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Everything posted by BMonroe

  1. You know, ironically, I never really use the Demon rules. I've used them most frequently as a way for me as a GM to allow the PCs to make enchanted items, but never really as 'demons shoved into a sword' or whatever. A few times I've run campaigns where I've just told the players to create enchanted items for themselves equal to a number of points and then let them start off with cool ancestral doodads. Indeed, I thought about rewriting the Demon rules in Advanced Sorcery to reflect that; repurposing them as an 'enchantment creation system'. But, when I spoke with a few people about it, in the end I decided to leave them as-is for the people that like them as Demon rules.
  2. I haven't looked at Corum's Pact Magic in... well, since the game first came out. I'll keep it on "the list", though; maybe there's somewhere we can fit it down the line. I'd have to talk to the authors, of course.
  3. The armors in the game are the same as what was in Elric. That being said, if you want to use Hit Locations and static armor, just use the armor from RQIII or the BGB instead. Most of the time, in converting APs from their RQIII equivalents to MW (for the Bestiary, let's say) I just look up an item in the BGB with AP equal to the armor I'm trying to convert. Then, just look at the equivalent random armor, and use that. Shouldn't be a problem at all to reverse that.
  4. No max to INT/POW, like in Elric. "Deep Magic" in Advanced Sorcery is identical to the "Eastern Magic" in Unknown East.
  5. If anyone has more questions, feel free to post them here.
  6. At 11 am today (PST, or 1900 GMT) I'll be fielding questions about Magic World. Stop by if you have any, and spread the word! To join #rpgnet chat: go to Mibbit IRC client widget, select your nick, and log in.
  7. I'm guessing early Spring of 2013, with any luck.
  8. Woot! We're down to the short strokes, folks! Magic World Cover by zomben, on Flickr
  9. Nope, that's a whole different thing.
  10. It's really not like Spirit of the Century stuff, honestly. The way these work, is that once your skill in something rises past 100%, you start being able to do really neat things with it. Like, paint a perfect picture, or compose an epic poem that will be remembered through the ages. While there are a handful of combat-oriented abilities, it's really a chance to give fun results for non-combat skills. Not really. It's available to anyone who gets their skills up high enough. We'd toyed with the idea of putting it into the core book, but opted against it. If it goes in the core rules, it's essentially 'canon' for a game. By putting it in the AS book, it's clearly optional, and you can use it or ignore it at your leisure. If Nick's on the thread, he can explain more how this stuff works. I would, but have to run out the door in a moment.
  11. FWIW, this is why I pulled all the demon stuff out of Magic World, and put it in the Advanced Sorcery supplement. I like them as an option for those who want them, but felt that if they were in the core rules, they'd be over-emphasized, and over-used.
  12. I've been a fan of both RQ3 and Stormbringer/Elric! for years. My ideal version of a fantasy BRP is a hybrid of both. And it's called "Magic World".
  13. Yup, Nick has taken the "Ki" system from LoN, and rebuilt it as "Arete". That'll be in the Advanced Sorcery book, and it's really excellent stuff.
  14. Half the time, for cannon-fodder NPCs, I don't even bother with weapon/shield stats. I just say, for example, "Attack/Defend: 50%, Damage 1d8, AP 15". And then I also only note the DEX for initiative, and the hit points. If something comes up in play that doesn't fit those, I just pull the average stats from the book. So, for example: Bandit Attack/Defend 50%, Damage 1d8, AP 15, DEX: 12 HP: 12 No reason why you couldn't put that into a grid, as above, too. If it's important, I might also note a difference between a ranged and melee attack.
  15. There's pretty much no relationship between the two. I mean, aside from them both being magic systems.
  16. Why don't you do this: Find out what sort of character she wants to play, and build up 2-3 sample 'power packages' for the character based on the BGB "Powers" stuff. Then, she still gets to roll up a character, but you save her the tedium and option-paralysis of having to pick powers. You could also break up her skill points into chunks, instead of having her spend them individually. 60 points to one skill, 40 points to two skills, and 20 points to five skills for occupation skills if you're using the 240-point spread. Add a second 60-point skill if you want to go with 300 points, etc. Hobby skills can be done the same way. I find that doing it that way, new players don't focus on spreading their skill points out among a bunch of skills, but rather look at the character in terms of "What are the core things my guy's good at". The rest of chargen for BRP is super easy. Just rolling stats, figuring damage bonus, Hit Points, etc., and then you're off and running.
  17. Yeah, I'd say it's about as complex as the current version of CoC. It does use Skill Categories and Major Wounds. My hope is that the price can be kept low enough that it's an attractive gateway game to the whole BRP line. Yes! I think I put in four tiers of 'toughness' for starting PCs, in addition to the base level. I'm hoping it's out before DDC. If you look at the DDC events list, you'll see I've already signed up to run a game there. I'm currently trying to talk friends of mine into running it, too. See you there!
  18. Strike Ranks and Hit Locations are not in the MW core rules, but could easily be pulled from the BGB and used in the game.
  19. Not a monograph. THis is for an actual print distribution book. However, it's not officially been announced yet.
  20. That's one of the reasons I wanted to front-load the game. As of this writing, I've submitted the core rules, and two supplements to Chaosium (Advanced Sorcery, and the Chronicler's Companion). There are two others about halfway done, and there's been mumblings about a couple of other ones. My hope is that there'll be enough to keep it going for a year or so until it gets some traction, and people start submitting new things for it. As mentioned elsewhere, the core of Magic World is the Elric! rules. If you're comparing it to OpenQuest and RQ6, I'd say it fills a niche somewhere in the middle. But, while OQ and RQ aim for more of a gritty, ancient world feel, Magic World is a bit more high fantasy, a bit more epic and heroic. They're all great games, of course. I love RQ6, and I've been running lots of OpenQuest over the last year or so. My hope is that there'll be a lot of cross-polination between the three.
  21. There's something like this in the works right now, but it's too early to spill the beans on it at the moment. I'd love to see stuff like this, too. Hopefully once MW comes out, people will start pitching more books to Chaosium to support it! Advanced Sorcery has half a dozen or so magic systems in it, drawn from a variety of old Elric! books. None of these appear in the BGB. Somewhat related, the Chronicler's Companion's going to have a thoroughly excellent set of rules by Charles Green about using the Allegiance System to create interesting religions/cults for your game. It ties Sorcery spells in to distinct spheres, lets you put those together and form the basis of a cult. Neat stuff.
  22. Yup! As the game's getting closer to release, I thought it would be good to make myself available to answer questions and talk about it. I should also point out quickly, that I'm not an actual Chaosium employee. I'm working on the MW books as a freelance editor, but it's my baby, so I'm happy to talk about it.
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