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Everything posted by rust

  1. Yes, it was very sad news indeed. I will miss him, he was one of the great authors of the kind of Hard SF I prefer, and his books and his interest in space and in the oceans have sparked the water world setting I am cur- rently working on - one of the NPCs, the founder of the colony there, was influenced by my view of Clarke ... ;-(
  2. The "parchment" is perhaps still a bit too dark, otherwise it is fine.
  3. It worked for me, although it proved to be rather complicated. Some people I know use Yousendit: Lite Account | YouSendIt However, I myself never used it, so I cannot tell you anything about it.
  4. Must be that Swedish BRP variant: Drakar och Demoner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  5. Yep, and the more I read about D&D 4.0, the less I see it as a direct compe- tition for BRP. To me it seems that D&D 4.0 is going in the direction of a tabletop-like "roll- playing" game with some RPG elements, but without much role-playing capa- bility.
  6. Unfortunately I cannot give you much of a meaningful comment on this, be- cause I almost never used magic in one of my settings. To me your ideas look fine, but that does not mean much ...
  7. Well, then, with another 15 years to work on my setting, perhaps ...
  8. Of course I will buy the final version, too. I will not miss a chance to get even more excellent new ideas for my setting.
  9. I will continue to work on my Pharos IV setting already mentioned elsewhere: A comparatively young human colony on a water world in a remote corner of the "Honorverse" (of David Weber's "Honor Harrington"-novels), although with a "Traveller"-like atmosphere. The setting was created last year with "GURPS Traveller", I then moved it to "Cthulhu Rising", and now I will translate it into the new BRP. Since last September we have played 66 years of the colony's history, and I currently have about sixty pages of "canonical" material, a couple of maps, and a lot of notes. Until very recently I was quite proud of the sixty pages, but then someone mentioned a setting with 600+ pages (:shocked:), and this shows that I still have some way to go ...
  10. rust


    Seems the last copy has finally been sold ...:eek:
  11. When I bought my first RPG, almost exactly thirty years ago, I had to mail order it from Britain, because I was unable to find any RPG shop in Germany. Somewhat later a first German RPG mail order firm was founded, and an RPG shop opened in Munich, 65 km from my hometown. There I could buy the few RPGs available at the time, mainly D&D, RQ and Traveller. Today there are dozens of RPG shops in Germany, selling hundreds of RPGs, both online as PDFs, by mail and at the shop. There has never been a higher density of such shops, and all of these shops have enough customers to at least survive. True, there has been a kind of decline over the last five years or so, partial- ly due to Germany's economic problems (people have less spare money to spend, and RPGs are often quite expensive), partially to the rapid growth in the time before. Some shops had to look for additional products like computer games or comics, but almost all of the shops survived. More important, there are still many more shops and gamers than thirty years ago, twenty years ago, or ten years ago. The once rapid expansion of the field has stopped, and there has been some decline, but this could as well be a temporary development. Twilight, fading fast, last glimmers and other Weltschmerz ? No, not at all, at least not for me.
  12. Thank you again for a good idea !
  13. The Zero Edition is already much better than I had expected it to be. An even better final version is almost too much of a good thing ... :eek:
  14. Yep, a good idea - thank you !
  15. Welcome, sladethesniper ! I think there are a lot of people who would be very interested in a detailed BRP steampunk game.
  16. Thank you very much for the fascinating and very helpful links ! Edit: The Sub-Find webpage is a real treasure trove for my water world setting - thank you again !
  17. Yep, also very interesting idea - Thank you !
  18. Thank you very much for the idea, I will try to see the movie and do some research on the Internet ("Wookieepedia" etc.) to see whether I can find some pictures.
  19. This shopowner is a true "Lose-Lose"-Magician: You did not get your book, Chaosium did not get an order, and he himself did not make any profit. :eek:
  20. This is true, and at least over here the (few) RPG shops stock the games their customers ask for, whether the publisher does any promotion or not. If an RPG is really good, there is few need for any kind of promotion, because the players will inform each other about it - and if a game is bad, promotion will not increase the sales considerably, because the players will warn each other.
  21. rust


    I do not know of anyone working on a BRP version of Dune, but you might find some useful background material on the "Duniverse" on this forum: DuneRPG - Index - Strategy/Role-playing Game - Free Message Board Hosting by FreePowerBoards.com
  22. rust


    There was a Dune RPG developed by Last Unicorn Games and published by Wizards of the Coast in 1997. According to what I have been told, this RPG probably was quite good, but it is now very difficult to get a legal copy of it.
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