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Everything posted by metcalph

  1. p355 boxed text - Varstari is being courted by the Lunar Empire. This always seems a bit of a stretch to me. I think it more likely that the Red Earth Alliance is responsible. p358 - Handra is considerably well out in the bay of the Noshain that the first settlers must have been incredibly brave to dare the Closing to reach the site.
  2. P352 -The mysterious Vathmai appear again. They are described as Theyalan but are not one of the known Theyalan tribes. Moreover making new tribes doesn't appear to be the done thing around 115 ST P361 - I think the 100 Lakes near Swarz are the same as the High Pools first mentioned in the History of My Black Horse Troop.
  3. But that isn't why Bisos isn't worshipped today. He's worshipped because he intercedes for Idovanus (Entekosiad p75) . And also: Hence I see Bisos as being Storm Bull minus the anti-chaos fury plus the blessings of Idovanus. But there is the presence of the Bleak Land in nearby Charg that may change things and Uroxi tribes are mentioned.
  4. Your thesis that YarGan is Vadeli is solely your opinion. He's in the wrong age (Flood Era) to be a vampire.
  5. I'm sighing because it sounds to me as silly as Dolebury (which has now been taken out).
  6. The Atarks or the Extark (or variations thereof in the Entekosiad) or the Goakstart (Glorious ReAscent or Guide p671 that slew Vanarthurd. It seems to be a monstrous other that attacks enemies of the Women's Tribe (who are described several times as saying "I do not know what you are talking about). The Red King apparently fought it at some point and in doing so became Naveria's father.
  7. Big mountains can be visited by the Orlanthi every high holy day without a temple. Middle sized mountains can be visited every seasonal holy day without a temple. Small mountains can be visited every week without a temple, Within the Grey Zones, worship to Orlanth must be conducted within a temple.
  8. You could use indonesian/malaysian names as it could be based on Srivijaya https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srivijaya
  9. metcalph

    High Llama

    I think the camels would be Bactrian and so could be placed in the cooler climes, like the Kingdom of Ignorance (where things are strange enough as it is that camels will go unmentioned). They could be used by the Ignorants to spook the Pentan raiders (Claudius did something similar when he invaded Britain).
  10. metcalph

    High Llama

    I will correct it.
  11. I didn't mind the profusion of new runes so much in HW/HQ1 but rather the lack of explanation as to what they meant. I wasn't looking for an absolute truth but rather the cultists interpretation of what the runes meant to them.
  12. p348 Map - comparing this map to the Entekosiad, the most striking feature is that most of the lands lie well north of the Poralistor River whereas the Entekosiad hardly ever mentions anybody living there. Also many of the places described as Pelandan in the Entekosiad do not lie within the Pelandan Plinth Culture which also includes Darsen. Finally I'm impressed that the Reindeer People were erecting stone circles during the Darkness.
  13. p344 - Dokat is described as the First Age capital but it is not the same as the City of Miracles. I assume the City was built when Nysalor was born and gradually superseded Dokat.
  14. p339 Piccie - perhaps it's just me but the Lunar soldier looks creeped out by the idol of HonEel which I thought was a real priestess until I read the description.
  15. p334 - the Iron Crown is mentioned once again (first in Griffin Mountain) but the name of the famous hero is still unknown. Alakoring is ruled out because the fate of the Crown is clearly that of the Battle of Highbridge, which took place a century or so before he was active.
  16. p319 - I had heard of Vorwaha Bisonlord as long ago as Dorastor: Land of Doom but this was the first time I heard that he became King of Sylila. p321 - Does a masterful job of explaining the two Cafols.
  17. p318 - Hero Wars begins. It's occured to me that we still don't have a name for the Not-the-Red-Emperor.
  18. p309 - Aririkoth is the same place as Rarokon in the Glorious ReAscent p30 p309 - the Older City that preceded Haranshold is probably Dzessmath (mentioned in the Glorious ReAscent). p310 - the statement that the Jewelled Vault is a tomb started me because I had previously thought that it was a treasure chamber according to the description in the Glorious ReAscent. Undoubtedly this is because Plentonius does not want to mention who is buried in the Vault. Manimat? Murharzarm?
  19. p302 - Map - the most curious thing is the territory marked temporary expansion. No explanation as to why it is so fleeting. I also think so indication of maize growing should have been shown on the map.
  20. p292 - I know I've speculated on the likely places before but I'm kinda disappointed that we are not given more information on the Broos Regiment Headquarters, the Madness College, Vampire Town, the Dislocated Zoo Grounds, Third Hand Illumination Town, Undragon Land and the Beyond Nightmares.
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