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Everything posted by jajagappa

  1. I think with work through the various Enchantment effects, one could create such. I'm sure sorcerers summoning demons and the like need something like this.
  2. And is in RQG too. You have to remove/break the props to break the Warding. One way to negate the Hula Hoop of Death effect is that it is a defensive enchantment designed to protect those inside. By tossing it on someone, you are effectively inviting them into the safety zone - i.e. saying they are a 'friend', not an 'enemy'.
  3. I agree that the gold coins will be noted as Wheels and will be round. Legacy of the Gold Wheel Dancers. As for silver coins, I think round makes sense. I think Guilders tends to come from Sartarite towns post-Sartar. Lunars are obviously minted in the Empire and probably have only shown up over prior 40-50 years. I'm inclined to think that earlier silver coins may have been termed Stars as reflecting silver mined from the bodies of dead star gods who fell from the sky. Probably other common terms for silver coins from the God Learners, EWF, and Zistorites depending on typical design. Some probably have holes in the center to be easily strung together.
  4. Given my recent reading of how Ralios has two types of lions, I could picture this occurring somewhere in the Ralian hills (or possibly among the Ditali or Solanthi of Maniria).
  5. Always loved this battle scene. It's a 3-page view so had to splice together. Not enough tattoos, but possibly Tarshites vs. Sartarites or Esrolian mercenaries against Greymane's invading Solanthi. Could easily see this as an RQG battle where the figure 2nd to right has lost his weapon and resorted to a large boulder under the influence of a Fanaticism spell or a Hate(X) passion. And nothing like trying to either rescue the fallen comrade, or strip the downed foe of precious bronze (or iron!) gear.
  6. Of the eight daughters, three become Queens. Of her 15 sons, one wins the Tournament of Luck and Death, and he is the one for forces her to 'retire' as Queen in 1510. Bruvala remained fertile and desirable until age 70 or so (like Erilindia btw). She regularly heroquested to keep the goddess' blessing and was a hero herself. Of the other five daughters, I believe one was given to the Great Temple of Ezel probably in the period where Bruvala needed their backing; one became High Priestess of the Grace Temple and a staunch ally, and likely married only on a ritual basis; and one was given to the Axe Temple and never married. Of the remaining two girls (the ugly sisters???), I don't know. One may have joined the Great Hospital of Chalana Arroy. I'm sure one was a schemer for the throne - perhaps eliminated by Bruvala even before she retired. Originally I was going to say I'm not sure about premonitions, but Bruvala was an Ernaldan hero. Of course she would have gone to the Seers in Ezel and they would have provided her visions to her final end. Brengala was clearly a 'survivor', adept at seeming compliant yet building her own power base to become not only Grandmother of House Norinel but Reverend Grandmother for the city. When Queen Bruvela "retired", she dominated Esrolia for another 35 years, making her daughters queen, and removing them from power when they became uppity. Her daughter Brengala did the same for some 20 years. However, when Norina was killed by Sartarite assassins, the next queen Imarjira was not under Brengala's thumb and we have 13 years of struggle between the queen and the Reverend Grandmother. Brengala ultimately defeated Imarjira, and placed her granddaughter (from a different House) on the throne, but was ultimately assassinated herself in 1565. Since then, I'd guess that the varied lines descending from either Bruvala's sisters or her own daughters/granddaughters (who survived) has led to a number of 'factions' within House Norinel which have likely been exacerbated by Hendira. Yes, would die or become witless or possibly 'retired'. I think both training a successor or a cabal of crones choosing the successor occurs. Completely unstated. If Arkillia is Bruva's daughter, then one grandmother is Bruvala, and the timing seems off for Bruvala to go in a rage about everything. I do have to believe that while a grandchild is part of the maternal House, the paternal House has a vested interest in seeing this figure become significant and rewarding them for their support and loyalty. The cross-relationships among these Houses must be mind-boggling. (and a good reason to keep well-trained LM scribes in your House and enmeshed in the Temple of Knowledge.) Led the opposition. Oranaeo split into two rival factions that crippled the city. These were her predecessors: Uraldartha (ruled 1430 to 1445). House Oraneao. She warred against the Volsaxi King Darvanrolar. She guided the shaping of the Heortland peace and secured her daughter Urvaresrol as Governor of Heortland. Uraldartha retired to become Reverend Grandmother. Died in 1459. Urorana (ruled 1445-1459). House Oraneao. At first, Urorana is guided well by her Reverend Grandmother. But the seeds of jealousy grew in Urorana against her own sister Urvaresrol, particularly after the latter defeated Darvanrolar of the Volsaxi, seduced his son Volvanrolar, and had a healthy offspring. After Uraldartha died in 1451, Urorana schemed to have Urvaresrol driven out of Heortland and succeeded in 1453. The conflict between Urorana and Urvaresrol increased with rioting between districts of Nochet. Urvaresrol was killed in 1458, and it seemed that the conflict was at an end. But during the great fertility ceremony of the Grace Temple in 1459, as Queen Urorana was to embrace her Chosen, she collapsed and died. The Barren Year (1460). No Queen emerged in the aftermath of Urorana's death. The Houses fell into a stalemate and Ernalda's Bounty was withdrawn from the entire city. No children were born to any woman in the city that year. It took a great quest by Bruvala of House Norinel to reawaken Ernalda and restore her bounty to the city. House Oraneao fell into disgrace and withdrew from active politics. Except that Bruvalaina was not the eldest daughter. And whether any offspring survived is unclear, though if they did, they did not ever become Queen. It could take her out of consideration by others for up to a two-year time period, depending on time of pregnancy. It didn't suit someone's plans. Yet Arkillia does not seem one to encourage them all. Something about the "Sad Lady" title suggests she was perhaps more an object of attention than one charming the suitors. Bruvala's reign clearly seems to be the period when Nochet moved ahead of Rhigos in power, despite occurring before Dormal's voyages. With the New Canal dug, the waters of the Creek-Stream River flowing past Nochet, and the Resettlement of Dragon Pass established, clearly the northern trade route was becoming significant and delivering wealth to Nochet. Additional access to goods coming in via Karse and the Mirrorsea added to that. I agree that Sarotar wooing Arkillia could have tied into that trade. And yes, I do have Belintar choosing the Heortland Governor from Nochet. Possibly out of tradition, but it's also possible that that incarnation of Belintar was from Nochet, too. Yes, I'd agree with that. And they could come from any of the Esrolian cities and their leading Houses, not just Nochet.
  7. I think I have paper copies of all the parts. The "Esrolian" pictures are definitely classics. The one thing I've found looking online vs. paper is that the multi-page pictures look much better in the latter format. Something that I found true with the Guide to Glorantha as well. Unfortunately my scanner doesn't go quite that wide!
  8. Given that Bruvala got rid of two daughters (Bruvalaina and Bruva), there's no reason she wouldn't try to force Brengala out too in favor of a younger and manipulable successor. If Bruvala decided that Brengala was working to oust herself as Reverend Grandmother, then going back to Bruva's offspring (where Bruva is dead) to find a compliant Queen would make sense. The timing is perhaps a shade off though with Bruvala dying in 1545 and Sarotar not until 1546. Bruvala would have had to put the effort into motion before her death, which seems unlikely. However, there's always a 2nd Grandmother. We don't know who Bruva married, or which House they were connected to. And with Bruva's murder, that House would have found itself on the outs with Bruvala (and likely Brengala). Arkillia stays in the palace, but Grandmother #2 works hard to keep a connection there, and perhaps has in mind a marriage between Arkillia and another branch of her House to restore position (and more if Arkillia becomes Queen). So Arkillia's turn to Sarotar throws that out the window. With Bruvala dead, Brengala and Norina new to their positions, Grandmother #2 strikes at Sarotar to remove him and get Arkillia repositioned as possible heir to become Queen. This puts Grandmother #2's House into conflict with House of Sartar. So, who is on the out and trying to regain power? 1) House Oranaeo. They held Queenship from 1430-1460, as well as holding the Governor of Heortland position. But their internal feuds resulted in the Barren Year of 1460, from which Bruvala emerged. Not sure Bruvala would have trusted them with a marriage to Bruva, but they are one of the Five Great Houses. A feasible option, and they would neither trust the Sartarites nor the Norinels, which fits with their 'neutral' stance. 2) House Orendelaino of Rhigos. Rhigos dominated Nochet from 1397-1430. As Queen Bruvala consolidated power, she gained strength for Nochet over Rhigos, probably with Belintar's support. Marrying Bruva to someone from Rhigos would be a good way to control and weaken Rhigos. But Rhigos still wants to turn the tables on Nochet, and a marriage to Bruva's daughter would position them to regain domination in Nochet. And Rhigos falls precipitously after this point, their trade monopoly vanished with Dormal's success. And into the vacuum eventually emerges the Demivierge, Samastina's next major rival. This might fit quite well. 3) House Delainaeo. They were the actual rulers of Nochet from 1397-1430. Their hold weakened. Exactly what position they had under Bruvala is unknown, but by 1545-1550 they clearly gained the ear of Belintar and went on to give birth to Dormal. Probably already in the works from a magical preparation standpoint before then. So, no great impact from Dorasar's revenge here. Seems less likely candidate. 4) House Delaeos. Hadn't ruled since 1397, so long time on the outs. Strong connections with the Old Ways of the Heortlings/Vingkotlings though. More likely to have encouraged Arkillia's relations with Sarotar then to hinder it. Therefore, they likely used the series of assassinations to build up their power base, with a son becoming Belintar in 1550 and Imarjina, a granddaughter of Bruvala becoming Queen in 1551 after Norina's death. Not a likely candidate. 5) House Evaeo only briefly held the throne in 1368-1370, and generally focus on the Necropolis - not out of the question, and assassinations might just have kept them at bay, however, they are a House Delaeos/Old Earth Alliance ally. It could be that House Delaeos took advantage of the situation to turn House Evaeo to their cause, but I'd expect more anti-Sartar sentiment in whichever House was effected. An internal House Norinel feud seems unlikely, though possible. Other Houses outside of Nochet are also possible.
  9. I have the book as well, but what I found interesting was that quite a few of the pictures (e.g. the first two above) were not included in the book. There's some good pictures in the Time-Life Emergence of Man books as well, though I've seen some of those online.
  10. Probably due to RQ2: WARDING 1 point Range Special, Duration permanent, Stackable up to 4 points, Reusable
  11. True, though I'm not sure the extent of tattooing in Votanki culture. Yes, that would also fit.
  12. True, it doesn't, but this one said Thanatari to me.
  13. And some Votanki hunters along the shores of the Elf Sea or its riverine tributaries during Fireseason. (Alternately Pelaskites from the Right Arm Islands) [Same source]
  14. An ogre clan completing a hunt. Perhaps near the Elf Sea in Balazar (or during the Great Darkness). [Same source]
  15. Clearly a shaman or priest leading a Thanatari ritual, perhaps for a clan of ogres in some cave along the Zola Fel. [Found this in an old Life magazine, part of Epic of Man series from 1956.]
  16. And House Norinel seems to have a real antipathy towards Heortlings on the whole, so I agree that this is an important consideration. And the "proud upstart House of Sartar" probably doesn't like Sartar's fling here either - an under-husband to a Nochetite is probably not the Sartarite preference. It's mine as well.
  17. I noted this as well as interesting. The second could be the Durbaddath/Carmanian lion noted in Anaxial's Roster. Perhaps their efforts generate Lust spirits which go forth into the Ralian night to haunt and disturb the dreams of common folk. Other thoughts and comments: Argin Terror: Nightmare Sorcerer and Son of the Devil, yet he's engaged in a petty immortal war with his mother's spirit. Perhaps he can get Arkat to help him out? Defed: one wonders what the new revelation is for his followers, and what his inexplicable source of magical energy is? Since the Boristi tap chaos things, one wonders what powerful chaos thing he has likely tapped into? Cthulhu, anyone? Erengazor: what are the Low Delights over which she is High Priestess? And as her cult fails, what does she do in desperation to revive it? Meime the Tournament King: always nice to have impregnable armor. Yet... it's hard to picture the Nidan dwarves as being so kind and generous. Somehow I suspect that there will prove to be the "Meime 'heel'" to the armor. Agree, it does sound like Tolat. Danket: "When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. And that one sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that’s what you’re going to get, Son, the strongest castle in all of Dangim." Grodnin: always helpful to have a Black Stone around. Sounds like a hardened part or fragment of the Styx. Hida: bronze, silver, and copper. Storm gods, Earth gods, and ... Moon deities perhaps??? Undoubtedly some interesting Godtime battle here. Given the Earth Mother temple, likely a Storm god victory with the site gifted to the Earth Mother. Hrelar Amali: I always like the "glows at night and looks shadowy in the daytime" aspect. Clearly an important heroquest site, and one where the Dark Warriors of Arkat lurk around. Also an interesting aspect. I'm inclined to think that the Vampire Kingdom of Tanisor is linked to the Vadeli magic as well. Sounds like something the Vadeli would enjoy and encourage. Kustria: the Tower of Xud - over a mile high!!! and basements in the Underworld. "In the power of the Breakers of the Seal" - would be an interesting sorcerous school to be pitted against (have to be foes - wouldn't be fun if heroes didn't have to get into the Tower of Xud and obtain its secrets, or keep the Breakers of the Seal from breaking the seal!). Arena of Kustria - clearly this has the opportunity to shift into the Godtime and become the Court of Kargan Tor. Lake Felster: "carved out of the Earth when the Storm Gods warred against the Serpent-Beasts of Hykim" - one wonders what happened to the earth gods of the area. Lartuli: "a Solar horse woman battling against the dragon ruler of the Underworld". Does this presage Can Shu the Shadow Dragon? And if so, who is the Solar horse woman? Galana the Sun Goddess? Galanin the horse mother? The Feathered Horse Queen? There's not many female solar figures, but could be an interesting/important quest to save the world as the Hero Wars draw to their apocalyptic end. Makan: the Nakala Caves - more access to the Underworld. Interesting to see how many places lead to Hell. Marost: walls sixty feet thick. That's a lot of stone! Wonder who constructed it (and added the 100 swords taken from Arkat's foes). Nisos: the Seekers of Knowledge - possess the secrets of the Kingdom of Logic. Sounds like they have a copy of Revealed Mythologies at hand. Tolin: wild and drunken festivals to revive the [Sun] god in the Underworld. This would be an interesting site to visit during Sacred Time. Tortun: "truce between the city's many competing Arkat cults weakens as well..." - sounds like a good opening to an Arkati campaign. One God, One King, One Empire: "the Arkati must unit, and then penetrate to the magic heart of Theoblanc's power" - and this a great climax to an Arkati campaign. Utorost: "the Bronze One, a storm god who feel from the Middle Air in the Great Darkness..." - I could see this as one of the Three New Stars raised in a Ralian Eleven Lights campaign. Wolfblood: following Argrath's campaign against the Telmori, I could picture a Telmori quest to find this place and drink of the pure wolf blood to restore their folk.
  18. Reading through the Ralios chapter, I'm filled with that feeling that here is a whole other interesting part of Glorantha that I'm unlikely to ever have an opportunity to explore. Yet it seems like a rich area where the theistic and sorcerous worlds overlap along with lingering elements of Hykimi spirit folk, the largest Aldryami forest, great enclaves of trolls who send forth the Swarm, and the Nidan dwarves. A great war with Seshnela is imminent. Five Arkats (or more!) are about to be unleashed. And there are a whole host of secretive underground organizations. I do hope that someone does run with this background and put together something fascinating.
  19. I think for this to occur, the spirit likely will have established some position in the Gods World. Certainly Orlanthi invoke Orlanth and are filled by his presence. But Orlanth cannot cross that threshold to possess his followers. In the case of Firshala or Mistress Sazdorf, it may not be their spirit possessing the follower, but an aspect like a dream that they project.
  20. More like the hold of Great Queen Bruvala's descendants to power is strong. Every queen of Nochet (including those of House Delainaeo and Delaeos, e.g. Samastina) since her reign descends from her. The Enfranchised Houses all intermarry closely, so the cross-connections are many. But up until Queen Norina, House Norinel clearly has the dominant position. We also have to look at who came to power in 1550-1. Imarjira of House Delaeos, whose grandfather was one of Great Queen Bruvala's sons. And her brother won the Tournament of Luck and Death in 1550 to become Belintar. They directly benefit from Norina's assassination, and House Delaeos has close links to the Old Vingkotling kings (i.e. to the Heortlings). Agree, I think this unlikely. The timing doesn't work for this - they'd have to be twins. Brengala is Bruvala's youngest/last child born in 1509. Norina is born in 1525, when Brengala is 16. Unlikely to have been initiated before age 14, married at 15. I don't think it's safe to assume that at all. Bruvala was the greatest queen in Nochet since the Dawn. Magically powerful, she dominates Nochet until her death. Brengala may certainly have found ways to maneuver things towards her own daughter's rise to become queen (and position herself to succeed Bruvala), but the fact that House Delaeos gets Imarjira in as queen and she lasts there until 1565 suggests that Brengala was not as strong as Bruvala. I don't have the feeling that either Bruvala or Brengala intended this. This was one of the lines I thought most likely and what I speculated: > Arkillia as the last daughter of Queen Bruva, Brengala's elder sister, and Aririllo Delainaeo, High Priest of Jeweled Issaries (many of the noble sons go into the temples of Issaries or Lhankor Mhy after all). Arkillia born in 1524-5, Bruva's last child. When Bruva tries to force Reverend Grandmother Bruvala out, she is killed. Arkillia is raised by her aunt Queen Brengala, and is playmate to Brengala's own daughter Norina. Arkillia is of course tainted so is meant to be married off in some minor alliance (not the Prince of Sartar). But when Sarotar falls in love with her, and not Norina... In this scenario, it would likely be those associated with Brengala who have Sarotar killed (or a final act of vengeance by Queen Bruvala herself!). And then the assassination of Norina by Sartarites in response makes sense. I'd guess not Delaeos. Arkillia is also noted as a "merchant's daughter", i.e. associated with Issaries. This is most prominently House Delainaeo, from whom Dormal comes, and a couple other more minor houses. > Merchant's daughter may mean she was a Norinel daughter of another of Queen Brengala's sisters, (I suggest one named Brankillia), and one of the main Issaries priests (likely from House Delainaeo). It's not far different from the scenario for #3, just pushes Arkillia out a bit farther from the center of power. But as you note now there is another House involved which would fit with having another Grandmother involved. Perhaps Arkillia was meant to marry Belintar and be the Mother of Dormal??? But this arrangement disrupted the plans and postponed events for another generation.
  21. Perhaps some chaos spirits, but otherwise I'd say no. This would assume that a spirit could somehow divide or replicate itself. There might be a case for this. Sounds like something for intense debate among the rival LM temples or sorcerous schools.
  22. The intent with Warding is that your deity is giving you power to protect a sacred space. As @David Scott noted above, what space within it is sanctified and who is being protected by this mobile Warding? A mobile cart or wagon could qualify (i.e. the sacred space of a travelling merchant), but it's less clear how such a hoop would. The other issue I see with the "hula hoop of Death" is that the person it is tossed upon doesn't actually cross the warding. Instead, they are effectively "invited" within or "engulfed" by the caster who is dropping the sacred space onto them. And if I had a player pursuing such, this is how I'd handle it - and let them be "surprised" when the effect isn't what they thought.
  23. There's both excellent fertility (e.g. rapid rise in populations post-Dawn or post-Dragonkill) due to strong Ernalda magics, but also events that result in catastophic losses (e.g. the Great Winter). But to get the former benefits, there's a strong need to support the temples and maintain a lifestyle in accord with the gods. The gods can curse as well as bless. Disease doesn't just strike because a bunch of broos show up. Disease occurs when you offend the gods (e.g. stir up Disorder in a city) and they withdraw their protection from Mallia. Magic is not just the availability of spells. It's maintaining the order of things so that you can draw upon the benefits from the gods and not incur their wrath. And there's nothing to say that is easy to do in a world of conflicting gods and spirits. The scenario/situation The Missing in the Eleven Lights is an example of an angry spirit extracting revenge.
  24. Or perhaps there is something much more 'real' about the statue than we realize... I wonder how many bearers were required to lug those huge statues through the Talastari hills? As with a number of the pictures, the descriptions don't quite seem to match the final product. The Bilini woman looks pleased with the white shirts and seems to be encouraging her husband to get more. The Bilini husband looks somewhat embarrassed. The Lakrene man looks more like a mercenary than a townsman, and seems rather skeptical of the whole proceeding (or perhaps just skeptical towards Varnarn of Elz Ast.
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