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M Helsdon

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Everything posted by M Helsdon

  1. Still working on the cuirass... Latest at the bottom. Time to call it a night.
  2. Interesting. I don't intend illustrating any more extant Alkothi regiments, as I don't have descriptions.
  3. Afraid I don't have access to the game, Jan.
  4. A doodle for the design of the greaves. 8-) Inspired by ancient designs such as:
  5. A Kill You Regiment militiaman (Alkoth). I don't usually publish roughs, but here's one for the next sketch, doodles and all. Hmm, I need to angle the arm and shield out a little more. Additional: Jeff says this is a senior file-leader.
  6. Not many more to do... Chapter Number of sketches Additional sketches required Introduction 0 0 Fundamentals of Warfare 4 1-2 Arms and Armor 10 1-2 Regional Warfare 20 1 The Battlefield 16 0 Transport and Mobility 0 0 Fortifications and Siege Warfare 1 0 Arcane Warfare 3 0 Gods of War 0 0 Armies of Central Genertela 0 0 Hero Wars Army Lists 49 miniatures Appendices 0 0 The question will then be - do I continue? Many units in the Army List not yet illustrated, but information about many is slim to none...
  7. Today, I have a mystery. Over the last two days, have drawn two sketches; one mostly worked (below, though it requires a little more digital modification) and the other did not, and will have to be redrawn. Both used this crosshatching technique using a 0.05mm pen, both on the same paper, but when scanned one looks mostly okay, and the other is an awful mess. [With the one below, I messed up the shield and had to redraw it, and then mate it digitally; I find drawing an aspis shield very tricky even using French Curves...]
  8. Horse and rider. Not quite finished - generated to check relative sizes and position. Black Horses are larger than ordinary horses... Size comparison check as well. [This is an image size reduced version so a bit fuzzy.] Hmm. Think I need to angle the girth strap forwards.
  9. Another inspiration was a Mesopotamian lamassu (variety with a lion's body).
  10. The main 'design' thought was that lions and horses are, in Glorantha, I believe, Solar animals, and that if a horse were to become a carnivore it would develop some leonine attributes. The alternative, which I tried, was that the Black Horses in Hell 'devolved' towards their hippogriff ancestor, but eagle's feet didn't look very good on an animal that cannot fly. The image has been 'liked' by Jeff and Steve Perrin made a positive comment, so if this were entirely wrong, I'd have expected those gentlemen to correct me. Whilst the original is pen-and-ink, I could have changed the feet. [In addition to the illustrations in the Guide and Sourcebook, another design inspiration was Charles Stross' short novel Equoid which features
  11. The usual answer is - it depends. Yelmalion Templar/mercenary regiments will be composed almost entirely of initiates, with non-initiates who have served for less than two years being lay members of the cult. So it depends upon how many 'outsiders' have been recruited, and how long they've served. Cults of Prax and Sun County are still the best sources, and they don't stipulate the percentage, but it is going to be relatively high.
  12. He's a Black Horse of Ethilrist's Black Horse Troop. [Using description in latest RQ Bestiary.]
  13. Rider next... Regarding Sables - I suspect either the riders put corks or similar on the tips or trim them...
  14. Thank you, but you don't see how many sketches get binned... I attempt to draw faces and hands first, and if they go wrong, start over. In future probably won't 'paint' so much shading in. Made more difficult by the fact that the screens of my laptop and desktop give different resolution of shading. This Sable Tribe warrior is wearing a modified Lunar cavalry helmet, kopis and linothorax (not very visible). These items may have been obtained from the Lunars, or taken as spoils of war.
  15. Sable Tribe rider drawn, but the full-sized one requires shading, tomorrow...
  16. Tell the worshippers of Bisos that. He's much more than a 'bull god'.
  17. Came across this when looking for reference material for Bison Priscus (didn't use it, save for scale).
  18. A few hours wrestling Word, and I get roughly what I was aiming for...
  19. I strongly suspect that most left handed babies either die or are considered to have a draconic taint.
  20. I'm doubtless a heretic, but have suspected for some time that the Yelmalio cult, and the way it fights, isn't as monolithic as might be supposed. The Sairdite/Prax/Sartar temples may specialize in fighting as phalangites (though their auxiliaries who defend the flanks of the phalanx doubtless differ) but further afield things are not exactly the same. I have a suspicion that, for example, Serene Victory in Jarst tends more to horse archers (the Pentans being neighbors and both revering the Yellow City) whilst North Dona may also employ Western-style cataphracts in league with their phalanx... For now, the setting just needs Peloria, Dragon Pass, the Holy Country and Prax to be addressed, but it's a large world out there.
  21. Very sad, but I've taken to analyzing in detail canonical illustrations to find details such as this. True. Whilst I suspect a rhino could carry two riders, I don't believe that two lancers would be practical - too much chance of the lances getting in each other's way. Been fighting Word this evening to remove 'background' and puzzling why it then formats the text the way it does, but this is what the two page spread looks like - so far. Some of the picture missing, and odd text formatting - the eternal battle continues... Version without text wrapping also shown.
  22. Not default, but not unlikely, given the size of the animal, and its carrying capacity, given in the Bestiary. For a canon illustration - see 'The Glorantha Sourcebook' page 27. Doubling up gave me an opportunity to give two different tribal costumes/armour, and also up the percentage of female illustrations, which is a bit too low. I gave the 'passenger' a saddle as it seemed a sensible thing to use.
  23. And the high llama (with two riders) is 'complete'. Just adjusted the picture balance of the bison, rhino and high llama, and they are now ready to be merged for a two-page spread (tomorrow). Rough for assessing positions below (may change a little).
  24. In the Third Age, there's a Travelling Stone in Dragon Pass, which is a magical altar to Larnste, the God of Movement, and usually found southwest of the Greatway peaks, on the fringes of the Stinking Forest.
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