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Everything posted by 1000buffalo

  1. Well, that may be true and true for you. Some folks don't dig the G+. That said, both is probably best, with cross pollination / announcements. Ben should get a Twitter handle of "Magic Man" or "Magic World Editor" and use that.
  2. Dedicated Facebook page maybe
  3. The rumors (and rumours) of our demise were greatly exaggerated, as they say
  4. I commented on Magic World as part of the most recent episode of my podcast, 2d6 Feet in a Random Direction.
  5. "Not yet" is my (totally unofficial, fan-based) response. A bird told me Chaosium was working on one to have up soon. I could be wrong, of course, but hope not.
  6. 6 days is not veeeeery soon. It is perhaps soon, reasonably soon, or even veeery soon. I've been reading Battletech historicals, hence the poke.
  7. Well, to be fair, the print book (MW core) just hit distribution.
  8. For clarity, the following defense in the same round (the third) would be a -60, right?
  9. Better yet, there's a Gate connecting it to the Third Terran Empire (of Future*World).
  10. Enjoyable article - I like reading about book production. Nice read over coffee this morning.
  11. Also, I am Mr. Monroe's GM. I am contractually obligated to show him only grudging respect while at the table, and even then only enough to coax his return to the game ... He's an awesome player, btw. Who else texts his GM during a grim encounter to say "Don't forget the poison breath".
  12. That's funny. I just wrapped up a Hârn (GURPS) game with my players to start the Magic World / Southern Reaches campaign. The settings actually have (or can have) a lot in common.
  13. I need to give some thought to it on details - I also was reading Magic World and the Southern Reaches and thinking of Game of Thrones style goodness.
  14. Doh! That's right - I think there was a math fumble that got corrected. Remembered the wrong ending, I did. Still not sure how your PC lived
  15. Today was the second session - we got in several hours of play, plus pre-game banter and a break for some very tasty homemade chicken sandwiches. The party consisted of two of the three players from the prior session, plus two additional (one returning regular and Ben, a guest-hopefully-regular). Only one PC stayed in rotation; Gary opted for a fighter sort instead of his elven sorcerer. He came in with a Stagali Mercenary, and Ben brought in a Human Warrior. Norm brought in a half-elven healer (who, with POW 16, also had Heal). The three were worked into the narrative mid-story - the Stagali joined the fight (well, missed it) and Ben and Norm's PCs had been taken prisoner (for eating) by the bad guy. Set free, they stayed the night, investigated further (encountering an elemental, and nearly loosing several PCs to it before finding a means to defeat it). After tying up some loose ends, they headed north to Shillingshead. They found accommodations, investigated employment, and did the sorts of things PCs so in big towns. They became snared in the interplay of nobles, unfortunately, and one of their band - Ben's PC - ended up poisoned ... for a long, slow but sure death unless they could find a fairly challenging component for an antidote. So, into the marshes they headed, disembarking onto the Count's Court and searching through the mists and mires. After hours, they eventually found what they needed. The wyrm, having tracked them, found them ... It was a horrible, desperate battle - one for which they were, really, ill-prepared. The Stagali fell, at death's door. The Healer managed to save him, but then succumbed to poison himself. The party - mainly thanks to the quick witted scribe (Tracy's PC) - drove it to within 2 of its HP and drove it off. They nearly lost Ben's PC on the return trip, but made it in the nick of time. The Stagali suffered major concussions - we'll see about that, and the rest on the next adventure. I thought it was going to be a TPK in a few places, actually. The bloody, nasty combat notwithstanding the players said they really enjoyed both the session and Magic World.
  16. Cool - let me publically say, "thank you!" - it's been a great material for the past couple sessions. My players have really enjoyed both the Fishsinger's Daughter and your follow-up material I did not use any pregens - my (3) players made their PCs the first session, and then we played. If not a "great" adventure, my players certainly took to it with some relish. The scenes require thought, and while experienced players may work it well, lay ones won't, I think. The adventure played out over two sessions (session and a half, really), and there was enough decisioning that the players weren't unified on all courses of action. Roleplay and some negotiation ensued. Two of the three players in my first session are relatively new - they've played a few other campaigns, but aren't super experienced. First timers with MW / BRP. Today's session had those two, another player - likewise even newer - and Ben.
  17. You know, I don't think I'm doing it right either. He also survived being poisoned and the stoorwyrm ... On the other hand, he also kinda got one of the regular's PCs off-d ... on his first session in Magic World (the player hadn't been able to make the prior). In the end, it turns out Mr. Monroe does know and practice respect - he was a very nice player and house guest. Perfect gentleman. It turns out he doesn't know the meaning of the word die.
  18. Thus far, his PC has survived multiple flame strikes from a fire elemental ... I also reviewed the definition of respect with him.
  19. R Oh, I really like that idea. That's an easy one to implement.
  20. "R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find out what it means to me." Tell 'em, 'Retha!
  21. Ah, but the weekend is not yet over (here). You see how he's all "I'm the editor - I make the rules". Ha! I think I might kill his PC. With Stormbringer.
  22. You people have taken this too far, with your beer and casual mention of the Book of Eibon, oranges, and sweet, sweet stout beer, thank you very much. To the point of the subject line of the thread: Mr. Monroe shall be playing in my upcoming Magic World game (this very weekend, it is rumored), and I shall teach him the meaning of the word respect. My players and I are all longtime fans of Michael Moorcock's works, I should add.
  23. I think a Magic World-based SF game would be hip. There's definitely a niche for it - BRP is under represented on this front. I think the Magic World style in chargen would be a nice feature. Hmmmm ...
  24. Yes, indeed! I thought your solution was insightful, but my preference was to stay "inside" Magic World without pulling in BRP master resources or letting Gary pick and make powers. I want to reinforce the sorcery-ish-ness of it.
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