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Everything posted by Atgxtg

  1. Because it's easier to roll something like 3d6 for a battleship's main gun than 30d6. It is also easier to do the math and just scale hit points and everything else. So Instead of a Battleship needing thousands of hit points it can get by with only hundreds of mecha scale hit points.
  2. I've seen some of thier stuff. Not bad, but not quite the same sort of thing. The books are still better, if you are into reading. Well the key trick of BRP MEcha was in creating a mecha scale that was 10x character scale and then reducing damage dice by 1/10th. So 10d6 became 1d6 mecha scale and so on. My rules were more for man sized armor your could wear, but could scale to ther 10-15ft range. That would be about twice the height, so 8x the mass, of +24 SIZ.
  3. Already have. Sites like Youtbue and Magellan seemed to have similar content to old Histroy Channel. Wolfe is worth reading. The A&E TV series from a couple of decades back was good, too. In a nutshell, think of him as more like Mycroft that Sherlock. He is an overweight gourmet who would rather follow his normal daily routine raise orchids, read books, and dine well, then do anything else. He only does detective work to get the income he needs to support his lifestyle. In fact he hires another Dective to do his legwork for him. Since the other detective, Archie Goodwin, is mor ein the mold of a 30s-50s Film Noir type, you get a contrast between the Great Detective type and the street smart type. Holmes vs. Cultist would be. I wouldn't want to mix himin with actual Mythos beings. His brain would probably win up in a Mi-Go jar. Hold on a second. What I wrote was just something to scale down the BRP Mecha rules to character scale mecha, with a few personal system tweaks added.. BRP Mecha does a good job of handling giant robots and other stables of the anime genre. That would probably be what you wan, but I think it is out of print. If you have something in particular in mind I might be able to help you stat it us in BRP, especially with those tables I sent you and a little tech knowledge.
  4. Not so much your Cthulhu may vary but that skills that don't come up in an adventure don't have much value. For instance, if the investigator never have to fly themselves to a location then it doesn't matter if any them know how to fly or not. On the other hand if they have their own aircraft and fly to adventure locations, piloting skill become more important.
  5. A lot of ths will also come down to individual GMs , what adventures they run, and what skills they emphasize and what skills they push into the background.
  6. More like creating it. Loyalty is all about money it seems.
  7. Certainly. The original question was someone wondering how Chasoium and other companies were all were able to produce various Cthulhu Mythos RPGs. The basic answer is that a lot of the stories were/still are up for grabs.
  8. Hard to say. In Lovracraft's works mankind essentially cannot handle the truth, and most of it's beliefs shield itself from reality. That's the bit a GM has to aceept or reject before figureing out SAN loss. Basically, SAN in CoC is really the strength of the delusion that shields someone from reality. Or, as I used to joke when I worked in a hospital: "Sanity is a crutch for people who can't handle reality." The world being round? Don't let bad retelling of t he Columbus story fool you. People knoew the Earth w as round for thousands a years before Columbus. It didn't really bother anybody. Even the objections to Columbus wasn't about the world being round, they all knew it was, but in calculations of the distance (they were right). A couple of landmasses smack in the way didn't hep either. Not quite. Think of it this way, you awaken from a dream only to be shown evidence that the dream is actually real and the waking world only an illusion. Remember humanity is sensitive to Cthulhu's dreams and other such stuff- we all come intro contact with it to some extent. So it all comes down to if Lovecraft's interpretation of his own Mythos is correct or not. If not then you've got considerable latitude in how to interpret things. If true, however, the one day something is going to squash our applecart, bring out cherished delusions down around out ears and put us face to face with reality, and , best case is we end up being more cultists.
  9. Atgxtg


    Yes and in Fedual Japan Samsuri women defended the estate and castle.
  10. Not for me. To me it's the posterchild of the death of the Histroy Channel as a repectred source on History. Yeah shows like Pawn Stars, and American Pickers, were steps in the wrong direction, but AA is really where the channel lost all credibility. Depends on t he dective. Certinaly not Wolfe. One of the things about him is that he has no love of detective work. But with Holmes or another dectetive with a passion for detection it different. Holmes could point out some "obvious" clues that could take the PCs some time to decipher. Yeah, sort of. It was written more for anime. Basically to show than you could use the BRP Mecha rules and scale it back down to character SIZ to get powered armor. I was working on statting up the mecha from Genesis Climber Mospeada at the time, especially the Ride Armor., although the Armor Fighters were on the "to do" list).
  11. Yup it similar, but not as bad as, class and level games. You've got X amount of resources and X+100 things to spend them on, but need to be good at 3 or 4 things and so can't really divert points from key skills. Of course a case could be made that there are a lot of other skills that fall into he same boat as Occult, and most professions don't exactly concentrate on skills that investigators need to combat the Mythos. Yes. That's probably why it's SAN loss, not a fear check or something. With CoC it's about reality essentially being more insane than we can handle.
  12. I doubt it. It would probably all fall to pieces when he got backstabbed by Ricimer. I guest Aetius broke the trend by being a magister militum who got backstabbed by his Emperor.. I guess nobody could accomplish much with all the betrays and backstabbing go one. Everyone was so keen on ruling the empire than they didn't realize they were causing it's destruction, or didn't care, or through they could fix it and no one would do to them what they had done to their predecessor. Succession is really what ripped the Empire apart. Instead of great generals working together to portect the empire they killed each other over it. Yeah, that's pretty much what I see. They are usually called Romans , and viewed as such. By
  13. Atgxtg


    Sure. I'd also say there is an argument that it is half your player base too. Just how many gaming groups have an even mix of males and females. It's silly to alter a setting to make it more inclusive because then it; isn't that setting anymore. It all ends up becoming the same setting, a mix of modern day with a veneer of swords & Sandals or Sci-Fi on top.
  14. Atgxtg


    Well, at least some of the priests, monks, and nuns managed to remain celebrate. I suspect that percentage is even higher today with birth control, planned parenthood and not everyone wanting to have children.
  15. Atgxtg


    And prior to that you said: Which is where I came into this, and where the goalposts were set. You weren't talking about making allowances for a handful of PCs, but mentioning patriarchal societies.
  16. And a late finisher can win the race!!! I'm not opposed to the concept of Aliens, not opposed to all of the theories presented, just how AA has gone so overboard with it. It's like an episode of In Search Of as written by the staff of any of those "Newspapers' you see in the checkout of your local supermarket" Nessie is Elvis's lovechild". Yeah. the idea would be for them to expect that he will b e around to help them solve their murder, only lose him because they solve his first. Maybe Nero Wolfe would be a good choice since then the PCs would do all the legwork. At the start of the adventure he informs them that he's solved everyone's murdered but his own and wants to reveal everyone at once (in classic mystery fashion). But once he's solve his own murder he vanishes without telling the other [layers how they were murdered, so it's back to square one. Oh, BTW, I emailed you a file on character scale power armor which might help for your astronaut suits.
  17. For all practical purposes it does collapse with Aetius. Even in the GPC Arthur basically goes through all the seperate Kingdoms on his way to Rome, and doesn't really face a real Roman resistance. He doesn't really have to though, just beat what looked like a roMAN ARMY TO MEDEIVALS. We disagree here then. I think Medeivals certainly would have considered Byzantium to be the real deal. I think that the reason why Arthur didn't take it was probably becuase it fell to the Muslims only a few deacdes before Le Mote, and the idea was still too unpleasant, and touched too close to recent events.. IF Arthur went east then he would have had to have taken all t he holy land in a crusade. I disagree. Byzantium was still viewed as the Eastern Roman Empire in the 15th century. Yes it was to defeat the Romans, but also, I think to beat everybody else.
  18. Atgxtg


    It does if the warrior women represent a significant number of the warrior population. If not, then they are a fringe group and it doesn't matter, statistically what they do. Much the same how it doesn't usually matter much what any one group of adventures do, as far as the big picture goes. I thought we were discussing cultures with significant numbers of warrior women. Speaking of which, just how many warrior women are then in the Dragon Pass/Prax area?
  19. Atgxtg


    No it isn't. If a significant number of a cultures warriors are female then that has significant consequences excominically, socially and militarily. Sounds like less than 1%. So why is everybody bending backwards changing everything to make this "more open to women" when they are all going to be special cases anyway? No, none at all. And did we really need to worry about this at all.
  20. Officallly you don't bother with NPKS as far as generaily and such goes. Also this sort of repsaents the PKS best feast all year. Also the number of feast cards a re limited and running mutiple N PKS as if they were PKS would quickly become overwhelming and bog the feast down. Unofficially, I could see running a feast where NPKs were involved. What I'd probably do for that would be to set a minimum Genality threshold to win the feast. For instance 5, 10, 15 whatever. If the PKS don't beat that value some NPK wins. If I had some special VIP guest, I'd either award the VIP extra glory due to his special status, or maybe run one NPK like a PK. Or, maybe make all the feast rolls opposed, and track geniality for the NPKs who are opposing the PKs. My goal would be not to have to need to take time to make any extra rolls or draw cards for NPKs.
  21. Atgxtg


    Yes, and here is where we get into some of the real world considerations that need to be dealt with somehow in game. Namely how does a culture handle having a reduction in fighting Strength due to women warriors being out of combat condition due to pregnancy and childbrith? And what do their enemies do about it. It's another subtle advantage to having the men to the fighting and one of the reasons why the majority of warriors were male. The men don't have as big a role in the process and so are available to do other things, such as fighting. Now in a world like Glorantha, they might be magical ways to address some or all of these concerns. Yup, there would certainly be a lot of that going on. Plus is everybody had a significant number of women in their armies then there might be customs regarding just when it's not okay to go to war. For instance in medieval NOthern Europe the harvest came in during the fall, so there were few battles during harvest time, and the weather during winter usually helped to keep people at home, so that would be a good time for women warriors to have children, since there wasn't going to be much fighting going on anyway.
  22. Atgxtg


    Actually it does. First in terms of what happens to a culture over time. If none of the females are having babies, ever, then how do these people continue on? Secondly, like Pendragon, RQG takes place over multiple generations, so if a character has a child or not matters in terms long term play.
  23. Zombie Horse Races? Wow, finally a use for Ancient Aliens. I just hope you didn't believe what you were seeing. I remember back when stuff they showed on the Histiry Channel probably had happened and was actually history. I must have gotten it from somewhere but I can't remember where. I know of a couple RPGs where you start as ghosts and transition to the world of the dead, but no one where all the players are murder victims and out to solve their own murders. I recall an episode of, I think, Alfred Hictchock Presents where a mystery writer basically ask for permission to relieve his last few hours to try and solve his own murder. But not something with a whole group. I think it would be best if it were ran as a sort of comedy too. The first adventure could have a "famous detective" as a NPC guide who shows them how it's done by solving his own murder. He is successful, but, unfortunately, that means he gets to move on and isn't around to help the other PCs.
  24. Just keep in mind that the bad guys being on equal footing in bad. If half the NPCs kill half the PCs every week you don't have much of a campaign. Other things to watch out for is how long it takes to do something psychically, what can be done about it, and can people even notice it? It's not all than fun in a game for a PC to just drop dead without any warning that something was wrong or anything they could do to stop it. It's basically the ambush situation only with something other than weapons, and that makes it easier to pull off. They players might not have any way of knowing that the romantic couple drinking wine at the street cafe are the ones frying their brains.
  25. Atgxtg


    Nope. There is no farming skill in the game either. There is just "industry" and is basically covers practically anything deemed to be manual labor. Which is the reason why is downplayed in the game. It's something knights are not permitted to do, and not even listed on thier character sheet. As for people n ot wanting to roleplay something , well that's not all bad. Part of the fun of RPGs is that you get to play people very different from yourself doing things that you do get to do. Nobody really wants to roleplay their day job, or most other people real jobs.
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