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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Yeah, it's a great ability, but to make it playable it would need to have some sort of limits. It works for Ygraine because it shows why Uther acts the way he does to get her, and it works for Gwen, because it shows why everybody falls for her. But for a player to be able to just show up at Court and have half the Barons of the realm tripping over each other to do her bidding is just too much. Maybe if there was a cap (like totual soutors Glory limited to 1000xAPP) for players.
  2. I'm just quote K&L. Personally i have some problems with it too. Mainly that one chargen method shouldn't have an advtage over others. But 19 vs 18 isn't a big deal, especially withthe 19 is a 1/216 chance. It's the problem with 3d6 rolls for attributes in a game where attributes below 10 are borderline non-playable. I Why the big variation between DEX, STR and CON? Overall I think 4E chargen was probably superior to 5E. Now K&L has some nice neat new stuff, but I think overall 4E was more consistent and had fewer bugs and errors. Plus some of the 5E changes (British Christianity) don't quite work so well. But then K&L would probably be less problematic with some errata.
  3. Well, technically Glorybonus points apply during chargen as well. too.IF PK inherits more than 1000 glory from his father, or starts play at a 21 year old knight, with 1000 glory (or both) then the bonus points he would get would get around the cultural limits. And the random chargen method in K&L bypasses the attribute limits as well. About 1 in 40 characters will roll a 19, and multiple 19s are possible. So a Cmric PK will CON 22 and SIZ, DEX, STR and APP 19 is possible. It's a less than 1 in 4 trillion chance, but players are optimistic during random chargen. Kinda On average characters past the age of 35 loose attributes a nearly a point a year. So most PKs will see their attributes drop. But, odds are that attributes that reach the exalted hights will tend to stay there. Aging works out to about a point off of each over six year. So at 41 that would work out to about a point off of every attribute. But in six years the PK probably earned enough glory to get one of those points back, and the ultra high stat is a major candidate because the PK is relying upon it's benefits. Something like CON 25 or STR 25 is certainly worth keeping more than DEX 12. No problem, although just what the limits are depends a lot on which chargen method used. Although, I do find the random method a little suspect. A PK who rolls a 4 CON or 7 SIZ is practically non-playable.
  4. I'm not forgetting it, it doesn't apply to glory bonus points.
  5. Ah, now I see. What they meant is that you could spend the 60 points the same way you did for Dad, if you wanted to. So if your first character has SIZ 16, DEX 10, STR 11, CON 16 , APP 10 (assuming the Cmric bonus of +3 CON), then so could the son. Yes, Glory lets you bypass all the limits, allowing characters to have heroic attributes, traits, passions and skills. THis partially how some of the round tabel knights get such high skill and attribute scores. Note that there could be problems with a very high SIZ though. For instance a SIZ 27 knight really shouldn't be able to ride a SIZ 26 Rouncy. Now there is nothing in the rules where that is stated, but reason would indicate there there must be some sort of limit somewhere.
  6. Well, since Karnwulf is handling that bit, it will be his call. I doubt it will be codified, maybe put in a sidebar, or something. The problem is that it is mostly unplayable. The GM would have to check for every male character the player ran into, and keep a record for the rest of the campaign. It's one thing to note if all the PKs have seen Guenevere before, but much more different to note all the ladies they may have met throughout the course of the campaign. And since ladies are non combatants losses in SIZ, STR and CON from aging doesn't reduce their abilities to the same extent it does for male characters. So you could have to track this stuff for quite some time. And that's just the bookeeping aspect of it. From a play perspective, it could pose some serous complications with a woman having all those knights and nobles wrapped around her finger. Could she start (or stop) a war? Maybe completely disrupt the whole timeline? A female player who could win over Lancelot or Mordred early on (before Lance's Amor become unbeatable) could theoretically prevent the whole downfall. A Lancelot who found another woman instead of Guenevere, or a Mordred who was in love and convinced to "be nice" could lead the game down an entirely different path.
  7. Well, as Morien pointed out previously, the "Guinevere Effect" is incredibly overpowering, and probably not something that should fall into the hands of most players. Otherwise they will besootle just about every male knight, baron and king, they can. One feast and they might wind up with a hoard of ardent admiriers. Game mechanics wise, the two women wo get this effect in KAP are Guinivere and Ygraine, and they both have APP 39-40, so it probably kicks in with a 39 APP (the point where an APP is an auto critical). Now we were talking about the idea of a critical APP roll triggering the effect, but even a woman with a 16 APP would have a 5% chance of success and she would have no reason not to try it. So it probably looks like the effect kicks in at around APP 39 (coincidentally where APP rolls are automatic critical successes)
  8. Where did you see that option?. As far as I know attributes (SIZ, DEX, STR and CON) don't carry over, nor should they. . Now if there is such a rule tucked away that I missed or forgotten, I suggest don't use it-it will probably ruin your campaigns. Sons and later gransdsons would either have outrageously high attributes, due to the cumulative effects of training and glory, or they will end up unplayable weak, if dad lost a lot of points on the aging table. For istance if one of Dads attributes hit 3 the sone would start bedridden and the family line would die out. As far as I know attributes do not pass down. There is also a rule for passing down Passions in Knights& Ladies. But not attributes,, as far as I know. The son goes get 1/10th of his father's glory, when he starts play or reaches 21 years of age. Like Morien I assume you mean SIZ. If using Glory Points, he may raise SIZ or any other attribute at any age. The limits on improving SIZ and the other attributes (at 35) are for training and practice. Glory supersedes that. So if you have a knight who somehow makes it to 90 and is active and earning glory, he can still raise his attributes, skills traits and passions with glory. Again, I don't see where attributes pass down, just glory, and optionally passions. Those pass on when Richard starts, play,tturns 21, or Henry dies, whichever comes first. One again, I don't see attributes passing down, but the child of a a mortal and a fae is a half fae. So Aedon would be a half fae and use half fae cultural modifiers, but Aedon's children have a 50-50 chance of being Half Fae or Cymric (whatever Henry's culture was).
  9. Just to help visual this, here is a comparison between +1 per point over 15 and Morien's idea of +1 per 2 points over 11. APP +1/pt >15 +1 per 2pts >11 APP +1/pt >15 +1 per 2pts >11 15 +0 +2 28 +13 +9 16 +1 +3 29 +14 +9 17 +2 +3 30 +15 +10 18 +3 +4 31 +16 +10 19 +4 +4 32 +17 +11 20 +5 +5 33 +18 +11 21 +6 +5 34 +19 +12 22 +7 +6 35 +20 +12 23 +8 +6 36 +21 +13 24 +9 +7 37 +22 +13 25 +10 +7 38 +23 +14 26 +11 +8 39 +24 +14 27 +12 +8 40 +25 +15 That's what I did with the horse breeding and training to anticipate a PK trying to become the horse king with a ultra high Horsemanship skill. Possible if you have stakes. Another option might be to use the social skill as a form of hit points. Then the high APP could be burnt off as damage.
  10. I thought that was a clutch of eggs arriving, not a departure, but maybe I blew my Mythos roll.
  11. Those are just the hatching spawn. Small but voracious eaters they double in size every year until they are full grown.
  12. How about the character would need to make CONx5% roll against fatigue with a peanlty equal to 5% per point of ENC for his armor, with up to +/- 25% situational modfier for stuff such as the armor got wet of if the weather was extreme (hot weather means he swats more, cold weather means the metal was aware more body heat, lots of exertion, rain, fell into a river, etc.)? If he fails he suffers a -20% penalty to his skills for the next day. That would seem simple and flexible enough to work.Sleeping a soft leather would be a lot easier to get away with than sleeping if full plate.
  13. Ironically, that's probably because of Tolkien. In his notes, at times he states that Elves, Men and Orcs can interbreed so they are probably all the same species. That would also fit with his notes of orcs being corrupted elves or men (he mentioned both in different places).
  14. Apparently that's what Greg was moving towards, as Ringan pointed out with the info from the nocturnal forum. I wonder if that should apply to DEX now too? It's not much better than APP. Most of it's uses are pretty much not an option for PKs due to armor, and the one thing that is it really useful for, knockdown, is often superseded by Horsemanship. The double feint is gone, so there isn't much of a benefit for it. It comes in useful when someone's weapon breaks and they have to rearm, or in they are grappling, but that's about it.
  15. There is probably some truth in that. Unless the guests are all close by, it might take a days to get to your place , and some people might show up a day early. I think most probably leave the next day. But that might be factored into the cost. A n average meal for someone of a knights station would cost a lot less than a feat would. Judging from the upkeep costs, probably less than 1£ per year, or about ¾d per day or ¼d for a meal. Since feats costs anywhere from 1d-16d per guest, so it would be easier to just assume that ¼d or ½d is included in the normal feats costs, especially since any left overs would no doubt be used up.
  16. In reality you can sleep just about any armor, you just won't be that conformable, sleep well, be soaking wet, dehydrated, stiff, sore, and overheated or freezing cold when you wake up. While rigid armor is stiff, and more flexible armor is somewhat more comfortable, the gambeson or other padding is very hot, which will cause the wearer to perspire, causing the padding to get wet. Especially if the the wearer has been traveling around all day in it. Once wet it should transfer body heat faster and cool off quickly, especially if worn under metal armor, leaving the wearer cold and wet-which could be dangerous depending on temperate where he does this. It will much like what happens when you walk around outside with too much clothing for the weather, and what happens when you have a fever and wake up with wet sheets and blankets.
  17. They really weren't that bad though. In most cases the fights were short enough that fatigue didn't play a factor. We'd just note who had the lowest FPs and not bother with it until we got to that point, if we even did. The -1% could really be ignored until it built up a bit. A simplier way to present that rule would have been a -5% modifier every minute (five rounds) with the characters getting a pass for a certain number of rounds based on STR+CON.
  18. And we all appreciate that. You could have stopped drawing and rested on your laurels a long time ago, but you keep improving things.
  19. Glad Ringworld used doubled hit points! Their stats seem to be the same as RQ3 Tigers, with a slightly, smaller -2 SIZ. So they has a mass of about 200 kg which matches up with Niven's description. A large smilodon would be a little larger (220-400kg for SIZ 26-32 and probably STR 5d6+15) and do another +1D6 damage, not that it will matter much to a human. Just means it will be a closed casket affair. Cram nothing they just claw out a bigger spot!
  20. It's kinda like a mugger being forced to explain what's happening to his victim. It takes a while to get him up to speed, and there is no guarantee that he's got any worth taking. Plus, depending on which version of Percival you go by, he might already be taken, and he's too chaste to cheat on his wife.
  21. Oh you've definitely improved, and your reworked pictures are an upgrade. I'm just saying you have a lot of good drawings out there. Even your "bad" stuff isn't actually "bad" - it's just that your "good" stuff is better.
  22. You know pretty soon we are going to start pushing for a second book of the rejected art. Most of it is pretty good.
  23. That's because it easy to fall back on common types. It's the reason why most FRPG games have the stereotypical elves, dwarves and so on. Designing an alien species and making it more than just people, or people with a extreme attitude, and wearing a funny costume, is a lot more work.
  24. Not surprising as Gawain as a character is more grounded in reality than Lancelot, who is perhaps the original Mary Sue. Lancelot is pretty much courtly love fan-fiction for women, and his behavior is geared towards that. Only Galahad is move over the top but he's fan-fiction for the devout.
  25. LOL! Pretty much every damosel was after him. No that it's hard to see why. He was the son of a king and heir to a throne; was the most glorious knight in the world, was a paragon of chilvary, and, according to most accounts, wasn't to harsh on the eyes either.
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