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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. Sober rock has grottos that smugglers might have to share with plesiosaurs, but that might be used as an extra protection if they are crafty and bring some bait to access their hideout.
  2. This triplet of dragonewt runes symbolizes a node in the dragonewt road network where travelers can branch off to a different leg of the huge dragonewt rune-shaped network covering the Dragon Pass region. The southeastern branch should lead to the High Wyrm settlement near Boldhome, and might have a frogolith (dragonewt stela) on the Bar island or thereabouts.
  3. Thanatar has not received its regularly published RQG treatment yet, otherwise it is very hard not to love the Munchkin aspects of this cult with regard to access to rune magic. The Cult of the Bloody Tusk on the side, with a similar limit-breaking spirit zoo mechanic, a full shaman, and maybe something like Arkat's career in cults he joined, the troll part made easier by joining the Nightcult and undergoing the Kyger Litor adoption in troll shape. INT 15 sort of limits usability as a sorcerer, even with enhance INT shenanigans and divine gifts mentioned above. Getting to choose a chaos feature is not a thing, but you could "funnel" characters through repeated applications of Chaos Gift until one or two end up as sorcerer material. Any munchkin worth their loaded dice would create an ogre character rather than this above average human. Inside this challenge, possibly a subpar ogre character with all stats at 15 for the better species max.
  4. The equivalent of a 21 years-old, as for some immortals (like Brithini) that is more like early childhood. Game balance (a noble goal rarely implemented in RQG) can be achieved by these characters excelling in a few areas extremely unlikely to be of any practical use in the game. Customs and lore irrelevant outside of their native culture, skills determining their social status inside that culture.
  5. We can assume that God Forgot has a small collection of centuries-old sorcerers like Carvak Zirian. Most will be enmeshed in ongoing research or practical project of theirs, or paying off their sponsors with some trivial magics that keep interfering with their projects.
  6. See Bolthor Hairybreeks who was an initiate of half a dozen or more cults, and moaning about the tithing. Being a king is good - you become high priest of the kingdom, and your temple pays your standard of living, but you are supposed to tithe your pocket money among the remaining cults. Storm Bull berserks acquiring a chaos feature is a job risk. Illumination only comes into play if said berserk wants to delay retirement indefinitely.
  7. Joerg

    Munchkin Learners

    Possibly. But sometimes a migraine is just a migraine. When (almost) all bullies in a band detect Chaos, they are going to try and track down the culprit. Still the (cursed) Telmori and the Bullies used to be able to enter Boldhome at the same time without bloodshed in the streets.
  8. Joerg

    Munchkin Learners

    Often said village (or nomadic clan) will be where they were supported. Chaos slaying doesn't really pay well, unless you create communities who become indebted to you. Killing these at the slightest suspicion soon leaves you starving and out of resources.
  9. Joerg

    Munchkin Learners

    Storm Bull's Sense Chaos is not directional, and neither that reliable. Do you see these berserks systematically isolating everybody they suspect of being the source of their Chaos headache, and then parade enough of their detectors past the isolated individual to see whether someone's sense gets tickled? And then there is a 2-3% chance that the Sense Chaos gets fumbled, and a false positive result keeps the subject under surveillance until the next false positive result occurs. You also don't see Storm Bullies slaughtering every Telmori they encounter.
  10. Joerg

    Munchkin Learners

    I think the solution is fairly simple: Nysalor is very likely to appear in the Lunar book rather than the Lords of Terror one. That still leaves the Lords of Terror a no-go area while making player character illumination a separate thing.
  11. The status of the children would be tricky - they would have been born to their home clan, and even if the non-local parents revert to their clans of origin, these children would remain in-laws to those clans unless adopted. And while that adoption is going on, there could also be a (lesser status) marriage of the other parent.
  12. Given the requirement of Henosis to become a Hrestoli Man of All, it could be argued that they are as much a part of the mind of the Invisible God as the sorcerers. And recipients of Joy (as per the Hrestoli definition) should count as well, whether they have mastered the four trades or not. The Rokari sorcerers seem to want to abolish a lot of the Hrestoli flimflammery of non-wizards intruding into the sorcerous realm of oneness with the Creator.
  13. Bredjeg failed with his invasion into the veldt when his cattle (or whichever beasts he brought for his wagons) died off due to malnourishment.
  14. There are two different sources for magic - the harder to get and replenish rune points which indeed are a limited pool which usually only gets replenished in the downtime between adventures, and the daily recovering magic points that power the more accessible but weaker spirit magic spells which are the standard fare when it comes to magic. Think Rune points like potions - you have some that you use up, and need to re-acquire. The different timing comes with the suggested "one scenario per season" tempo for which the rune point recovery speed is optimized. From my experience playing RuneQuest, it can be quite hard happily playing say an overland travel with interesting and picturesque encounters with some moderate challenge to the PCs (show the setting, do not just tell). Despite being adventurers, the player characters are supposed to have a life where they need to make a living.
  15. I suppose it is a bit of a status question. There are comparatively cheap import rides, some of which have excellent performance but still may be frowned upon, and there are prestigious rides only nobles can afford, and that don't get confused with meat animals. Harmast's Zebras combine rather high status import beasts with a breed that is a heroic achievement for his cult (after all Issaries herald is a major cult for the Praxian zebra riders). Vasana's bison is the equivalent of an imported pickup with reinforced front spoilers...
  16. We know that all Eiritha humans can breed with each other, but when it comes to her beasts, things require major magic. (As do any human-Morokanth sacred concubinations). Bison and cattle might be a special case. Possibly tied to the possible shapes of Minotaurs - I don't think there are antelope or high llama variants of these, but there are bison ones and aurochs ones. What good (or bad) would such Eirithan crossbreeds be?
  17. Argrath may have been the bringer of viagra with his Giant's Drinking Cauldron quest. There is no canonical crew roster for the departing Cradle, and neither do we know how many of the human and/or troll (duck, newtling, baboon) crew (would have) remained with the Cradle rather than join Harrek's Circumnavigation or be killed by the White Bear or other attackers. As far as I am concerned, the young giantess was last seen sailing the Boat Planet during its Third Age maiden voyage alongside Dormal's remaining crew and various other questers.
  18. Add an agricultural heroquest, and/or frame this as a Questworlds resource managing adventure with suggestions how to carry things over to RuneQuest, and you'd be fine. Both Jeff and Greg have run convention HeroQuest adventures with community resources as the only abilities which then were pitted against regular and special upcoming challenges.
  19. The ard used by the Orlanthi without magical support magic may be less efficient than the Anglo-Saxon ploughs from around the Tribal Hideage or the Domesday Book. With full magical support, a plow driven by a Barntar godtalker is bound to approach the efficiency of a small modern tractor on hard terrain. While RQG doesn't lend itself to simulating ancient agriculture, RQ3 DeLuxe Gamemasters' Book had an excellent chapter on how agricultural societies divide up their lands, with radii around their villages as an easy approximation. With 3 km (2 miles) between hamlets (of 50, IIRC), there would be one quarter the distance for plowland, up to one half for pasture (haymaking), and the rest of the distance managed roughs for pig-herding, woodcutting and other "forest" activities allowed for semi-free farmers or better. Assuming a triangular grid of hamlets for optimal division of terrain, we get 3 quarters of the good density terrain as roughs, 3 16ths of the terrain as pasture, and 1 16th as plowland. A hex 8 miles across would have space for 16 such hamlets (the AAA hexes are rotated 30 or 90 degrees, but the area distribution doesn't change): or 800 inhabitants. It is possible to re-arrange the land use around a few central villages as long as no field is more than an hour's walking from the living place of the farmers (or their storage facilities). (I remember the super-sized Tripolje culture villages being a bit of a problem for the theories about their logistics.) Few places in Sartar would allow for such an even distribution, most would have to arrange with the ridges and river bottoms dictating the distribution of arable lands, nearby pasture and roughs. RQ3 went on to say that under optimum conditions like the Nile Delta the roughs could be ignored, allowing four times the population density. At a guess, the Esrolian Mesopotamia can be considered the equivalent of the Nile Delta. Which brings us to the amount of Bless Crops required for a group of 50 (i.e. 30 adults): 5 rune points for a simple bonus, 8-10 rune points for double bonus (with a few individuals spending 3 points on two hides for double bonus, the rest 2 points on a single hide) unless you assume better-than adventurer priestesshood individuals getting the sweet deal of spending 6 rune points at once for double bonus all five hides, or 7 for triple bonus, 8 for quadruple etc. This does leave discretionary non-adventurer rune points for the blessing of births and other such long term blockades of regaining rune points. A blessed breeding bull or ram is a lot more rune-point efficient, leaving herders with more reserves for protecting their herds. five hides per small hex in my scheme above, or 20 hides for Esrolian density farming. That's 10 people per household, or 6 adults putting in their contribution to the household earnings. Which then breaks down to 10-15 lunars per adult on a hide per year as surplus divided up in taxes etc.? And still a character takes out 60-80 lunars out of their household's discretionary spending, paying tithes etc. and incurring a 20% penalty on the household income for a season of missed participation. To me, some of these numbers need to start making sense. The only way this can work is that basic feeding of the household members is already included in the deducted cost, which also accounts for the survival of destitute standard of living individuals. Tenant farmers are expected to use the equipment belonging to the Thane household but assigned to the rental stead, and same with the oxen. The Report on the Orlanthi mentions the weirdness of half-carls with half a plow team or the plow in the possession (rather than loan) of those folk (with three halves making a whole, but whatever). In Greg's Harmast novel "patreon" project "Ten Woman Well Loved" the protagonist cottar farms a plot of cabbages rather than grain while working on the communal (clan or tribal temple) fields as well (when not employed for the special service of rain-making by having sex in the fields with an earth cultist who has an attachment to that land). The cottage seems to have sat right on the cabbage plot, as his marital activities kept the cabbages well watered throughout Palangio's and Lokamayadon's drought.
  20. Which calculates to about 100-120 arable acres out of four times that amount as possible maximum for Esrolia. Assuming these standard measures as an average, that would mean 400,000 to 500,000 square meters of arable land per hide. Or 0.4 to 0.5 square kilometers, about 1the one percent of the total area of a hex. As a German, I am familiar with the Morgen, a quarter of a hectare or 25,000 square meters as the amount of acreage that could be plowed in one morning - half a day. 20% more for a full day - bloody German efficiency at work, or just more modern plowing equipment? Even a predominantly grain-cultivating clan would need to dedicate a fair bit of area to pasture for their oxen and the cows required to re-plenish the stock. Still, quadrupling the population for Esrolian conditions will be very hard unless there is less land left fallow over there. A herd hide would include pasture near the stables for hay-making and pasture in the outlands where transhumant grazing takes place. My question really is how to deal with at best moderately well-off households with the equivalent of two to four core families under one roof run by the parents of at least some of these core families.
  21. Source? The Chaosium is the organ of Glorantha that turns the "stuff outside" into Creation. It was there for all the elemental stages of the world, like the primal Darkness of space or the most ancient Sea drawn from Edzaroun.
  22. Apple orchards provide additional pasture and second grade hay. An acre is an area measure that is about as useful to people like me (outside of the US) as would be square stadia or square leagues. I still run with the concept that one AAA map hex ("of 8 miles") will feed 500 people with three quarters of the land non-arable commons, as that is roughly the population density of Sartar. I cannot find how many people are supposed to work on a hide - an extended family household will easily have more than a dozen actual family members, and possibly some associated people of lower class relying on the productivity of the household. It is also hard to tell how a large household with more than one player character will be impacted by the characters taking more leave than the rules assign. So yes - the rules of RQG are definitely not useful for SimGlorantha. Having a SimGlorantha might be useful for some GMs.
  23. The False Gods revolt in late Second Age Umathela had the cults of Worlath, Ehilm and Jogrampur displaying real magic. Not so surprising for Worlath and Ehilm.
  24. The hole pre-existed, the former Stairway to Heaven (and Hell) which now is plugged by the Tar. That's an awful lot of brain, even if the OOO blew himself up to the size of the giant skull in Dagori Inkarth (which weirdly doesn't seem to be made of lead).
  25. Speaking of Crimson Bats, isn't the Lunar iconography of the Goddess wrong? When Teelo Estara returned from her Goddess Quest, her faithful followers saw her riding a giant hummingbird, not a Chaos bat.
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