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Jon Hunter

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Everything posted by Jon Hunter

  1. OK 2nd draft of Darra Happen names; Taken from FS, added a few more modern (post EWF) forms and raided Babylonian for a few ideas and shorter names; Aegrastus Anaxat Anaxesh Anaxial Anaxtha Anirantha Anirat Anirdavu Anirdayu Anirestyu Anirinelm Anirmesh Anirmesha Ansahrestyu Ardashelm Asvekhordevu Bahramdar Bahramdat Baramestyu Bersus Carmanos Carmanus Carshandar Cashandan Daonestyu Daxdarius Denesiod Desikani Desikanir Desikselm Dismanelm Dismanthuyar Dismatryan Dismesiod Duzindat Elamanthat Elesandrius Elesdandrus Elmantha Elmantius Elmatryan Elmatus Elmesiod Elmestesh Elmexdro Elmharsni Elmharsnik Erraibdavu Erzanelm Erzanestyu Fenaldevu Gadatestyu Gahal Gardeveus Garthesh Garthum Gathesh Gerruskoger Glaumalos Glautorus Helemshal Heredars Heredesh Jenarong Karanestyu Karashal Karastus Karmexdros Karsdevesus Kastokus Kazkurtum Kazkurum Kerunebbe Kestinendos Kestinoros Kewetdesh Kewetdevsus Kewetdroni Khahestyu Khamantus Khordavu Khordesh Khordestyu Khordtha Khorventos Khorventyu Khorviramaka Khorzanelm Kumardesh Kumardroni Kumardros Kumarestyu Kumarstyu Kurmadelm Kurmantus Kurmanzelm Lendarshi Lendenshi Lendestyu Lugalesh Lukarius Mahzanelm Manarlarvus Manarlavus Manatelm Mandesh Mandros Manestyu Manimat Mardakelm Murharkelm Murharzarm Nadar Nadat Nadesh Niska Oravinos Ordanestyu Orogoros Orogorus Ovosto Ovostos Phonostres Radaidavu Raibmentha Raibmesha Sarenelm Sarenesh Sarentha Shafer Sibri Sisitus Sitesh Sothelm Sotheni Sothenik Surandar Tamlesh Tamnishelm Ulikarelm Urvairinus Vanyoramet Verendekelm Viramakradda Vorandevu Vuranostum any critiques?
  2. Depends what the runes are used to manipulate. I draw the distinction that runes manipulate magic, but don't manipulate reality except through magic. Thus a guy with a death rune has strong death magic but his natural skills with a sword are the same as those of another warrior.
  3. Cult specific spells are cast with the cult runes, most generics are cast with magic, spirit or truth. The double use of runes as whats need to get access to rune spells, and the dicepool used to sue them means the progression costs are not that great. ie a humakti with strong death and truth runes get use of battle, Morale, Truesword, sever spirits (eventually), etc but need to improve there magic to get access to extensions, warding, and enchantment spells. The distinction I give is those who focus on there own runes alone tend to be called Runelords, those who delve into Generalism and magic runes are more pastoral and tends to be called priests, but the same mechanic covers both. The thing i never have got a nice handle on is how to deal with spells from associated cults associated with very different runes.
  4. I like Bison Latifrons, I mistook it for the stats on the north american bison in my 5 minute google.
  5. Accessibility is the answer. Not a dig a Dave specifically, but something I think all us glorantha nuts do is become obsessively focused on details that can distract at times.
  6. My views came from spending a couple of hours initially trying every variation in every combination and I got a very long and varied fantasy mush.
  7. From 10 mins of google search, they are actually 20% shorter than the great north american bison, but with about the same body mass. I guess for most gamers, we don't know Bisons well enough to understand what terrestrial bison are really like, so nuances on the variations maybe lost. This may have some relevance to me because on my NPC's has brought some bison riders through Gon Ortas pass and they are currently trying cross breed praxian and Elder Wilds bison. However i'm prone to think they are similar stock.
  8. Depends what you wish to achieve. There more flexibility in naming convetnions the higher the risk of naming falling into 'generic fantasy randomness'. I my opinion if you want names within a culture to appear to belong to a family you need simpler structures and rules sets than the real world. This is because real world complexities can be lost within a game environment, so simple models signpost things better.
  9. It would seem that suffix is the 'rule' then. The other the exceptions.
  10. Variation is the spice of life. However if you want a group of names to feel distinct and like a language set then you need a core set of rules that differ from others. Variation from this would be normal. But a strong and distinct rule set creates something interesting.
  11. Garhound contest from sun country(?) would be my suggestion.
  12. When rolling out a version of new system for WOD:Glorantha, I made all of the generic spells linked to the runes of magic, spirit and truth. The caster uses the appropriate rune. If you want to be a priest you need to have those runic associations, rune lords on the other hand just develop the Gods own runes and get access to the specialist spells only. Certain spells are linked to multiple runes - shield for example - It seems to be work so far.
  13. I think its touched on in the Garhound contest. there is Defintley a strong history of performance and storytelling. I think this the moves over into acting naturally, but maybe not with religious stories being the driver as they are so more accurately depicted in worship.
  14. I think whats been stated is that the suffix is the divine portion. My first run at dara happen was too expansive and not useful
  15. A really succinct and useful description, is that canon or your own work?
  16. OK cheers for most of the responses. I know how i'm going to work this through i'm my Balazar campaign now. I'm seeing enforced prostitution of slaves as a form of rape, which will generated chaotic passion spirits and chaotic corruption in those enforcing the situation and those sleeping with the girls. This will see higher instance of rape from the elkio garrison, chaotic corruption and desertion because of it. This creating a whole subplot for and Eryptus my players to deal with. I may put a human worshipper of Thed in the middle of it too.
  17. Jon Hunter


    Id likely go with infinity as well
  18. Next one http://www.backtobalazar.com/lunar-names-part-2-carmanian/
  19. New Post http://www.backtobalazar.com/lunar-names-part-1/
  20. OK open for Critique and Modification (the beauty of the online format) but first stab at the first of my lists; http://www.backtobalazar.com/lunar-names-part-1/ http://www.backtobalazar.com/lunar-names-part-2-carmanian/
  21. Would you believe i've gone through FS on my own creating my own list and of prefixes and suffixes from all the names mentioned? I hand not seen the bloody table, which page are we looking at ?
  22. OK looking at fortunate succession I fine very few womens names, any suggestions ? Different endings to stems ?
  23. Maybe everything in 2nd edition wasn't perfectly thought through and without error. Shock horror. id play at the point of adulthood they become initiates of males cults, and those restriction apply, up until then boys are treated as women. but i would have a younger initiation than early 20's You don't teach warrior spells to children.
  24. I would suggest boys leave the cult at the moment of initiation into waha or other cults. Its the cult of women and children.
  25. cheers guys Thanks for the nice comments.
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