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Everything posted by Agentorange

  1. So from a gaming point of view is there much point in distinguishing between stone and metal spear points and arrows ? Or is it an awful lot of hard work for not a lot of return ? I guess the major question would be is there much difference in the way of armour penetration ?
  2. I think you're probably right there. I am curious how stone weapons measure up in the ways I've mentioned. I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere that knapped flint, obsidian etc etc could actually be much sharper than metal weapons - but they lost their edge quicker and were more inclined to snap or break. I'm surprised nobody has really chipped in ( if you'll pardon the pun ) I know there's some people here with pretty good cultural and historical knowledge
  3. And neither should be confused with Pickle Jar - an obscure Balazaring Earth deity associated with the preservation of food
  4. I've been reading through my copy of the Weapons and Equipment guide, partcularly the section on knapped /stone weapons on page 67. I could see why stone weapons might have 1/2 hit points compared to metal weapons and deal less damage when they are damaged. But i was surprised to see that this only applies to totally knapped or stone weapons. Spear heads, arrow heads etc are unaffected. Now for some reason ( I know not why ) I've always felt that knapped stone spear and arrow heads might be more brittle than metal ones. More inclined to shatter or crack against armour . This would appear not to be the case. Are stone weapons especially spear and arrow points really as effective as metal ones ? And since I'm on a roll what about weapons made of bone - which I think was often used as a material pre metalurgy ? Should we treat them the same as stone weapons ?
  5. We shall shoot you with an arrow made of Mistletoe to remain mythically sound 😄
  6. Well, I don't know if you're familiar with the band Gong ? They did a song called Wet Cheese Delirium, for years I've thought it should be turned into some kind of spell 😄 Anyway enough with the cheese derailment of the thread, I'll let things return to their proper place.
  7. You know sometimes when I read the esoterica in these discussions, I'm put in mind of the stories of ancient Rome, where behind each speaker of obscure esoteric theory there was a slave quietly whispering: " Memento suus iustus ludem "
  8. so......each of the various land/grain goddesses tend to be associated with a particular kind of grain or cereal. Do the lesser known or more obscure grains have their own goddesses. Or is it more the other way round ? That the grains just happens to grow in that goddesses land and that's the association ( if you see what I mean )
  9. Winter wheat is all I'm going to say here 😄 Durum.....is pasta a thing in Glorantha ?
  10. Frankly they're just a bunch of blue skinned thugs 😄
  11. I have been reading about how babeester Gor sprang from the body of her mother ( ernalda ) so on and so forth. And am struggling with the whole timeline of it all. before we get all metaphysical all things happen at the same time etc etc, just humour me. In the whole context of lesser darkness, greater darkness, chaos devouring everything etc etc, when does Ernalda die in the whole process.....and when does she come back to life ?
  12. I think The Well of Daliath has Esrola or Ernalda as Mahomes mother ( Ernalda rings a bell ) I like Asrelia for Gustbran - what with the connection with mining and metals already mentioned it fits rather nicely.
  13. Well, looking at a lot of Gloranthan and RQ art tits out for the lads does seem to be a common theme......
  14. Excepting the Bestiary clearly states that Naiads,Oreads etc " usually take the form of a beautiful and desirable female " Mind you it does say "usually" so there's some wriggle room for doing things differently.
  15. I think it's all much simpler than that. Greg Stafford loved his mythology and pretty clearly he loved a bit of Greek mythology...witness: Centaurs, Manticores , Satyrs and many other influences. I think he just picked up the notion of Nymphs from Greek mythology and dumped them in Glorantha wholesale without really thinking about the mythical underpinning of it all 😁
  16. Thanks for that ! I followed the link back to the original site - full of Greek mythology which has now been added to my faves list 👍
  17. I like the Asrelia idea a lot. certainly dovetails nicely with the "fires of the earth".
  18. There isn't a problem, I'm just curious if anything had ever been decided. I've got this idea for a story and wondered if there was an "official" version of the situation as it were.
  19. I was reading about Gustbran in the Gloranthan Sourcebook and over at the Well of Daliath and i was curious about Gustbrans place in things. His father is of course Lodril, and Lodril starts off as a fire/sky God and after a whole series of adventures nows occupies a slightly ambiguous position where some peoples view him as a earth god. Anyway I digress. lodril is the father of the Lowfires - of which Gustbran is a member. Which leads me to my first question: Who is or are the mother ( mothers ) of the lowfires ? There's nothing on the family tree in the GSB to show and I can't see it mentioned anywhere. is the fact that the Lowfires are called " The fires of the earth" significant here ? Next, it's said that Gustbran hid inside mahome until he came forth. Does this mean that Gustbran is simply an aspect of Mahome ? or that she gave birth to him via a sort divine parthogenesis ? is Lodril gustbrans father with mahome or just in the sense that he fathered both of them and Gustbran hid inside mahome....Which leads us neatly back to whose the mother then ?
  20. Now, I've just been back to read the bestiary and upon a second reading it does seem Oreads, Naiads and so on are as much spirits of place or Genius Loci as they are nature spirits. Which makes it all the more suprising we don't see male spirits. I can run with the notion of there being few or no earth ones due to Generts death. But......that doesn't hold true for the other elements or concepts ( or whatever ! ) After all there's plenty of powerful water Gods in Glorantha. Oreads as the spirits of high spaces and mountains could be said to owe as much to Air as Earth. In the bestiary they are desribed as " minor goddesses" so why no minor gods in the same way As an aside given Chaosium have just released the Rivers of London rpg in those books Old Father Thames and his sons are very much a thing....
  21. The nature spirits presented in the bestiary are all ( as far as I can see ) modelled on the idea of Greek nature spirits: Oreads,Dryads and so on. And so are all female. Which begs the question are there any male ones for RQ/glorantha ? I seem to remember that White Dwarf magazine had one back in the 80's called the Fossergrim ( associated with waterfalls I think ) and there are other examples in European mythology - the Slavic leshy springs to mind. I just wondered if any existed in Glorantha, even if they're pretty rare.
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