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Everything posted by Soccercalle

  1. Any news about the adventure Hydra @Peter Hart? Will that be an adventure, a campaign or a source book?
  2. I have now played the Salaseh scenario and it was very good. But, as you write, it was a very complicated scenario both to run and to play. I had to write down a "timeline" for my own memory and gave summaries to my players between the sessions (it took us three). They needed it to keep track of the NPCs. SPOILERS AFTER THIS:
  3. Shamanistic traditions including White Bull Society and Jakaleel The Witch (she will be in the Lunar book). I am also very interested in the long form description of Ernalda and other earth cults like Aurelia, Voria and Ty Kora Tek. After that I think more Orlanth sub cults like Voriof and "Odayla as sub cult".
  4. So Argrath becomes a kinslayer if he kills the leading Telmori? Or is it kinslaying only if it is in the same clan?
  5. Will this book be rereleased for Questworlds? I am really interested in looking at it but it seema impossible to find on eBay.
  6. Runequest is quite different to Sword & Sorcery but very close to Vikings, Celts and Iron Age Germanic Tribes. The Orlanthi/heortling culture is in many ways based on the Indio-European culture that includes those cultures.
  7. Bastard swords But mostly its Yelmalio/Elmal.
  8. I have thought about running a campaign where youngsters from different parts of the Empire are brought to Glamour in some kind of project where they are supposed to "learn the Lunar way" and maybe later return to their homeland. Some may be hostages (sons and daughters to clan and tribal leaders). They may be forced (or not) to join the Seven Mothers but their loyalties would be torn between their roots and their Lunar Masters/step parents. But I dont know if I will ever run that campaign. My hands are full with my "regular" 6SiS campaign that in ongoing.
  9. I think one of the best things in Glorantha is that there is a backstory of all species and most monsters. We know how Mostal created the dwarves and that Kyger Litor is the mother of trolls. There is mythological and often even historical stories that explains their origins, history and values. That makes them much more believable. Trollkin, and chaos-tainted Telmori is the effect of Gbaji. Tolkien had that with orcs (corrupted elves), dwarves (products of Aule) and balrogs (fallen fire maiar). But most generic RPGs dont. There is just bestiarys that may say that dwarves and elves distrust each other. But they rarely explain WHY they do that. I prefer species and monsters with roots and back stories to the alternative.
  10. I think it's fun to introduce elements of different people worshipping the same god in different way and growing up with stories about different myths. My PCs (a group of Orlanthi from an isolated and conservative hill clan) hides in Pavis and participates in local Orlanthi ceremonies. They realize that the Pavis Orlanthi is much more hedonistic and outgoing than the grim and strict Orlanthi leaders that the PCs grew up with. The Catholic Church and the Amish worships the same Christian God. But the churches couldn't be more different.
  11. Thanks, I would love to. But I couldn't really find a good way of making the Sartarite Yelmalio police officers. I have skipped a lot of good scenarios that didn't fit in into the overall narrative. I plan ahead but let the PCs/players act in ways that are logical to their passions and loyalties. That is the reason why some of your Lysang stuff is hard to adapt as it is. But I will try to run your Engizi heroquest and Saving Private Royan scenario further ahead. Kallyr will use the PCs as agents for the resistance and that means helping other clans. The Royan scenario fits very well as it geographically is close to the Haraborns.
  12. Quite powerful. I wanted to start the campaign in Sea Season 1619 with The Broken Tower from the Quickstart. The Haraborn PCs was looking for the missing boy and were sent west to see if he had left the village. During their hunt they visited the Antorling family of one of the PCs mothers. But the family had been attacked by the Greydogs (I moved to start for the Broken Tower from Ernaldori to Antorling land). On the way back from the Tower they visited Clearwine during the Feast of Beasts and one of the PCs fell in love with Ernalsulva. So I ran both 6SiS and the Colymar Campaign simultaneously. The PCs made the short LBQ in Sacred Time 1619 and the fall of the Haraborn in Sea Season 1620. The PCs fled to Prax (they were hated by both Kangharl, Prince Temertain and the witch Ashangara. In Prax I played the Borderlands Campaign and some scenarios from Shadows on the Borderlands and Sun County, and some "own" scenarios. I ended the Prax part with the Cradle scenario. The PCs are now returning to Sartar (I plan to run Company of the Dragon with a delayed start) but will first have to pass the GreenStone Temple with a pregnant Ernalsulva. Entarios will help them finding Haraborn refugees but first she needs some help (the Salaseh scenario).
  13. We played the S:KoH campaign as a parallell during the first campaign year. We started play with the Broken Tower and the PCs passee Clearwine on their way back.
  14. How many (appr) among Lunar citizens believe that the 7M made a great deed to save the country/people but consider the Red Goddess/Emperor as evil (maybe a necessary evil)?
  15. Interesting. To prefer the Seven Mothers to the Red Goddess seems like to prefer the Soviet Union administration to the ideals of Socialism. Or is it that people understands the desperation of the seven heroquesters that wanted to save Dara Happa/Peloria but dislike their solution?
  16. I will try to run the Salaseh scenario with my Haraborn PCs in Fire Season 1621. They are indebted to Entarios in the Green Stone Temple (one of the PCs are married to,her daughter Ernalsulva). Entarios is forced by the Lunars to help but will at the same time ask the PCs to work against the Empire. I hope that it will work. Entarios is close enough geographically to the Estate and the PCs have business at her temple.
  17. I just bought the bundle and is halfway thru the sourcebook. Excellent read. I am running a campaign set some years later that is based on Six Seasons in Sartar but I see a lot of things that I can use. Especially as one of my PCs has a mother from the Antorling clan.
  18. I guess that a lot of the Thunder Brothers will be described in the Prosopaedia. The gods interacted with them and they are mentioned in the myths. But why would a 15 yo heortling who is initiating as an adult choose to initiate in Rigsdal when they can choose Orlanth? Orlanth is the most common cult among male heortlings and gives status and great divine power. A cult needs initiates. And most people will want to belong to a community. They dont want to be the only person in their clan who belongs to a cult where the only shrine is in another part of Sartar. Sub-cults are another thing. An Orlanth initiate who is a shepherd would probably also worship Voriof. A citizen of Boldhome may worship Sartar. Orlanth initiates belonging to cults may also worship someone who was important for their clan before the Dawn. But Orlanth will still be their main cult. There may be other reasons to join a smaller cult. Like a redsmith worshipping Gustbran. But that is another thing. I guess most male Gustbran initiates in Sartar are lay members to Orlanth and participates in Orlanth high holy days and such things.
  19. Don't overthink this. Yelm is worshipped in different ways in the Grazelands, among the Pent nomads and in Dara Happan aristocracy. Orlanth is worshipped in different ways in Sartar and in the West. Humakt is in some regions more of a Death God and less of a War God. Eurmal has a lot of different aspects that differs a lot. The Gods have different names in different parts of the world. The Elmal/Yelmalio schism is (in my view) based on the god having different names in official publications.
  20. I really like this strategy. But I hope that you have "parallell tracks" and teams for layout and printing so that we dont have to wait for all the different cults book before the GM Guide, Sartar Book and Dragon Pass Book are released.
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