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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Smart farmers cast this in Earth Season to avoid tying the Rune Points up longer than they have to. But yes.
  2. It's probably best not to dwell too much on the HeroWars flood though, as it can feel like changing the stakes if all this will be flooded in thirty years regardless.
  3. True, but then any odd steadwife might have a Heal Body and be ready to do a casting for cheap (even just one cow feels like it would be a lot). It's really hard to explain why anyone in (Orlanthi, at least) Glorantha should ever be missing a limb when most any peasant woman could instantly regrow limbs on a weekly basis. So it actually makes sense that CA healers would focus on the really difficult and immediately life-saving stuff, but Ernaldans can have a really amazing healing output with their insane Rune Point regain. Diseases and possibly some difficult Chaos Wounds is within CA expertise, though (as is actual death, as no-one else offers anything like their resurrection).
  4. Say what you want about the HW subcults, at least they offered som solid niche protection. You want a fetus blessed, you need a worshiper of Eninta the Midwife.
  5. True. Spell Trading is the solution for everything, tbh. Also exceptional to avoid the "oh noes, none of the CA healers have any Rune Points to spare for a Resurrection", as well as bypassing most every CHA limit on Rune Points. Almost certainly the best spell in the game.
  6. Heal Wound is Common, no need to actively pick that.
  7. Heal Body can handle poison and chaos as well as anything else (possibly barring some Chaos wound that explicitly requires Cure Chaos Wound).
  8. It could even be the Eye of Wakboth, which will be important in the new RDL Pavis campaign.
  9. So this happens just before the conquest of Pavis: KoS: "Argrath went back to Prax, where the White Bull greeted him as a Hero. The imperial sorcerers had created invisible red ropes which had lassoed the leading beasts of all the nomads in the area, and were slowly hauling them into the city. Even the Blue Llama Folk who had never known saddle or rope, were transfixed." 1. Invisible red ropes? How does that even work? 😉 2. I honestly have no idea whether to take this literally (it would be quite a sight!) or as a metaphor. 3. It's absolutely fascinating that the Blue Llama tribe doesn't use saddles, or even ropes.
  10. Even when Argrath comes in a maximally reduced role, there's still the whole thing with the teeth. 🙂
  11. "Argrath of Pavis" as has been noted is probably someone who should be set up in advance. He seems like something of a mix between a freedom fighter and an opportunistic gangster, but hey... Argrath. p. 151-153 in the second edition of KoS. I like the realistic feel of the Argrath of Pavis story, where there's no army "liberating" Pavis, just a bunch of nomads that need to be convinced not to murder everyone and destroy the city, and it all but falls into Argrath's lap. It's some kind of "minimalistic" Pavic Argrath interpretation where he has nothing to do with the Whitebull. If interpreted according to current canon, he's more like just some dude who did an important parting in helping the nomad army from within. GS: '“Argrath of Pavis” is interesting, and is one of the articles most critical to understanding who Argrath really is, as shown in my “Conclusions.”'
  12. This is correct, but it has nothing do with general HPs - poison damage explicitly can't be healed with generic healing magic.
  13. Yes. Which is a bit of a shame - if you had to go without a limb at least for a while (no easy reattachment or instant regrowth), then losing a limb might mean something.
  14. Only if you assume all women get pregnant every year throughout their adult life. 🙂 This does not seem like any Glorantha I know. Take the following math instead: Women who receive Bless Pregnancy only need three pregnancies to bear 4,65 children, which is well above replacement level assuming the 50% child mortality before 15 that the rulebook suggests. At this point, it takes very mild adjustments to your numbers to secure it for everyone - even just 2% dedicated midwives who put in 4-5 Rune Points per year.
  15. In CoP, it does say "horseback". And the name is something of a giveaway.
  16. In Orlanthi society, I would imagine the percentage corresponds roughly with how many are initiated to Ernalda, which is probably something like 70% among women of fertile age? Which in turns correspond to about the percentage of Free or higher social class. And there's been a move away from having "Wizard magic only" in the West, towards all kinds of lesser cults among the people. I would imagine a substantial percentage of (human) women everywhere in Glorantha have access to various pregnancy-boosting magic. If somehow Bless Pregnancy isn't available to the regular initiate (why?) then things change, but in that case, it will instead create a demand for the spell from those who have it. I mean, one measly point of Rune Magic for two thirds of a year to secure the health of the mother and the child and avoid pains and complications, that seems like a fantastic deal. If somehow only a few percent of the population has access to it, then it should still be very common to see it cast.
  17. I would imagine that a majority is blessed with at least 1 point, though - this doesn't produce any supermen, but it seems like a no-brainer to drop one POW into 1 Rune Point + Bless Pregnancy the first time if no-one else is doing it for you and to cast at least one point's worth of Bless Pregnancy, even if it does lock up that Rune Point for two-thirds of a year.
  18. This is of course also what is pastisched at the end of The Reminiscences of Paulis Longvale, with Paulis and Oddi.
  19. I doubt there's a lot in canonical sources. Guide: "1619 (7/48): Karse, a strategic port city in Heortland, is taken in a surprise naval assault by the Lunars (mounted from Corflu in the Wastelands). " "Karse (small city): Karse is the most important port for offloading goods destined for Sartar, or through Sartar to Prax and Tarsh. The locals are expert boat makers. Temples to Diros, Pelaskos, Poverri, and Choralinthor stand near the harbor. Despite its strong fortifications, the city fell to the Lunars in 1619 after a dramatic assault by land and sea." The whole thing was a Fazzur operation.
  20. RQG backgrounds: 1624: Jaldon summoned 1625: Fall of Pavis (so this seems to be the official answer)
  21. 1624 (reasonably, Sea season): The raising of the Sky Ship/return of the Boat planet. While not immediately connected to Pavis or the Zola Fel river, this is noted as being a cross-Glorantha event (and its result will be seen everywhere), and having the PCs join something arranged by the Zola Fel priesthood and Diros worshipers seems more than reasonable. Also, some people argue a connection to the Cradle here.
  22. 1625: The Whitebull army defeated by by a three-armed demon (possibly Cwim).
  23. Going by the document https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/history-of-glorantha/timeline-dragonpass/1616-1625-the-conquest-of-the-holy-country/ (which is still credible in this period): 1619: Fall of Karse, which is relevant because the naval invasion was launched from Corflu. 1620: Argrath performs the Drinking the Giant's Cauldron heroquest 1621: Gimgim returns to the Lunar Empire 1624: Pennel Ford, and people everywhere will see the full Orlanth's Ring rise for the first time since forever. 1624: Corflu liberated by the Whitebull 1625: Liberation of Pavis (so not sure now if the correct date is 1624 or -25)
  24. 1624: Pavis falls to the Whitebull (not sure what Argrath interpretation you're going with). The upcoming P&tBR stuff from Robin D. Laws presumably starts soon after this.
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