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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. That and the fact that the cost for a shuttle prop (eventually made by a model company for the rights to make Trek models) and a landing sequence each week was prohibitive. But sometimes limitations pay off. Well originally Kirk was supposed to be a Horatio Hornblower in space, and you see some of that with Pike. But Shatner pulled things into a different direction. One thing I didn't appreciate about all Trek shows after DS9 was that commanders got "Janeway's Disease". That's the inability to take any sort od meaninful action until the shields are down below 30%. So the sit there and take a pounding long after Kirk, Picard or Sisko would have have done something (and probably won the battle), Sadly Janeway Disease appear to be retroactive. Yup. Something like 10 Citizens for the Imperium or some such. If I recall correctly they gave the writups and you had to guess who they were supposed to be, the the answers available elsewhere.
  2. Oh yeah. It's a tough balancing act. If you use the standard (preassigned) method for traits you end up with cookie cutter knights with similar personalties, because they will want to have good scores in the chivalrous and religious traits. But if you roll random, you could end up with paragons of knightly virtues who rack up a fantastic amount of glory each year. In my last campaign, several players rolled great traits vales (with dice, it happens) and were quickly racking up over 300 glory a year in traits and bonuses. And it escalated from there. Of course, changing the Chivalry bonus to 96 would have made a difference. I've been thinking of going with 2D6+3 instead of 3D6 for trait scores. That would still allow for some variance, but reduce the chance of getting a string of traits at 16+. With the cultural modifiers and discretionary points the bonuses should still be obtainable to some.
  3. Yeah, plus it can stretch you as a GM by throwingtogether elements that you might not normally use. Do we always get exactly four location and four NPCs?
  4. Oh, I though Greg dieced that it didn't belong there, hence the whole Island thing. Glad it's back.
  5. Is that a new Griffin Mountain, and is it a Mountain again, not an island?
  6. Does this mean that Glorantha horses hatch from an egg? If not, I wonder if their ancestors did, and how and when it was changed, and if it was by deliberate action for a specific purpose? I'm wonder if Glorathan "horses" have as much in common with a Terran horse as Gloranthan "iron" has with Terran iron.
  7. Okay, that's new. It wasn't in the older editions.
  8. Okay. It certainly helps with Investigator longevity. For years it was a running gag that the the most successful character in our CoC campaigns was the one who never encountered any Mythos beings, or gained any Cthulhu Mythos skill.
  9. That's what I thought. Sure there are some similarities, but they are common elements in most Science Fiction. Much like how every FRPG has swords in it.
  10. Very small capital ship, compared to Star Wars. Lasers and Pstions were staples of SciFi long before Star Wars. Psionics were probably viewed as illegal to prevent every PC from being tested. In fact Traveller was somewhat unusual for SCiFi for having slugthrowers and blades as the primary weapons. Yup, but that doesn't mean anything. I beleive they did a Captain Kirk writeup someplace, too. . Considering that Star Wars and Traveller were released in the same year, Miller would have had to work fast to see the film in May, create an original RPG, and get in on the shelves in a few months. Do you have anything to support your claim, or it it just your opinion?
  11. I agree. While I'd prefer a campaign, what I've experienced with CoC has been a nightmare-and not the intended kind. By RAW, most groups don't survive very long once the Mythos nasties start to pop up, and most poeple who have experienced otherwise don't seem to follow RAW. Case in point: I've never seen that in the RAW. From what I've read, both in the RPG, and elsewhere, the whole concept of SAN loss in the stories was that people were seeing something that they simply can't accept, not just simple fright or shock.
  12. Considering that Chaosium grew from a setting that was at least that specialized (Glorantha), yet grew a sizable audience in spite of it, I'd say they should go for it. If it end up being really good, it will find an audience. That is one of the things that I really like about nuChaosium. Rather than just shutting down the older rulesets and making everything use RQG as the base, you're letting people pick and choose what they think will work best for their setting. That is very much in the mold of The Chaosium (70s-90s). My hat's off to you guys for that.
  13. Atgxtg

    Mongoose Stats

    Hint: Nothing, unless they get into publishing.
  14. Atgxtg


    ROUSes, I don't think they actually exist. Sadly, on a related note William Goldman passed away yesterday.
  15. Atgxtg

    Mongoose Stats

    LOL! That must be the other God Learner's Secret!
  16. Ow! The possibilities of that much POW plus enchantment is staggering. Especially if he has time to prepare. Enough multi-missiles to make a bow seem like a shotgun.
  17. I remember those! I miss all those wonky crystals. I hope they make a comeback in some way, maybe with a limit on them to keep them from being too powerful, now that the cap is off of Spirit Magic.
  18. I would image that the boats would probably be light rafts, curragh or canoes similar to what people used in the past on Earth. To go upstream they probably pull the boats from the shoreline, from one or both sides of the river, maybe by animals. . Or they could use all pack animals and travel by land. Their boats could either be brought with them, possibly broken down, or if rafts, just broken up and sold for wood downstream. It depends on how strong the current is. I could see Aldryami of growing a plant into a boat shape, maybe even have some kind of living boat.
  19. Okay. I thought I remember which way the clarification had gone, but your post made me doubt.
  20. Shouldn't that be DEX SR+5? I thought the first MP was still free.
  21. Speed, plus the fact that you can affect multiple hit locations at once. Depending on which way you go with it makes a difference as to just how useful Heal Wound is, too. If it all goes off in SR1, then it's a great "instant" heal. If not, then it could take a considerable amount of time-assuming that people wouldn't waste Heal Wound for modest injuries.
  22. Or the best Con Artist. Once, we ran into what turned out to be a Shoggoth. I emptied a Tommy Gun into it, with no effect, and then told the guy carrying a shotgun behind me to "Hold the doorway while I get more ammo!". Needless to say the shotgun wasn't any more effective than the Tommy Gun, and I heard his screams as I reached the top of the stairs. True to my word I got more ammo...in a different state!
  23. I think it's a great idea, but an unrealistic expectation. Just accomplishing any one of those things would be great, but all of them is probably setting the bar a bit too high.
  24. That would be pretty tough, Chaosium doesn't make boxed games anymore. Seriously, it would be tough for any game to emulate both of those settings well. As you are talking generic then you might have a chance, but the closer you get to emulating one, the further away you get pulled from the other. From what I've read Chaosium isn't producing generic systems, like BRP, but rather focusing on setting specific games. That doesn't means they can't later on be altered, expanded and adapted for other settings. That's is how all of Chaosiums RPGs have come about in the past. They took what they already had and made adjustments to handle a new setting. For now, any game is going to have rules, mechanics and tech suited to one particular setting.
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