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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. Halwal failed to re-unite Arkat because he left out the most powerful remnant of Arkat's magic still active in the world - the curse on Dorastor. Let me explain (spoilered non-dumb reasoning): Dorastor Dorastor contains Arkat's curse on the Feldichi ruins (explicit in his mention of Dokat in the Guide p.342, sidebar), and any quester seeking to re-unite all those fragments of Arkat probably has to go to the heart of what the gorp has left of Dokat and quest towards Arkat's star from there. Killing the giant gorp, luring it away, or finding a way to survive inside the gorp are minor preliminary tasks yet to do.
  2. If Norayeep's mother could receive Morag by mating with a minotaur hero of the Storm Bison, wouldn't a Morokanth herder be able to select a few of his herd man cows to achieve similar results? Not necessarily bison-form Storm Bull, possibly Aurochs-form minotaurs from Dragon Pass.
  3. If you are willing to run with non-canonical Glorantha, The Widow's Tale by Penelope Love (sadly long out of its meagre print run) and its lesser sequel Eurhol's Vale deal with a pass across the Storm Mountains. Strictly fiction, although full of RQ2isms.
  4. Why do you think I never noticed? But I guess I missed including a Star Captain vessel in my Vita Broyani. There seems to be at least one lasting consequence of RIkard's reign - the name Malkonwal seems to have stuck on southern Heortland.
  5. There are a couple of illustrations of rune-owning deities that I would call the "Major Arcana" cards. What are the chances of getting a deck of cards of these?
  6. IMG weekly services are held, but they tend to be small affairs without much of a crowd. If an adventurer wants to make use of a weekly service to refill their rune point pool, they had better provide sacrificial beasts, food and drink out of their pocket to draw enough of a crowd to make things happen. Yes, there is a possibility to hold a field service using sanctify, but I would give that some hefty malus on the worhsip unless one of the player characters or sidekicks is qualified for leading a congregation. (Massive expenditure of magic points can make up for that, but who is to say a field service will remain unmolested if meajor festivals need to provide guardians?)
  7. Eurmal has taken ownership of... the Illusion rune, according to the God Learners, leaving ownership of the Disorder rune to his Pamaltelan cousin (and first murderer) Bolongo. As the owner of the Disorder rune he would be compelled to disobey. Except... Disorder entities break any such conventions. Be Boggled.
  8. Ducks have teeth in their beaks to hold cigars, not joints. While we didn't know about it at the time, possibly kafl weed imported from Ralios, or homegrown tobacco (Genertela has this mix of New Wörld flora and Old World fauna).
  9. How does a shaman leaving for the spirit plane for good transfer a spirit society she is in charge of? How does a new "charismatic" shaman (are there any others?) take over?
  10. P The Pavis Rubble notably has two surface quarries operated by the City cult with the aid of the Flintnail dwarves. The dwarves excavate tunnels, and will need to get rid of their excavated material, some of which might be used for masonry and the rest possibly for gravel. The trolls near the Troll Break have dug (or gnawed) their own tunnel systems, which may connect to others. Many of the human survival sites in the Rubble have their own underground chambers and tunnels with hideouts and nasty traps to surprise invaders. Most of the bedrock of Prax appears to be limestone or sandstone. Soil cover may vary. But the Big Rubble occupies some of the best grazing and farming land in Prax, which indicates a healthy layer of topsoil above the bedrock in most places. Limestone gravel is a good ingredient for burnt chalk, which in turn is the ingredient for mortar and plaster, but fuel might be a problem.
  11. Safelstran is a Theyalan language with many western elements (and quite likely a lot of dialects based on the city states). Both Vesmonstran and the East Wilds speak Theyalan dialects without much if any Western elements. with Hsunchen a second influence in the East Wilds. Most Arkati ("Stygians") in Ralios are located in Safelster (or Guhan, if you count troll Arkati), rather few in Vesmonstran or the East Wilds. Delela is home of Aruzban Ironarm, an Orlanthi hero who is the opposite of a troll friend, even though he likes to hug them. That's not the place for Stygians to thrive.
  12. The Dragon Pass board game has 12 spots as "dinosaur lairs" distributed across the map. It has one near or at Pegasus Plateau (northeast of Famegrave). There is no reason why herds of dinosaurs should not roam further south than that, but there is neither proof of a somewhat reliable presence of dinosaurs further south. If you think they will enrich your game there, by all means have some. If you want them to be rare or extinct, blame anti-EWF sentiments by the Slontan conquerors of Heortland, or the traditionalists of the Kingdom of Night. if you want more, associate them with the Nightdragon Society among trolls and Kitori who raised the Leaden Bones Serpent to defend against Belintar.
  13. There are other possible venn diagrams, like e.g. as in "I don't dare to contradict the sacred scripture, but I am willing to expand it and use some of its apocrypha regardless". All these diagrams with "Canon" meaning "Statements of Canon I am aware of", and much of YGWV being things I misremembered from canon rather than my own independent creation. Creating against current canon, current perceived canon or previous, now abandoned canon will often be an exercise in futility. Or even just creating outside of current canon (which is where @Crel excels). Been there, done that, on the topic of Aeolian Heortland even. Hence my statement that it is hard - hard to find acceptance and a customer base for. Painting me as being against using unused Abandoned Canon feels weird to me after waffling about RQ3 sorcery being available to everybody and how I can see such a thing happening away from RQG canon that I am aware of (I still have to read all those Cults of RuneQuest books). In this case, we are not talking about canon, but monomyth and the current RQG sorcery rules (which are two different things with some intersectional area). Yes, similar considerations apply. No, Killjoy was not my stance.
  14. If so, I would have preferred being called out to in a less sensitive environment. Issues of child abuse - be it age of consent, early motherhood, child soldiers (Household of Death) or weaponization of infants (Jar-eel breaking the Syndic's Ban) - are X-card territory for a good reason. We are playing a game where mutilation is almost celebrated ("It isn't RQ if there are no limbs flying!") and the deaths of characters and more so of their opponents are part of the game. Where we explore magic and mythology which resolves around the breaking of social taboos. Where we shamelessly appropriate religious practices of other cultures for our enjoyment, and hopefully with some reflection about what we are doing by projecting such activities. Did the authors and publishers of Griffin Mountain do the math? No idea. Do we need to re-evaluate or even re-write Romeo and Juliet?
  15. This still leaves me with the two urban ideas of yours to choose from. Leaving the monomyth in the core Orlanthi region is not impossible, but hard. While I doubt that the Slontan invaders took a serious look at the practices of the Esvulari (other than their taxation for supporting their military presence) - the few sentences in the Durengard Scrolls might be the entire body of lore accumulated outside of Lhankor Mhy temples in the Kingdom of Night - the Esvulari lore seems to have seen some more attention by Belintar, who took the Monomyth and put it into practice for his Proximate Holy Realm in the City of Wonders. And it is the Belintar acedemy of heroquesting which shaped the Sartarite experimental heroquesting lore. That said, postulating runic interactions different from Zzabur's wheel (which is different from the one on the RQG Character sheet) is difficult with the RQG sorcery rules. RQG introduces a few false dichotomies like Man vs. Beast. These traits adding up to 100% is a weird gamist element, which would be served just as well as opposed rolls between two percentile skills above 50% or a resistance roll between traits on a scale from 1 to 20. The RQG rules are supposed to model Lhankor Mhy and Aeolian sorcery, and Rokari sorcery to some extent. For alternate approaches, I wouldn't exactly look at the Aeolian sorcerers. My own RQ3-based speculations on sorcery used by the Aeolians did have access to rune magic for all Aeolians (including sorcerer caste Aeolians), which apparently still is the case in RQG as there are bound to be sorcerer-caste Aeolians who do not qualify for sorcery because they do not fulfill INT or literacy requirements or might be otherwise handicapped. "Spirit Magic" has gone back a few steps towards RQ2 Battle Magic, which has fixed spell effects you need to learn - something you know. I can still envision a Glorantha away from RQG canon where there are knowledge-based forms of magic for the common people, whether on the East Isles as forms of martial art effects, in Kralorela as forms of bureaucracy-enhancing spellcraft, or as extensions of the principle of the Open Seas ritual for people blissfully ignorant of the sorcery techniques and runes.
  16. If you are fine with non-canonical stuff: There were speculative sect descriptions in Tradetalk, but still using the "church" style descriptions of Malkionism. Building on Reaching Moon Megacorp's How the West Was One, there was the German freeform Rise of Ralios which featured a number of "Stygian" sects which later saw elaboration for roleplaying. Not that "Watcher" is not an English translation of Greek Episkopos, which had become "bishop" over the centuries of church usage. Platonic philosophy entered Christian lore, too. Much like it is hard to describe moderate to cold climate pre-industrial farming houses that don't resemble Anglo-Saxon or Viking houses (or Bell Beaker houses), or 18th century farm houses, it is hard to describe Platonic monotheistic ideas outside of church teachings. The major shift away from RQ3 Malkionism is the scarcity of sorcery-users in the West, or in the East, while all of a sudden we have quite a few users of sorcery in Orlanthi society through Lhankor Mhy. The HQ2/HQG/Questworlds description of sorcery with grimoires is another thing not quite of RuneQuest. HQ1 Acolytists and Orderlies have disappeared except in Jamie Revell's HQ1 sourcebooks for the West. None for Ralios, though. Mongoose RQ for 2nd Age roleplaying had quite a few bits set in Ralios, although during the height of God Learner power. The sorcery system followed yet another concept, similar to Mythras.
  17. That's the site of the Tentacles conventions, Castle Stahleck in Bacharach on the Rhine, the previous German convention organized by Fabian. The Kraken convention is in a different venue, Palais Neuhausen in Brandenburg. There still is a RQ/Chaosium/Glorantha-related convention at Castle Stahleck, Eternal Convention, with another international crowd. Gaming at the castle still is a thing (not just for the RuneQuest crowd, there are other German fan associations using the castle at dates other than Whitsun).
  18. Check Drivethrurpg for the pdfs. DIY printing will result in practically the same quality as the originals.
  19. @Eff did a great summary about the available sources.
  20. Valley of the healers, blood beer. I always felt like this was similar to the Humakti Lead Cross heroquest.
  21. Joerg


    No one might be a bit of an exaggeration if you think of the Mraloti subjects, but possibly noone within sight of the sea. My main problem with Khorst is how it manages to feed itself - Cajun-like harvesting the marshes to support an urban population?
  22. The Weapons and Equipment Guide has a good list.
  23. The Ernaldori priestesshood of the Clearwine temple uses matrilocality and matrilineality while the majority of the Colymar practice patrilocality and patrilineality. At least some of the Hiording nobility trace their origin to Hiord, suggesting patrilineality.
  24. Sources: RQG GM Screen package Colymar Adventure Book, King of Sartar: Jalk's Book, HQ2 Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes, and most importantly what I can recall without actually looking at these sources right now: The Colymar entered Dragon Pass as a single clan "around 1300" in 1317 or 1318 upon the defeat of the King of Heortland against Belintar, or upon his return a year after he was slain by Belintar. The clan prospered, and split into six clans forming the Colymar tribe. Several of these clans were led by descendants of Colymar and Hareva, others weren't. One of the initial six clans was destroyed around 1350 when the Second Wave clans and tribes entered the Stream Valley. Other clans which had settled north of Tarndisi's grove joined the tribe (making it multilineal if it had not been previously), starting with the Hiordings and the Karandoli, a warlike clan also in the neighborhood which had started the Taral War (IIRC, might have been the Zarran War first) which involved one of the two triaties in the northern parts of the Colymar lands (as of prior to 1613), the Hyaloring or Runegate triaty and the Tree Brothers triaty. Both triaties each lost the integrity of one clan, which then was rebuilt by some of the original Colymar clans "lending" Colymar-descended nobility to that clan. A similar fate befell the Karandoli clan after it had started in strength (even fielding the sixth, IIRC, king of the Colymar shortly after joining the tribe). At least two more individual clans joined the tribe during these troubles, the Varmandi and the Jenstali, all in the northern portion of the tribal lands. Little is known about the origins of the Hiording clan other than the "heroic" tale of its founder Hiord stealing and hiding the swan garment of his later wife who enjoyed a skinny dip in human shape. After she had given him a few heirs, she somehow retrieved her swan garment and returned to her beastmen kin, IIRC.
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