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Christoph Kohring

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Posts posted by Christoph Kohring

  1. 33 minutes ago, Ochoa said:

    What is the best source for details on the Battle of the Queens, apart from the Glorantha Sourcebook?

    There is no better canonical source. We will have to wait until the release of the Grand RuneQuest Campaign to know more, I guess.

    In the mean time, you can see how the Battle of Queens played in Martin Laurie's magnificent Hero Wars/ HeroQuest Gwandor Saga's episode 55 here.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    Cult: Divinity Gained
    Blades on the Moon

    Oooooh, I like it! I will have to Google Cult as I am dimly aware of it. Else, Blades in the Dark... of the Moon!?!

    16 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    Twilight: 1655

    Lovely but no, no, no: 1625! Think Red Army units stranded in Sartar after the Dragonrise!

    Escape from, say, Apple Lane: in his last dying breath Tatius the Not-So-Bright-Anymore asked Etyries, messenger to the Goddess to send in the clear to all units the following cryptic message: "“Good Luck. You’re on your own now.”

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  3. A short time ago on Facebook @Ian Cooper wrote something that might be worth preserving & commenting here as well (also for those who are not on FB):

    Let's talk a little bit about Your Glorantha Will Vary (YGWV).

    It is important to note that is not YGMV, or MAY vary, but WILL. Greg regularly signed off with this on mailing lists such as World of Glorantha in the noughties because Glorantha was a medium for telling stories. Time and again Greg advised people to put their stories first, Gloranthan canon second. Glorantha is a tool for you to use to make great stories, not a canon to be slavishly adhered to.

    Glorantha should exist in games and stories.

    As I get older, and perhaps wiser, I would be happy to see Glorantha supplements that ignore each other, if they need to. I understand that for some here, that is anathema.

    But our greatest mythologies, including the modern ones like superheroes have often been re-told with tweaks and variations that are important to that story.
    Imagine a world where GMs and writers asked first: what cool stories can I tell here, and only second: what does canon say, and do I need to ignore it for MY story.
    Glorantha already has KoDP and Six Age, HQG and 13th Age as well as RQG. None of them exactly reflect Greg's stories. None is 'more true' than the other, just more recent. Canon has already become meaningless. Consistency is only important to a line.
    If we can make a great story by making adjustments to what is known, then why not? No one's campaign is actually broken.
    When we ague about things that have changed, such as, Elmal vs. Yelmalio we are not talking about what Greg cared about 'stories': we should ask first what stories do we want to tell about the Orlanthi sun?
    Do we want to tell stories of downtrodden sun worshipers uplifted by the Sun Dome? Do we want to tell stories about steadfast Elmali refusing the temptation of Nysalor and rejecting Yelmalio? Do we want to tell stories where Tarkalor saved the Emali of the clans by diverting the Yelmalians to lands liberated from the Kitori, or do we want tell stories where Tarkalor oversaw the conversion of the Elmali to Yelmalio.
    All these stories are possible? Why limit ourselves to one.
    And I would offer that notions of 'one true Glorantha' put people off. Because we make them feel small if the get it 'wrong.' Is it wrong if they make great art, but somehow break a part of canon? If we just treated everything published, by anyone, as a source of inspiration to fold into YOUR Glorantha, we could put canon behind us.
    Let's talk about stories. Not canon. And let's ask questions within the context of stories, because outside that, how can we judge the choices. Want to understand Gloranthan slavery: what story do you want to tell about slavery?
    As the poet said:
    'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

    I don't know how & when YGMV came up, but I always detested it. I don't remember it coming from Greg himself, by the way. For me, it was always WILL & not MAY... as in Your Glorantha Will Inevitably Vary & Cannot Do Otherwise (YGWIVACDO)! Anyway, Ian really nails it & says it very, very, very nicely.

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  4. 1 hour ago, PhilHibbs said:


    By all means, yes!

    Rubble Runners & Ravines, as well!?!? Moonbusters! Price of Freedom: Roleplaying in Occupied Dragon Pass! Empire: The Masquerade! Ars Runica! Man, Myth & Magic: Glorantha! King Argrath Dragonlord (KAD) RPG! Prince Argrath: The Storytelling Game! Elf, Troll, Dwarf & DragonewtQuest! RunePunk: 1620! Shadowrune! Middle Air Role Playing (MARP)! The One Rune!

    • Like 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, Kloster said:

    I like the bolg, eh the BoL:G.

    Barbarians of Lemuria: Glorantha (BoL:G) a game (BoL) that screams Glorantha to me & that is very HeroQuestish... but not quite: it still has attributes (4), combat skills (4) & specific rules, "hit points" (called Lifeblood there, much more evocative!) & damage. The only question that remains is how to adapt (HQ:CR/ HQ:G) magic to it.

    (Everywhen RPG is generic BoL because the rules are so good, so light & so much fun... a bit like the forthcoming HQ:RoG [HeroQuest: Roleplaying oustide Glorantha] aka QuestWorlds. BoL is such a good game design that its first editions were published for free online & that the fans later convinced its author to publish it professionaly at cost! Check it out, it's amazing.)

  6. On 9/7/2019 at 6:47 PM, SNaomiScott said:

    Wait, is there really going to be a Grand Argrath Campaign for RQG similar to the Pendragon one, or is this just rumour and speculation at this time?

    @Jeff wrote elsewhere:


    This is pretty much the subject of the RuneQuest Campaign book, which goes season by season to the acclamation of Argrath as Prince of Sartar, and then yearly going forward.

    In conversation with Jeff (first time IRL!) at Les Hydriades convention here in the land of the Switzers this spring, he also said that the GAC/ RQ Campaign Book would also go backwards to -or even begin in- 1602, Uther Pendragon-style.

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  7. 3 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    Yep. Given how HQ take very little space, I wonder if it would be possible to release most Gloranthan scenarios with dual stats?

    Except for mentioning their three (or more) Runes, there are no NPC stats in HQ:CR/ HQ:G & that's the beauty of it!

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  8. On 9/7/2019 at 6:47 PM, SNaomiScott said:

    Wait, is there really going to be a Grand Argrath Campaign for RQG similar to the Pendragon one, or is this just rumour and speculation at this time?

    Yes, there will be a GAC (1602 [!]-1655) & no, it's not just "rumour & speculation" as @Jeff is working on it. If we get it in 2021 we should be happy & if it's next year, we should be overjoyed, now, shouldn't we?!!

    Here is what @Jason Durall recently wrote on the RQ Facebook page:


    'The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories' goes into layout ASAP. Art has been the holdup for this book.

    Immediately after, 'The Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories' goes into layout, as art is coming in and should be done when TSR is finished.

    Then it's onto the Starter Set, the GM Sourcebook, and the Campaign Guide, in that order, with Cults of Glorantha to follow.

    We may intersperse something smaller in the last batch, as we're getting an embarrassment of great manuscripts piling up.

    André Jarosch added:


    The "GM Sourcebook" is the GM book?
    The "Campaign Guide" is the Dragon Pass Campaign?
    "Cults of Glorantha" is the new title of Gods and Goddesess of Glorantha?

    And @Jason Durall impishly replied:


    Andre Jarosch Who even knows?!?!


    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Redmoongodess said:

    Will this book include options for the players to take the spot of doing canonical deeds that were "canonically" done by Argath and company? Or will they be forced to sit on the side while the "cool" npcs do all of the cool stuff? The same exact thing that EVERYONE criticized about the metaplots in the Forgotten Realms and nearly every other popular rpg setting in the 90's?

    The short answer is -hopefully- yes, no & yes!?!

    Let's just hope that it will eventually get published... & for HQ:G!  It might unfortunately very well be absorbed in the RQ:RiG so-called "RuneQuest Campaign" aka "Grand Argrath Campaign" project which should cover the time between 1602 & 1655 (Fall of the Red Moon).

  10. 23 hours ago, Gallowglass said:

    I believe the Rathori people also worship lesser bear spirits, including Irgar (brown bear), Irdag (black bear) and Orenrar (blue bear). In the White Bear’s absence, these spirits may have taken on more importance. Or maybe Rathor was a more distant spirit in the first place, and the other bear spirits were closer to their worshippers.

    Rathor is the White Bear? I always thought those were two distinct entities.

  11. 5 hours ago, Ian Absentia said:

    All is as said above.  My "Love for My Mother 1M13" has become "Love for My Dead Mother 1M13".

    1M13 means 261. You probably meant 13M, i.e. 33. Writing it as 13M1 is also understandable, I guess?!!

  12. On 8/29/2019 at 2:08 AM, Christoph Kohring said:

    I mentioned Lant Ulfar first from memory but then I checked p.18 of DP:AGoK/ DP:LoT (2003) & discovered that both the Bag & the Finger were related to a certain unknown (?) Heda Brad according to the map of Cinsina lands there.

    The map of Cinsina Lands on p. 18 with the Remains of Heda Brad (The Bag & The Finger) as well as the remains of Lant Ulfar (Red Rock, The Head, [Drum Point,] Greentree & Baretree) can be found here.



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  13. On 8/28/2019 at 2:25 PM, jpk said:

    2) P.21 has the Red Cow Ferry as part of the King's Road <-> Stonegate trail, with the Creek being 80' wide at this point. From my reading though, the Creek seems to be about 500' wide at Red Cow Fort, and the trail could happily run over the wooden bridge (p.30) between Green Meadows and Brannagh's Farm instead avoiding the 'danger of the waters'. Is the ferry located elsewhere, or am I missing something ?

    Good question! IMOPG (In My Own Private Glorantha) I would say that the road does indeed go through the bridge between Green Meadows & Brannagh's Farm. Let's wait & see if @Ian Cooper has anything to add.

  14. 43 minutes ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    ...and sell your 1st edition for millions!

    Yeah, who kows!?! I'll wait until the MIG3 is out. Maybe @Rick Meints will include prices in this edition... Kidding aside, I am suprised that there were two (?) printings/ editions of DP:AGoK/ DP:LoT.

    How many more pages are there, by the way & what more does it include? @Joerg? @jajagappa? Anyone?!?

  15. On 8/29/2019 at 12:08 AM, SNaomiScott said:

    I once ran a game of RQIII for my cat - he played a Minotaur.

    There is a story worth telling there, I'm sure!?! As we say in french, you have either told us too much or not enough... 😇

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  16. What is funny is that the first & second editions of both RuneQuest (1978, 1979) & HeroQuest (2000, 2003) were firmly set in Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha, whereas the third edition of both - RQIII in 1984 & HQ:CR in 2009- were meant to be a generic FRP for the first & a totally generic system -like, say, BRP, GURPS, FATE, etc... - for the second. It is, for instance, no problem playing in the Cthulhu mythos with HQ:CR (2009).

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