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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Arkat is not likely to make his appearance in Gods and Goddesses, but don't worry - we've got Black Arkat making an appearance soon. Illumination is all over the Gods and Goddesses book. Vinga is a sub-cult of Orlanth. Kolat, Earth Witch, etc., appear in the Horned God.
  2. Slave bracelets are very rare. The main way of dealing with dangerous captives is to disarm them, watch them, and hope to ransom them as soon as possible.
  3. The starting characters are the sort of people who end up being able to survive a life of adventure. The rules are not designed to create a typical resident of Dragon Pass.
  4. Yes. Or BG. Or Storm Bull.
  5. Zorak Zoran does NOT get Shield (check your Bestiary if you doubt me). The cults that get Shield directly are Manthi, Aldrya, Babeester Gor, Yelm, Gorgorma, Orlanth, Humakt, Waha, Seven Mothers, Yanafal Tarnils, and Hwarin Dalthippa. There are many cults that receive Shield by virtue of their association with one of these cults (e.g., Storm Bull, etc)..
  6. As I said YGWV. But giving everyone the ability to Heal Wound (with its associated magic point drain), is very different from giving everyone the ability to exchange one 1 RP for 2 points of protection and 2 points of counter magic.
  7. With the Guide, we finally had access to the art resources we have wanted. I'd consider the art from the Guide on pretty definitive.
  8. Shield is a very powerful spell and only a handful of cults have it. YGWV, but we have tried to carefully limit who gets it.
  9. Gods and Goddesses has all-new write-ups for the Seven Mothers, Danfive Xaron (a new version, although Mike and Nick were both involved), Deezola, Etyries, Hon-eel, Hwarin Dalthippa, Irrippi Ontor, Jakaleel the Witch, Nysalor, Teelo Norri, Yanafal Tarnils, and of course the Red Goddess herself. Plus the Crimson Bat.
  10. Yes. More precisely, we have retconned a retcon. The look we have established in RQG is the look going forward.
  11. We will be coming out with our Fantasy Earth line. Jason and I have been speccing out the books, and already have three (actually four) in progress. But one thing at a time - first we make sure that RQG is self-propelled!
  12. We approach it like we would with a game set in Classical Rome, Medieval Iceland, Post-Roman Britain, or Middle Earth - start somewhere and provide the minimum necessary to jump in. Glorantha is no harder than any other of these settings (actually it is much easier that Classical Rome - and fortunately there are three great games out there for the other three settings). Start by spending your first session making characters and going to Apple Lane. Or going through the Broken Tower scenario. Do the adventures in the GMs Adventure Book. Then go outward from there. Jeff
  13. Hah - we have gone around and around on this. I did NOT include SAN rules in RQ for the simple reason that by CoC standards, ALL RQ characters are already at 0 SAN.
  14. We also have a much bigger art budget nowadays - Sartar and Sartar Companion were books Rick and I did on a shoe-string budget. I think we did great work for what resources we had, but RQ reflects how I would do things going forward. There are things here and there that have been tweaked, largely based on Greg giving me loads of material when I was working on the Guide that let me refine things (like the amazing royal genealogy chart that made its way into the RQ Adventures Book).
  15. Lol. 1. Yep. And the existence of an intertribal organization fiercely loyal to its hero-leader is a huge change. 2. He's dead. 3. Basmol is in the gods and goddesses book. The men and a half are in the bestiary. Ostrich and rhino riders need to be added.
  16. I'd suggest starting with RQG and the Glorantha Sourcebook. Then if you want a comprehensive treatment of the setting, get the Guide. But any are fine places to start.
  17. Actually this a case why I hate discussing forthcoming projects until they are done. I knew we would need to do a "Grand Grimoire" and after HeinzCon I hammered it out in a few days of feverish work.
  18. I like to give convention attendees their own special rewards. Things get announced in the regular course of things - but if you want to know what precisely we are working on, go to a convention where Jason and I are guests.
  19. Jeff

    Vishi Dunn

    There is the Red Book, which contains all Rune Spells and all Spirit Magic spells from the Core Rules, the Bestiary, and the Gods and Goddesses book. Plus a few others.
  20. That being said, I should warn folk that Thunder Rebels is not canonical nor entirely compatible with HQG, let alone RQG. There is a reason we have hidden it away in the Vault. Its presentation of the cults of both Orlanth and Ernalda are deeply flawed. Then again YGWV, so if it helps you, it helps you. Personally I think the best things to buy for an would-be RQG GM are: The RQ Slipcase set RQ Quickstart The Glorantha Sourcebook Snakepipe Hollow from the RQ Classics King of Sartar If I wanted to explore beyond Dragon Pass, I'd seriously consider the Guide. And I would be thrilled with the RQ Campaign Book, the Gods and Goddesses Book, the Smoking Ruins, and more. But they aren't available yet.
  21. David and I are hard at work on Pendragon, but first thing is first - let's get the rest of the KS releases out and then talk about what we're working on.
  22. This is fantastic! Do you mind if we share this outside of BRP Central?
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