattered throughout the forum. And thanks to all who've spotted errors or omissions. I really appreciate it, and have been logging them for future updates/printings of the game. Mercifully, the errata so far all seems to be fairly minor stuff.
  4. Emphasis on "hopefully". As soon as I hear more, I'll let you all know.
  5. It's always a matter of money, really. That being said, I have a background in advertising and PR, so I've been trying to do what I can to get the word out. It's been a lot of "guerrilla marketing" so far. I'll look into starting FB and G+ pages, and alert you all here when it's set up. That being said, the best way to get the discussion hopping, is to actively discuss it on other forums. So, if you're so inclined, it'd be great if you all could go out and spread the word.
  6. Hagfish! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bb2EOP3ohnE
  7. This was never an issue in the games I've run in the past. Tell me about your experience; I'll see if modification is necessary.
  8. BMonroe


    This. The Sorcerer spends 1 MP for a chance to do 1D3 damage to a target of his choosing. If he wants to do further damage, he must cast it again. It's essentially the old "Disruption" spell from RuneQuest. Very useful for killing rats and such.
  9. Any Sorcery spells that are not also in the BGB are from the various Stormbringer 5/Elric! books. Banish Tumult I believe is from "Seas of Fate", but I could be wrong. Lots of them are from the Bronze Grimoire. Don't have those books handy to check at the moment.
  10. Uploading it to the Fantasy/Historic files section of this site. I'll drop a note to the Chaosium Dudes about putting it up on their site, too.
  11. 790 downloads

    Character sheet for the BRP Magic World RPG.
  12. This is a request for all of you who are playing and enjoying Magic World. We've got a great community of fans here on the forum, but we need to get the word out elsewhere. By all reports, MW is doing quite well out in the wild, but it could always be doing better. So, for those of you who are so inclined, please consider posting comments and thoughts about MW on different forums as well as this one. RPG.net, penandpapergames.com, or any other forums you frequent. Thanks! And game on!
  13. All's well that ends well!
  14. Some of the most critical errata made it in, but not all. Check the link at the top of this forum for the most up-to-date errata.
  15. Glad you're having fun with it! There's a bit of a need to think around the edges with sorcery. There's no "fireball" spell, but you can bind fire elementals and achieve the same effect. Summoning and unleashing Spirits is also a way to go. Ive seen Pain and Fear spirits used to great effect like this. Its also just insanely cool to unleash a swarm of ghosts against your opponent... Lots of the spells are more like curses, than flat out blasting spells. The various adverse "Sorcerer's..." Spells also act as something of blasting spells. Whack a guy with a couple blasts of level 4 Sorcerer's Weakness or Void, and see what happens. Worse comes to worst, you could always make Wrack a variable spell, doing 1D4 damage per level. Even topped out at 4d4, that's still a goodly smiting, All that being said, Deep Magic in AS will do exactly what you want. It's a fairly abstract system for creating new spells on the fly, or in the lab.
  16. The entirety of the RQIII Magic Book (including Spirit Magic) is contained in the Chaosium publication "the Magic Book". Sadly, I failed my "Spot Errors" roll, and a few mistakes crept through. Notably, some RQ-isms weren't removed to make it 100% compatible with the BGB (Ceremony skill, a few other things.) However, if you're familiar with RQIII, it shouldn't pose any trouble at all for you to use that stuff with Magic World. You might have to do a bit of polishing here and there, but it's nothing insurmountable.
  17. Bah. This is why I normally don't access forums on my phone...
  18. SOunds to me like you have a mis-cut map. You should send it back to Amazon for exchange.
  19. Magic Aworld contains all the Sorcery spells from the BGB, and adds in all the additional Sorcery from the other Elric!/Stombringer 5e supplements. Advanced Sorcery is a compilation of extra Sorcery spells, as well as the Demon Magic stuff, and almost all of the Bronze Grimoire (the only BG stuff not in it are the extra sorcery spells which were already put in the MW core rules. Hassium still have copies of all the Nephilim books in their warehouse. You should be able to get Liber Ka from them. That being said, it has been revised and expanded ad Enlightened Magic. It's still in the production cycle, though I'm not 100% sure where. Last time I visited Chaosium I was told it's coming along. I've seen the manuscript, and its going to be a great book.
  20. I am well-known among my players for constantly mixing up which version of Specials, Crits and Fumbles we're using in a given BRP game. CoC, the BGB, and MW are all slightly different, so I often muddle myself.
  21. There's the Monster book, Chronicler's Companion (GM book), and Chronicler's Pack (screen and packet of forms/tables) which haven't been 'officially' announced but they're done with editorial, and working their ways into the layout queue. After that, there's a neat little book for Southern Reaches fans, but it's too early to talk about details on that. I will say it's got a bunch of scenarios, and a neat little campaign home base for your Adventurers. After all that, there are a few other ideas being kicked around, but nothing concrete yet. The way things go, what we've already got in the pipeline should keep us in MW books through summer 2014 or so.
  22. I'm talking about the book, "Magic World Monsters", which is currently in production.
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