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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. I understand the focus on the EWF and the God Learners considering the concentration on Genertela. Although the Elf Empire has been described elsewhere, I've felt a bit dissatisfied with it as its history ends after Errinoru goes to Dinal even though there's about two centuries before the actual empire gets destroyed. Likewise the Eastern Seas Empire. There is supposedly a famous battle with the Valkarians that was instigated by Brithini diplomats of which the only source of Gods of Glorantha and the date is unknown. Did nothing else happen there? (I know things did happen, it's just that I wish there was space to mention it in the Guide)
  2. The biggest omission for me in this section would be the story of Sheng Seleris and the Celestial Empire considering that it had a massive impact. Secondly would have to be a narrative history of the Holy Country.
  3. p133 The EWF includes parts of Fronela. A pity we don't see it on the historical maps. p133. I always get bemused by the destruction of the Lascerdans being known to an exact year despite there being no humans in the area. p133 A mysterious war in Laskal circa 478. p134 The Kingdom of Wisdom rather than taking the fight against the New Dragons Ring expands into Pent. p134 Pavis is depicted as being part of the EWF although Cults of Prax says never formally part implying that it was snet tribute and the like. p135 The EWF is described as expanding into Pent (timeline). Presumably they got kicked out in double quick time by Dijaar and his five friends. p136. The Hot Sea is named for the first time. Although the Lake is show in previous maps, this is the first time that it has been labelled Hot. Had it become so due to the catastrophes? Also Orathorn also appears for the first time on the maps which suggests like Senbar its appearance was cataclysmic. p136 The Grand Vizer of the Soul Pearl. Now the Mountain of Light could be the Light Twin (otherwise known as the Longhsa Sha between Teshnos and Kralorela). Therefore the Vizer would be more likely to be based in Teshnos rather than Teleos (this isn't the first time or even second that the names have been confused). The Middle Sea Empire does state the colonies of Teleos and the Eastern Isles do report to the Overgovernor of Eest which is why I don't call this an error.
  4. Because the Dara Happan Empire annexed the Lendarshi in the Wars of Light and Darkness (cf Entekosiad and Fortunate Succession) I've been told it was the Sun God that was suppressed.
  5. Joerg: Well the Feldichi aren't mentioned until p712 so I'm taking this to the Deep discussion. However Dorastor is mentioned in the Book of Heortling Mythology. The Plundering of Aron p76-77 The Great River is probably the Erinflarth. The pass through the mountains guarded by a pair of Giants is Dorastor. One of the Giants is killed on the head by a Thunderstone and this is probably the origin of Thunder Mountain. Yes, it conflicts with the tale of Tobros being stabbed by Baogg and there are no apparent technological or magical marvels (but then again the Giants aren't known in mythical times for creating anything like the Celestial Engine).
  6. p126 Arstola's Forest appears to originally be only the Old Woods in Kethaela at the Dawn. It then becomes part of the Greatwood and eventually seens to be synonymous with the parts of the Greatwood that were not part of the Old Woods. p129 Talor is Arkat's son? Previously this was said about Gerlant.
  7. metcalph


    Let me make myself clear. I am not looking for suggestions on how to make up Uz quests. Somebody suggested that the Heroquest page had left out the Uz quests and my question was an attempt to find out what Uz quests was talking about. What I am asking for is published Uz quests and where they can be found (e.g. Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes). That is only what I was asking for. What I want is something that I can put on a page of published heroquests.
  8. metcalph


    I was wanting details of specific quests that you feel the page has left out.
  9. metcalph


    They recently changed it and I am still haven't caught up with many of the other changes.
  10. metcalph


    What Uz quests did you have in mind? The page only lists what has been published.
  11. metcalph


    Use the talk pages rather than this forum to discuss wiki style please
  12. Ridderans is HW terminology and is based on a view of Ethilrist that the Guide has abandoned. The Riders are described in the Guide as follows: As for the origins of the Riders
  13. One could nuance this by saying that it's the dwarves of Slon which favour using animal power (their stoneships are powered by humans on treadmills). The Dwarves of Nida may have a slightly different philosophy. Given their research into black powder weapons, they may favour the release of energy in the form of short bursts rather than as a sustained, controlled release. In other words rather than a treadmill operated bore, they may favour explosives.
  14. Kana Poor is far older as the wielder of the Third Arrow at the Battle of the Four Arrows of Light. He is also called Scribe of Time and Wielder of Age. Kanar Poor is canonical. The ILH-2 was an attempt to develop some mythology for him and I must say I'm not impressed. He fires the Third Arrow (outranking Irrippi Ontor and Yanafal?) does nothing for a wane and then develops the Wane Calendar which the Lunar Empire best remembers him for? I myself think he was a God before the Battle of the Four Arrows. Perhaps a servant of Yelm, perhaps a servant of Dayzatar. The Goddess discovered him in her quest and brought him back. But his worship has since been lost due to the ravages of the Wars Against Sheng Seleris.
  15. There are shapeshifting foxes, badgers and tigers in the Aurubdey Forest of Vormain (Guide p533). They are not described as beastfolk but since they can shapeshift into human form, they are similar to the fox women or the swan maiden. The Jrusteli Beastmen are better known as Timinits, I'd think.
  16. Try thinking of the Durulz as being one tribe among many in the Seabird's army and many of your problems will disappear. And birds have been known to drop turtles onto rocks (and greek playwrights) from a great height to shatter the shell to get at the juicy flesh within.
  17. The picture is based on Anzu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anzû_(mythology)#/media/File:Chaos_Monster_and_Sun_God.png The same figure (I dunno if this is intentional) is used for the Dragon Sun on the Fortunate Succession p36 And yes, Anzu is similar to a griffin. It could be Lhankor Mhy. But I don't know where Issaries and the others are. Guide p251 - Grandmother's costume. My guess is an Esrolian Queen (Guide p251) Diros more likely. Chalana Arroy?
  18. p111 - Interesting titles of Time. The "Backbone of Kana Poor" and the "Weapon of Ghani" p112 - Do think it's a shame that we weren't given the Vithelan Year Count (which is currently something like 2600) or even the Kralori year count.
  19. I had an epiphany about the origins of the Durulz. It's been speculated in the past that they were prisoners of slaves of Sshorg after the drowning of Duruvan and made their way from there to Genertela and the west (where they get boiled alive by Zzabur). It's occurred to me that this hypothetical army is none other than the Seabird Army which Orlanth fought (King of Sartar p65)
  20. I don't believe it to be an error given that he was known to the EWF too.
  21. From a description of Argrath's companions. This is... unexpected.
  22. Tanian has the Dragonewt Rune? The God Learners sure kept that a secret!
  23. https://www.chaosium.com/the-eleven-lights-pdf/
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