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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. I know other RPG sites that have done/are doing that. It is especially useful for orphan RPGs. For my part, I'm fairly good at doing up game stats and conversions. Started it years ago when I started playing RPGs other than D&D, got better at it when writing up more weapons for the Bond RPG, and eventually bought 3G3, VCORPS VDS, and Stuff! and let GReg Porter do all the hard work. I've got a bunch of Firearm reference books, including one dedicated to the weapons of the Old West, so a table or two of weapon stats would be easy. For the most part it is just cut & paste and covert the damage values. I'm not to pleased with the CoC firearm damages though. It tends to exaggerate the .45 at the expense of the rifles. I'm thinking of doing two damage values, one in line with CoC and another tweaked a little. But, if we were doing a western RPG, I would strongly recommend using one of the new Luck rule options to reduce lethality. People could and did get hit multiple times and survive. That would be hard to do in CoC with the fat adds that some firearms get.
  2. High Medieval is sort of like the Middle Ages as the people viewed them, with working magic and fantasy races. It doesn't quite ring true to the Medieval bit, since it tends to remake elves and dwarves a bit rather than going back entirely to their roots. But that why they call it High Medieval. It is a cross of historical setting and high fantasy. Think historical as done by Hollywood. The year is 1250AD, with a history similar to ours, save for the inclusion of magic and mythical beings. Sime differences between in and Tal4 seem to be the inclusion of a character creation system, Callings (sort of like professions), and Talents. Hey, DBC's name is on the credits ,too.
  3. The sampler says that it is the Omni system. Perhaps the did what R Talsorian did and named the system before porting it over to other RPGs?
  4. HM also uses the Omni system. Talents were sort of like feats in D&D. Depending on what you did during character creation you could start learning certain talent trees.
  5. Weapons are easy. I could get some price lists from some other western RPGs. Could Probably uses professions to get some background skill packages. It will be another project for the burner.
  6. I don't know. I miss theTalents from HM. I didn't see that in the preview for Tal4.
  7. Sounds about right. Humkati tend to lack the flexibility of some other characters, but do alright as the direct approach suits them, AND they are among the best at doing what they do. In a straight fight or undead hunt, they are hard to beat. Anything else, and they are going to try and push it towards a straight fight or undead hunt. We had one Storm Bull who loved having Humakti around. They were the only ones who would complain that if he was going to use face chaos then he better keep up with them. If only the Humakti hated Chaos the way the hated undead! Sure. What you do, the victim does. You hop on one foot, so does he. You jump off a cliff, so doe he. You stand there and take off your helmet, so does he. You jump into the lake and start swimming, or not and let your fields hold you up, so does he. The possibles for use and abuse should be obvious.
  8. Well, to be fair, a lot of that was the sign of the times. "Fantasy Romances" were escapists literature in the true sense, including escape from the rather stick society conventions of the time. People had different beliefs back then. Almost anything written from that long ago is sexist and racist by todays standards, even if it was not meant to be so, or even viewed as such back then. Plus sex sells, and we are talking about the industry that coined the phase "bondage cover".
  9. I don't mind the baseline zero idea. Several other RPGs do that, and I'm rather fond of it. I've even done that with a couple of homebrew systems. Since most RPGs use the modifiers instead of the stat it makes a lot of sense, too. But the system in the sampler has a LOT more to it than the system I remember. What I recall was basically pick your character add a couple of points and go. Somewhat. SOme pages are up, including the downloads, but others are iffy. Oh, and it was/is High Medieval where I saw the omni system before.
  10. Oh yeah. The ever popular knife in the back from the Harmonized dude was another goodie. Run the guy into trees, walls, nearby bodies of water. Even if you were the worst fighter or spell caster in the group, if you know Harmonize and had a POW storing crystal, you could probably take any one foe out of the fight just by burning some POW. Sometime I'm surprised we didn't see more "chain harmonize" situations. The spell was probably invaluable to the players guild. Think of how much easier it would make choreography!
  11. Ah, I've seen the Omni system. I have some other RPG that uses it. I think it was a medieval RPG. What I was referring to was the STR+2, AGL +1 etc type characters. I recall it being very simple and character creation was literally picking one of the pre-written race & class writeups. Later I heard that they finally separated them so you could pick one from column A and one from column B to mix and match.
  12. You don't have to apologize to me. I never had a very high opinion of Taslantia as a system, anyway. Sort of like, "Hey, I got a pick-a-path book that uses this." It was the setting (and art) that gave it some merit. But then, since people are talking about running it with BRP rules, I take it that the game mechanics weren't what people are excited about, anyway.
  13. Yeah, it was a bit nasty. Maybe not as a Spirit Spell, but as a low cost spell. Still, a Wind Lord who jumps off a cliff is probably going to be better off that the poor schmuck he harmonized. . . . † . . . . . . ¥
  14. I suppose I could if the site would come up. Oh, and it looks like Tal5 is out. I haven't looked at Talislanta in 18 years, I supposed there have been some changes...
  15. (This place is getting cool.) Hi Ray, Thanks for you work on RQ, and for F&S. F&S look interesting.
  16. Well, I could stat up more western weaponry. I could even give it dual weapon damages, once that matches with CoC, and another that I think would be more realistic (slightly lower pistols, slightly higher rifles). With Fast Draw rules adapted from Iaijustu in LotN, is there anything that we need, rules wise?
  17. Yup. AFFoD was sort of funny. Since it was a low budget film that wasn't expected to go anywhere, they never paid for the rights to use Yojumbo. When the film became an international hit (how many Italian moves make it to screens in the US?), the producers suddenly realized what kind of trouble they were in. As for Lucas and the Hiddren Fortress, there are enough differences from the Film version to let it squeak by. Lucas' early drafts with a 50 year old Luke Starkiller escorting a teenage princess and fighting redeeming his old friend Darth Vader, would probably have had to pay Kurosawa something. I did notice that Lucas did seem to backtrack on his original statement that the story was told through the eyes of the droids. R2 and CPO aren't in the middle of things in the prequel the way they were in SW. I wonder if that was to distance SW more from HF? But at least Lucas has spent some money towards preserving Kurosawa's films and even helped finance RAN.
  18. I'm taking a couple of geases to raise my Sense (Assassin) Sense (Ambush) skills after just reading that stunt. No wonder Humakt isn't close to Orlanth. That's nasty. :eek::eek: I wonder if I can take a Sense (Alynx) skill? :confused: I think Wind Lords are one reason why Harmonize went out the window in RQ3. :eek:
  19. Yeah. Although Magnificent Seven was yet another converted samurai film (Kurosawa's Seven Samurai). Being a Kurosawa fan, some of my favorite "westerns" are actually Samurai pics. I guess I'm not alone either. Kursawa said that he made more money off of A Fistfull of Dollars than he did off of Yojimbo. Hell, I didn't like John Wayne until The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.
  20. Take a bow too. You did the first vehicle rules, and are the one who really prompted me to try it with Superworld. The SIZ/Hit Points thing was a fluke. I just used the CoC SIZ chart and noticed that most vehicles seemed to have hit pints roughly half their SIZ. Interesting. I can think of a couple of other ways to go with it. A rock/paper/scissors kind of approach, or even something like the dueling rules from Falkenstien, where combatants choose attack/defense combinations. Heck, if we could codify some maneuvers the Marvel SAGA rules could be a great way to do it. Say using STR for Attacks, Agility for maneuvering, Intellect for Electronic Warfare and such. I'm hesitant to use card with BRP though, and thingk all dice is better in keeping with the spririt of the RPG. For dogfights I'm trying to work up something similar to what they had in the James Bond RPG and CODA, with a bit of HERO system thrown in. If someone wants to dogfight and maneuver for position they can, but if someone wants to kick in the afterburners and do flyby shots they can do that too. THe real questions are where to draw the line detail wise. I've got enough RPG stuff and data to get very detailed, but there is a point where it might be too much for BRP fans to be comfortable with. For instance do most BRPers want to worry about things like G-LOC?
  21. Yes, I think it is possible, but some things would be different. For starters you would need to covert Taslanta stats into BRP stats. You can probably work out a relationship too. So a +0 in Taslanta might be a 10 in BRP, and a +4 might be an 18 (I'ds be awhile since I looks as Taslanta, so I don't remeber what the "human" range is for stats). For different races you could simply use the D&D method and just apply the racial mods to be basic BRP 3d6 rolls. Or, if you want a more traditional BRP approach, figure out new stat ranges centered around the Taslanta stats. I think the biggest obstacle would be that RQ/BRP tracks a lot of info that Taslanta doesn't, so you would be forced to fill in some gaps.
  22. That is one of my peeves with MRQ. By assigning skill improvement rolls rather than using the check system, it leads to characters having fewer skills. Most players will look at raising a perception or athletic skill as points that could have been used to raise combat skills.
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