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Ali the Helering

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Everything posted by Ali the Helering

  1. Soooo.. are the diokos ranyhyn????
  2. Observed life. What was oozing beneath the mud or travelling within the ash, leaping on the plateau or slinking within the forest.....
  3. Scourged, cursed, mud, ash. Good breeding ground.
  4. Quoting the Wiki here, acknowledging it is not itself canon, "Arkat cursed it with the Curse of Cleansing into becoming a foul chaos infested hell". Away from my books at the moment.
  5. Everything to do with Dorastor after he left through to the present?
  6. I was hesitant to suggest that Ga sucks, but...... 😕
  7. Refer to your nearest flat-Earth pundit for their latest theory. I have a fondness for one propounded at a recent conference, that the world is flying upwards. 🤣
  8. I always assumed the Hollow one to be the empty emperor Elmal faced. Why buggery, by the way? I thought any entry worked as well as another....
  9. We know of four forms/parts of Ralzakark, which leads me to wonder something. A lot of the time Gloranthan figures have seven components. Are there another three yet to be revealed?
  10. Oh yes, some of Ralzakark is certainly naturally a broo. Some is something else entirely, and the whole of him is something else again.
  11. To describe Ralzakark as a broo is like calling Harrek a pirate or Argrath an adventurer. True of itself, but rather missing the point. 😜
  12. Which is why he looks like a hollow human, or an unicorn....
  13. Unsure where it is demonstrably false, but if you feel happier that way YGDV. Dunno 'bout the stirrups. Not very Bronze Age.
  14. There is nothing to indicate modern sensibilities either. I enjoy Glorantha as a vague analogue of the RW.
  15. Oddly enough emancipation wasn't a massive issue in the RW Bronze Age. 😞
  16. Dunno about elves screwing mongoo.... No. An image nobody needs
  17. Particularly since there are two forms of kabaddi (my favourite sport), circle and square!
  18. The Shakers danced in gender-separate squares, which seems highly appropriate for the Dark Earth.
  19. Not my experience 🙄 He was a Jungian therapist who was also a devotee of 'Iron John', so maybe M-B weren't to blame. 😜
  20. Interesting - given that the movie lacks the gods, most would suggest that more realistic! Fall of a City is FAR better, not least due to the gods....
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