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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Oh yeah. IMO the setting would really need to use one of the Luck Rule/Hero Point ideas to be viable. Otherwise the first shootout with 1d10+2 pistols and no armor will wipe out a lot of PCs. I am thinking of adapting the Luck rule from Boot Hill 3rd edition. When a character takes a Mortal wound (it inflicts enough damage to kill them) they get to make a Luck roll. If successful the wound is reduced to 1 hit point (and the character marks off a POW point-so they can't pull this stunt all day long). That would take the edge off without spoiling the setting.
  2. Either that or pick up an offensive Spirit Magic spell PDQ. Generally it used to be the 2nd or 3rd spell we would take in campaigns. Typically Heal, then an offensive spell and protection.
  3. For planet creation: Well, there is no BRP SPACE game yet, but when one comes out maybe. But, You can dig up a lot of the info you will need from another RPG and port it over. 2300AD and the Worlds Supplment for Decipher Trek both have excellent Star System Generation stuff. Since both base their math on real world data it all good to port over. A Type G2V star is the same regardless of what system you are running. If you are comfortable with math, I can give you the formula for things like figuring out a star's habitable zone.
  4. Speed is the rated velocity in kph or mph. MOVE is the MOVE score for BRP. From what Jason mentioned when I asked him, the average Move rate for a human is 10. So, as far as I know, a vehicle with Move 10 is the same as a person with Move 10. The MOVE value that I calculated is the same as meter/second. So if you multiplied them by 12 you would get meter/round, assuming that they don't reduce the move rate to one-third like in most RQ/BRP games, in which case you use 3xMove for meter/turn. The CoC Speed rating is the rating that they use in the CoC chase rules, and appears to be mph/10.
  5. I'm working on a method of working of vehicles in BRP terms that is fast, and will let you write up real world vehicles using real world data. Once the specs are written up, they can be modified with the Design rules (soo to be simplified and updated). Here are three sample vehicles, along with an explanation of how the numbers were calculated. Example #1: 2006 Ferrari 599GBT “Bat” Real World Data: Curb Weight: 1705kg (3750lb) Top Speed: 330kph(205mph) 0--60: 3.7s Lateral Acceleration: 0.97g BRP Data: (How it was calculated) SIZ: 48 (Per RQ3 SIZ table) Hit Points: 24 (1/2SIZ, n) Armor Points: 5 (1/10 SIZ, n) MOVE : 92 (330kph/3.6) Speed (CoC): 21 (mph/10 or kph/16) Handling: +17% [(20-3.7)+(.97x5)] Example #2: 1981 Ford Escort Real World Data: Curb Weight: 1363 kg Top Speed: 145kph (90mph) 0-60: 14.67s Skidpad: 0.55 g (estimated) BRP Data SIZ: 46 (Per RQ3 SIZ table) Hit Points: 23 (1/2SIZ) Armor Points: 4 (1/10th SIZ) MOVE: 40 (145kph/3.6) Speed (CoC): 9 (mph/10 or kph/16) Handling: +8% [(20-14.7)+(.55x5)] Example #3: Me-262 Jet Real World Data: Weight: 7,100kg Top Speed: 884kph Thrust: 1800kg Gs: 3.5 BRP Data: SIZ: 56 (Per RQ3 SIZ table) Hit Points: 16 (1/2SIZ) Armor Points: 6 (1/10th SIZ) MOVE: 246 (884kph/3.6) Speed (CoC): 55 (mph/10 or kph/16) Handling: +20% [(1800/7100x10)+(3.5x5)] Note:The only "surprise formula" is the one for handling: Ground Vehicles: 20-(0-60time)+(lateral accerationx5) Jet Air Craft: Thrust/Weight Ratiox10+(lateral accerationx5) Anyone think this is useful? Is this a better way to go?
  6. True, although I think part of the problem with RQ is that lifting is STR based rather than STR+SIZ based. If you added the two together for lifting you would get results closer to the real world record holders. But we were just consider what surprise pitfall could exsist from coverting systems.
  7. The problem is the POW. If you add the nubed to the stats, a Race with +5 POW woukld end up adding 10 to it's MAX power, for a 31. STR & CON could only be trained up to the highest of their original STR, CON or SIZ. So in RQ3 the 18s were rare. But BRP isn't RQ3. It seems to be closer to CoC, and even RQ2, where the training formulas are a bit different. With RQ2, the max was 21 for humans.
  8. If the business relies on the net. There are many business that can get by fine without an internet presence. I think it is the "half-way" approach that some companies adopt (they feel the net a website, 'cuz everyone else does, yet don't do much with it) that causes problems. I think with Chasoium it might be a question of teaching an old dog new tricks. There have been a lot of technical innovations in the production and sale of RPGs that Chasoium could profit by adopting.
  9. BTW, I wish I could understand what people were thinking when they did the firearm damages for CoC. The Martini-Henry doing more damage than a 7.62? Yeah, it's a fat bullet with 123% more mass (480grains/15.4=31g vs. 215gr/13.9), but there is a difference of around 25% in Muzzle Energy. I wonder if they used Momentum rather than Muzzle Energy for damage? Yeah, I'm working on the weapons chart.
  10. Oh they are still over the top, especially Eastwood's character. He did say he wanted to poke a little fun at his old personna. But that was the point. The west portrayed in the film isn't quite real, but real enough for a good film.
  11. I'm been playing around with the idea of doing vehicle design differerntly. Basically you pick the SIZ of the powerplant, giving it a STR rating. The use subtract the vehicles SIZ from the STR and look it up to get the Base Move. (if equal then Move 10, if STR higher than excess STR =MOve up to 30, where it takes off,) Armor is added by weight, based on the final mass of the vehicle minus powerplant, passengers, weapons/cargo and structure. The advatages of this would be: 1) You can build/reverse engineer real world vehicles into BRP terms. 2) You can work out a cost in money for the vehicles 3) Character can take a purchased vehicle and then add powers to it with Hero Points, allowing them to turn a Corvetee into their equivant of the Batmobile. Does that seem like a better approach?
  12. I like the move, but I think that it really draws heavily on Eastwood's, past persona. What makes the film work is that the audience can believe that Eastwood's good natured pig farmer can in fact become the gruff killing machine that he portrayed in his earlier films. That film wouldn't have worked without an old actor who could still portray a menacing tough guy. Eastwood is one of the few who can play a "broken down" old man and "death walks the earth" and make them both believable. Not to many other big name "tough guy" actors could have pull that off.
  13. Actually, a LOT of people are like that. My sister works at a computer all day, and at night hates to check email. There have been times where we literally been out of touch because I didn't have a phone, and she wouldn't use email.
  14. That is actually how it is worked in RQ for attacks, so I would assume defenses would work the same way.
  15. Well with RQ, the stat ranges for each race is differernt. Where a Human might roll 3d6 for STR and Elf would roll2D6+2 and a Orc 4D6. THat is differernt from the statight +2, -3 approach. So no big deal, justt add the racial mod to 3D6 like in D&D, right? Well, yeas & no. Here is where the detailed rules come in. In RQ so things can be trained up or improved through play. Some of those traits, like POW has a max equal to the min roll plus max roll. So If a Talanta race has +4 POW, and you roll 3D6, his min roll is 7 and his max roll is 22, allowing the race to get a max POW of 29! There are a few other things like that in the rules.
  16. I think you could have gotten multiple ones off via a Multispell. I'd have to read through my RQ2 stuff to be certain.
  17. Well, there is the method they used in Superworld. That gave the usual chance for overcoming POW, plus a roll for successfully resisting a magical attack (your idea), and a chance to improve whenever a character made a Luck roll by rolling POW as a percentage.
  18. I recently played Candyland with a friend's 4 year old daughter. Strange thing was, while I, the adult, was trying to let the child win, the child, having learned from the adults, was trying to let me win. :eek:
  19. It sort of works that way in combat. We've been conditioned by films, TVs, RPGs to think that if you get shot one or twice, you fall down dead. Truth is, over 95% of wounds don't kill you outright, but kill you over time. Some of us have talked about using some sort of wounding/delayed fatality mechanic for BRP, but others don't like the idea. But realistically, it is more the "Oh my God, I've been Shot!" feeling that goes through people when the realize that they've been shot that takes the fight out of them rather than the injury. The blood lost, damage to organs, and infection generally get you after the shootout.
  20. Maybe my RQ sould has been contaminated, but the more I read about BRP Interplanetary the more I think, "Gee, this would be a great sorucebook for Spirirt of the Century."
  21. I don't think it is either. I'm sure lots of companies get submissions from fans and don't have the time or staff to answer all of them. It is probably something like, run the company or answer fan mail.
  22. I think the worst books are probably something that most of us haven't even heard of. The real stinkers don't get sequels.
  23. Okay, I've started some work on BRP Old West. I was thinking of the following for handling Fast Draws. OPTION #1 Fast Draw 10% (Manipulation/Combat Skill) Success: Can attack at Full DEX, (ignore penalty for reading weapon) Special Success: Can attack at DEX+5 Critical Success: Can attack at 2xDEX. Failure: Attack at 1/2DEX (for readying weapon) Fumble: Fumble. Does that look good? People can get a little lucky, but it doesn't completely override DEX. OPTION #2 Fast Draw DEXx2% (Manipulation/Attack Skill) Successful Fast Draws go off before the DEX rank procedure. Failures act as normal during the turn, including the 1/2 DEX penalty for reading a weapon. Best success level wins. If success level the same then lowest roll wins. Preferences?
  24. Disapointing, but not surprising. From what I've read, Chasoium was still getting it act back together in 2006. Even now they have difficulties making what they want to happen-happen. I think there are a lot of things that they wanted to do, but couldn't make happen in time. There is a guy I chat with on a different board who has a similar story about dealing with them. I guess they wanted his game world, but couldn't come to an arrangement.
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