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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Were you fighting for your life at the time?
  2. Yes but heat doesn't slow you down. At least not directly. It's the fact that it causies you to spend more expengry (and use more water. water) It would be easy to do something similar. I think what most people disliked was the math of -1% per round to skills. One way would be a CONx5% roll every so often (say 10 rounds) to avoid a penalty like -10%. The CON x5% (Stamina roll?) could be modified by ENC-STRx5%. Which could be worked out beforehand. This would give you RQ3 like fatigue without ticking off the points or messing with 1% adjustments. Or, if someone doesn't like the roll, they could just have it be -10% every STR+CON-ENC rounds.
  3. I liked them too. TArmor doesn't really slow people down. A guy in full armor can run just as fast as someone in no armor. He just can't do it for as long because, the armor will tire him out.. That has more to do with Hoplites having to move in in a very rigid phalanx formation than in the armor actually reducing their speed.
  4. If APP is a one time bonus, then to make use of it the character would have to not only nerf his stats but also his skill choices in chargen, too. Basically, it's character classes ) Plu it would also be easier to let a PK spend attribute points to raise a non-combat skill by 5 points. My prefernce of the options discussed to far. Yeah, but to really work the benefits for court skill has to be on the same level of importance as combat. I think one way that could be achieved is with marriage. If finding a good match and getting permission to marry was something that involved court skills more than they do currently, then that right there would make the social aspects of the game more important as marriage is the gateway to land and heirs. Another way would be if the wife could give a bonus to her hubby's court skills.In my current campaign, I send the PKs emails every so often with marriage prospects and allow the PKs have their wives sell stuff to get a little more money than the Knight would (because the wife can negotiate a little more than the husband). For example if a knight can sell a suit of armor and get half value, the wife could get three quarters. That might help a little.
  5. That unfortunate. And a problem. I know the solution for it, but it's not in the RAW. Realistically you wouldn't be able to ride many horses. Not entirely, since you get 4 picks during chargen. Yeah, and it's a good question, to ask, too.
  6. What do you mean "naturally SIZ is already maxed out? Do all your character have max SIZ? So what? Sword 15 is better than having Compose, Orate and Fashion all at 40. So if SIZ 15 or CON 15. Big deal If the bonus from APP Is in chargen then fasion is pretty useless. Maybe it might give a player another five glory per year, maybe. The player would be better off just spending the libra for conspicuous consumption and avoid having to roll for a benefit.
  7. Not to ladies. I think their cap should be raised to at least the max roll on 3d6+5, or 23. Yes, that's why I liked raising the training cap. It gives them a longer term bonus. Plus it will limit the effects of a pretty face for a starting PK vs an experienced one. But I think I prefer the idea of APP reducing the difficulty at court. Yeah, but if at court most things probably could involve more than one person. Even if your trying to influence the King you could call in favors from other people at court to help sway him. About the only courtly skills I don't see as being affected that way are compose, play, and maybe Orate. Everything else seems to be interactive in nature.. Yeah. I think we all want about the same thing, a way to make APP more useful as well as away to make the non-combat skills worth bothering with. The solution to the latter is in adding conflict and some sort of rewards/consequences to courtly actions to give those actions meaning. The way to do the former is tied to the latter. Once we see just what can be gained from the latter we will have a better idea as to the merits of adjusting the former. For example, and I'm not advocating this, but if APP and Glory both added to all courtly skills all the time, the immediate effects would look ludicrous, with characters get critical on courtly skill rolls all the time, the lon term effects to game play would be minimal, because all the import stuff it the game happens elsewhere.
  8. I see it as a huge problem, as in I'd rather drop APP entirely first. You end up with a attribute that is useless once you get you character created so there is no reason to improve that attribute. And considering that it's the primary attribute for ladies the repercussions of this would pretty much kill off the idea of player character ladies. It's the only attribute that matters to them at all and it stops mattering 5 minutes into play. If we did that then we should do the same for hit points, damage, healing rate and move so we can screw everybody over evenly. If all the other attributes have in play boosts then so should APP. What a complete waste of points. Why would aknight bother to spend any of his point into APP when he can put them into SIZ or CON and get long term benefits that far outweight a couple of skill points at the low end?
  9. I'm not entirely on board with it either, and I originated it. While I like a starting skill boost (or base), APP needs an in-play boost of some sort of else it becomes useless after chargen. What if instead of APP giving a + to rolls it APP worked to reduce the Courtly Intensity idea mentioned previously? APP, and glory could reduce the base Intensity from a given value down. That way APP would still help, but it wouldn't make up for a lack of skill nor would it alter the chance of a critical. Court Intensity could be set such as: 10: a small clan gathering or a landed knight's court 15: Estate Holder's Court 20: Tribal gathering, moot, or Count's Count 25: Baron's Court 30: King's Court 35: High King's Court APP, and Glory could then act as modifiers, and any alliances or rivalries could as well. This could be set relative to any opposition. Uh, no, it shouldn't The training speed would be the same. Only the cap would be higher. So if it took five years to get the desired skills to 15 before, it would still take 5 years to get them to 15 now. Unless you mean the time it takes to get to 20 which would improve somewhat, but quite be 5x the improvement. I agree. By itself it is trivial. But with something else it becomes one more way to make APP worth something.
  10. Yeah, that's why a lot of this is brainstorming and going back and forth to try an anticipate the pitfalls so as to avoid causing more problems than it solves.
  11. I was thinking it could be it's own thing. It doesn't really work as a directed trait (which trait would it apply to?), but is more of a skill modifier. Maybe this could be a Court Intensity score of something and be based upon the average glory of the court involved? Then wherever a player gets something out of court it gets a check and can increase. The PK can work to reduce it as well. Well the alternate solution would be to do as I mentioned above. Treat it as the base resistance/intensity of the court. Yup. But the application was for a general rule and simplification. The idea would be to get rid of the long skill list of default values which rarely vary more than 2 points from each other. Well #3 originally was combined with the default skill value as well so it helped a bit with #1 and #2. Yes but that point might be too high to matter. I'm not worried about moderately attractive character. I'm worried about players who roll 3d6+5 APP and get a 20 or better. Or who are half fae and roll 3d6+11.
  12. Yup. The're not. In 4E attributes were 3d6 except for SIZ which was 2d6+6. Now they are 3d6+1 except for SIZ which is 3d6+4. That means the average STR+SIZ is now 26 as opposed to 23.5. It one of the reason why I think the horse db need to be upped. Back in KAP1 (ave STR+SIZ=21) a 6d6 damage was a boost. Now, many PKs do the same damage as their mounts! Yeh,. In 5E it's relatively easy to get several skills up to 15 in chargen, whereas in KAP1-4 that took time. So KAP5 really accelerates the PK advancement. Since my players leared a long time ago how important a skill of 20 is in combat (can't fumble, always get thier shield) and learned to focus on getting thier primary combat skills up to 20 ASAP, KAP5 sort of turbo boosted their advancement. What wasn't really the norm. Traits have gooten a lot more relgional boosts, and the ability to raise one to 16 in chargen and spend 6 points to round out, combined with British Christiany makes the Chivlary bonus incredibly easy. That's really why I think Greg finally noticed the Chivalry error after 25 years. One big difference here is the default values for starting characters. Back when these were roleld getting Loyatly (Lord) to 15 could take a couple of years. That's because dagger and spear are kinda useless in KAP. Dagger is just the most inferior melee weapon in the game. It breaks easy and does less damage than anything else. The only characters I ever saw improve it were Romans, and that's because Greg would use it for the Gladius. Otherwise it just the weapon you use when you can't find something better. Do any of your players improve it now? Spear is the second most inferior weapon in the game. It has no bonuses yet breaks on ties and fumbles. Most of the PKs I see only use it for charges. The sole exception is a PK who has a magical spear which has powers and doesn't break. Gretspear and especially Lance are useful but not Spear or dagger. I don't agree with your math here. In KAP4 the average roll for yearly improvement was 3.5, so with 2 years of training that would be 7 points. So he'd need another year to get Lance and Horsemanship up. Plus my players don't focus as much on raising their attributes as yours do. No,, much superior to those 4 years. Each pick is worth 5 points to a skill, and that's a known, fixed quality. Whereas in KAP4 you couldn't count on getting 5 points out of 1d6, or even out of four. No it's much more generous across the board. This is a huge benefit right there. A knight can go from 0 to 15 in a weapon skill right there. That's practically all of a characters points in KAP4. Let's say just assume a PK uses that on Sword as one possibility, although it is a great way to pick up one of those 0 starting weapons and get a 15. Is what you talking about and is another big jump for two reasons. First off it completely bypasses the initial starting score so someone with a score of 1 or 2 can shoot up to 10. Secondly, getting those skills to 10 in KAP4 would have limited the ability to improve elsewhere. So now PKs are free to ignore their courtly skills during chargen. Can all be put towards attributes or traits because Step 1 and 4 will take care of the combat skills. If a PK wants to know how to use a Great Axe or some such then he takes that in step 1 and uses one of his picks to max out sword. If Sword is already at 15 from step 1 or 3, then this Lance and Horsemanship up to 15. No they are functionally superior. In KAP 4 take a Cymric knight in chargen and try to: Get Sword, Lance, Horsemanship, and Great Axe to 15 Get First Aid, and two other non combat skills to 10 Raise 3 attributes or traits. Get the 80 point Chivalry Bonus All by age 21. KAP5 PKs start off a lot more powerful, and more well rounded. Even if you can do it, it required a lot of lucky dfie rolls. But every single Cymric PK from Salisbury can do it in chargen in KAP5. I do. I think they are better than the ones in K&L. I think I'd have preferred Age-10, but that's just for simplicity. But then I find the starting skills scores to be more of a pain. In most cases the differences between starting at a (3) or a (2) or a (4) are not worth the bother. It's why I'd like to have them all default to something like APP/3 or some such. It also bypasses most of the things I dislike about KAP5 chargen. Well, that goes back to KAP3. With the new edition the chargen section was a lot bigger than in KAP1 and the simpler chargen was included instead, and the advanced chargen was in a supplement. But KAP4 put it all back in. So it could have been included in KAP5.
  13. How old are they? And how many brothers doe they have? All the PKs in my group got married ASAP, since they wanted to ensure that they would have a son to inherit, and that he would be ready to play by the time their original characters retired or died. Most of my PKs don't like playing backup characters, as they are nearly always second rate compared to the primary characters, or their glory often comes at the expense of the main characters.
  14. It's an easy change and gives a nice benefit. In many cases there will be someone else who wants what the player does or a rival who just doesn't want the player to get what they want, so it makes some sense. Maybe this could be simulated with a Rival score similar to a Passion that could be the default opposition to anything the PK does at court? The idea being that the higher up the rise on the social ladder, the more enemies they will make. It helps to scale the costs to the court. maybe £1 in clothing or jewelry might impress at a lower court, but not at Camelot. I think if glory canceled out it could be kept. That way if two characters both had 10000 glory, the bonus would cancel out, but if one has 10000 and the other only 1000 the 10K guy would have a huge edge. Note that this would also make glory more important for ladies. Higher station could also get a fix bonus that adds into this. BTW, in my games I base the glory bonus the same way glory bonus points are awarded, rounded down, than makes determiniung any relative modfier easy since you only need to look at the thousands. You could simply that mathematically to Cap= APP+5. Or it that seems to high, then APP/2+10. LOL! I think I mentioned that in a email. But, that might be worth consideration as an alternate idea, instead of the cap (since it does the same thing only a little less so). The only problem I have with it is that it would make it too easy for a player to improve over 20, as someone with a +5 to their roll would improve 30% of the time.
  15. How does that effect HQ RPG products in the UK? Do they need to be re-branded or is there some sort of arrangement?
  16. Maybe when courtly skills are opposed glory could be opposed and cancel out? So if Sir Bighshot has 5000 glory, and Sir No Name has 1000, then bigshot gets a +4 modifier and No Name gets nothing? That would prevent the autocrticals from extraordinary knights.
  17. I don't care for it much either. It's fine the way it is used in Feasts, and I can see it there. I don't like the idea of applying that universally though, because then you can basically buy a point of APP for £1. It takes the least useful Attribute in the game and devalues it even more. I think the way the handle armies in battle might be the better way to go. namely the nebulous "Superior Troops" bonus. The ladies who are he best dressed could get a flat modifier when applicable. That way, a £10 dress that might be worth a modifier at the Count's court might be seen as cheap and rustic, and be completely outclassed at the High King's Court.
  18. Yup. I see it as equally bad. Most ladies and some knights could get a high APP, and 15+ skill is easy if you want it. Most PKs benefit from having a good score in a non-combat skill. As an alterantive Isea: What if instead of modifying the skill, APP modified the training cap? So instead of 15 it could be the greater of 15 or your APP. We could to the same with DEX and combat skills. So a lady with a 20 APP could train her courtly skills up to 20 instead of 15. That would allow high APP characters to get their courtly skills up to high level more rapidly, but wouldn't push people as quickly into the high crtical range. Even a character with a really high APP of 25 would have to spend years training up all those courtly skills to 25. Even a Guinevere, with a 40 APP would still have to spend the better part of a decade to get even one courtly skill up to 40. That would give ladies, with their higher APP scores, an advantage in courtly skills, without actually increasing those skill scores or requiring any sort of modifier.
  19. The above would be a great idea for the Ladies at court stuff, and could make APP Much more useful in general. It's similar to your +(APP>10)x10% idea, but limited to social/courtly. glory. One way to do it that might be easier would be to average the characters skill and their APP to get the value. SO if they had Courtesy 5 and APP 13 they would have a 9. It's basically a variation of your +APP/2 rule except it works on a sliding scale. Which makes APP more helpful at lower skill levels ,but less so as one become skilled. But it also means either calculating on the flry or tracking two values Skill/Chance. Although the latter would not be that difficult.
  20. Odd, I find it completely the opposite. In previous edtions a PK had to qualify for Knighthood and that forced him to develop a couple of non-combat skills. In KAP5 they don't and so don't need to. Especially in K&L. Practicalyl every important skill get bumped to 10 or 15 in chargen and the PKs all wind up with ultra high Sword skills. All of the PKs who surive a few years in my KAP5 games wind up with a primary weapon skill over 20. THat was much less common in KAP4, where the players had other skills to worry about. I find it much slower that 4E. There are a lot more modifiers, and I preferred the skill points to the four picks, which frankly I think suck. IMO Book of Entourage's Squires rules are the way to go. Start everything off at a base, then get five or siz years of training. Yes, it's one of the things that I do not like about Mordern RPGs. Stuff is intentionally omitted from the core rules just so it can be packaged and sold as a supplement. It wouldn't have been difficult to put in the random chargen for Salisbury PKs in the core rules. What would it have taken, a quarter page?
  21. Only becuase you houseruled it to be so. There is nothing in the RAW about APP doing that. Although would certainly merit one. Can he ?
  22. Possibly. One of the big sticking points about aliens is that we don't have any examples to hold up and base RPG characters on. We assume they will be very different from us, but considering how much we would probably have to have in common just for them to be sentient it's just a probably that they could have more in common with us than not. We just don't know. Our human views on what aliens are like could be similar to our human views as what random is like.
  23. I'm a fan of Val. I even used him in my Pendragon game long before we played PV. Even last session when my group got caught in a storm off the coast of Spain I thought about Vals trip to the New World. There is a lot of good in the Prince Valiant RPG. I think the reason why you don't see as much here on PV is that it's simple nature and mechanics (a design goal), combined with Foster's established timeline, leaves less to discuss. Although I could see a lot of adventures for PV being compatible with KAP and and vice versa. It wouldn't be tough to stat up an adventure for both game systems, especially now that KAP glory scale is closers to PVs.
  24. It does seem more playable. Although one radical idea I had was to dicth the starting skill tables and just have courtly skills all start at something like APP/3 or even APP/2. Melee skills could start at twice the Move rate (since that is STR and DEX based), and so on. So when the base stats went up a few points, the related skills would go up a point. It could simplify chargen, and make DEX and APP much more significant.
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