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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. The Windstop is Dark/Death/Wind 1621 to Earth/Disorder/Clay 1622. (EDIT: mistakenly was one year early for both before, which would have had massive consequences for the Cradle if true! 🙂 ) Note that it only just covers the River of Cradles, and the Wastelands are unaffected. You may have to decide how Orlanth & Ernalda magic is affected outside it (I'm running with double Rune point cost in my campaign). https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Windstop-in-Prax.jpg
  2. I ran a more advanced Daka Fal shamanic initiation than the ”fight an Ancestor” one , where the PC followed the path of Daka Fal, getting killed by Humakt, getting offered (and refusing, because oh boy if the player had accepted…) the ”gift” of Vivamort, ending up in the Underworld (and having to asset his authority when Yelm arrived) and returning to the world to separate the living from the dead (I tossed in a second Vivamort/Nontraya encounter there, because what better symbol of false Life?), and after concluding the initiation heavily suggesting that in a way, the shaman would only truly be completing the quest by eventually dying again.
  3. I don't run it like that at all, and it's not what the Heal Wound spell seem to say (it strongly indicates the exact opposite). It's also non-obvious why a certain magic should be able to heal burns to a body part (which it very clearly does) but not full-body burns - where's the logic in that?
  4. This fix was extremely necessary. Before it, Extension was simply massively abusable. (Bless Crops as Instant already mentioned, I saw when continuing reading.)
  5. You're mostly correct that it's pointless in the face of proper healing, but there might be some corner cases, namely things that aren't merely common damage. For instance, you can't heal poison damage using spirit magic Heal or Heal wound (you can with Heal Body, but that's 3 Rune Points, so it costs a bit). Healing trance accelerates normal healing though, so it will fast-heal poison damage. Same thing if the GM has assigned (as I like to do) temporary Characteristic damage that will heal with natural healing (such as CON damage from being thirsty or exposed to the elements).
  6. Also, I think it makes sense to say that only since Time could things be historically true, but before that they could be mythically true. Take the Grazers. We know, for a fact, that their origin myth of being centaurs separated into men and horses isn't the historical truth. But it can still be mythically true, and is - you can heroquest the myth, despite the fact that it never actually happened (where "fact", "actually" and "historically" are irrelevant words when it comes to mythical content).
  7. Possibly, but there weren't many of them at that point. It's also possible that they missed it, because things might not have looked very metaphysically differently locally. Perhaps it was like waking after a maximally realistic dream? You could visit Cragspider and ask, I guess? Yes - little need for royal or imperial lines otherwise, for instance. Yes, or we wouldn't have had any new adults, the way we clearly do. Yes, but this was only true locally. Basically, people must have felt that things happened one after the other and were causally connected, but this was only locally true. There was no universal order of events, and no objective or non-contradicting reality (it existed but was subjective and contradictory). No-one could say whether event A happened before event B if they were separated enough, or whether myth 1 or its variant myth 2 was what "really" happened (there was no such "really"). Once Time happens though, we get linear, universal time, a non-contradictory mundane world, real and objective causal connections, and historical (as opposed to mythical) truths. Except when the Godtime intrudes or the Compromise is broken. All IMO.
  8. It feels like the wolves really need some kind of longevity, or older Telmori will never have a wolf companion (a regular wolf gets maybe 12 years at most).
  9. I agree with the reasoning that getting up to at least 3 Rune Points will be very common because it’s clearly worth it. Sure, POW is nice, but two points less doesn’t make a world of difference (and this is assuming NPCs don’t get as much POW gain as PCs), but 3 Rune Points is pretty mindblowing. You can be able to heal yourself perfectly (Heal Body), have a decent chance of taking out any regular enemy combatant in one magical blow (Lightning 3 or Thunderbolt), and your pick of flight or teleportation. It’s very hard to argue that you’d rather have two more POW, even as an NPC.
  10. This was changed to via Jolly Fat Man in the Earth Cults book, btw.
  11. It can be! First, there's some low-hanging fruit - always let the players roll the resistance table roll, for instance. After that, it gets a lot trickier. One way you could make a BRP system player facing is by doing what Symbaroum does - translated to RuneQuest, this means that players roll their attacks and their defence, the GM rolls neither, and that the roll is their skill modified by the opponent's skill (Player skill + 50% - Opponent skill). This will also make combats a lot quicker as defence becomes a lot more unreliable. This can be applied to ranged combat as well (and will help to make shields a lot better if Shield or Dodge are the only ways you get a defence at all versus arrows). You will have to decide how to interpret results - a Fumbled defence rolls probably means you eat a critical hit, but how does an opponent get in a Special? Perhaps it will be worth tracking "special failure" where the player fails at the highest 1/5th (the same way special successes are the lowest 1/5th) For damage, tell the players to roll the damage against themselves when opponents hit. You will still have to decide on some things - for instance, how do you treat opponents casting Spirit Magic or Rune Magic in combat? Letting them auto-succeed probably isn't particularly unbalancing, though.
  12. I can believe this if perhaps 10-30% counts as ”many”. If it’s suppposed to be the majority, then the published material just isn’t written that way.
  13. If you look at the published setting material, they typically do. Guards, soldiers and militiamen commonly have 3, as well as the ”Typical Citizen” in the Starter Set.
  14. It also does things to the world when people in it can spend Rune Points like they’re candy. If the average initiate has 3 Rune Points and can spend and regain them weekly rather than seasonally, it does things. You won’t need professional healers for anything but diseases when a Heal Body spell is almost trivially available.
  15. This one makes sense to me - the more and smaller cults we have, the more they’re going to just be Neutral because they don’t even know about each other. What does Hwarin Dalthippa think of Tsankth, or Pamalt of Waha? Probably ”who?” Or for that matter, row upon row of how indeed everyone but the Lunars hate this Chaos cult as well.
  16. There’s also the question of how - there’s no obvious way to actually print it in the traditional way as a full chart, not with the number of cults involved.
  17. It’s the Hero Wars - most everyone who matters is doing it.
  18. Agree - a trickster would think it’s important and mandatory to break the rules, not an optional extra.
  19. ...and reward them with Illumination, the power-gamer's dream? 🙂
  20. Blog then repost would be a good solution, if it can be reasonably automated and look acceptable.
  21. That's Facebook for you. Easiest fix might be to create an account using a throwaway e-mail address and then only use it for viewing - this shouldn't cause massive privacy concerns.
  22. Bees being children of both light and dark would explain why they have yellow/black striping, just sayin'.
  23. "Do you know how wasps came into being? They were bees once, taken by the dark powers, tortured and mutilated. A ruined and terrible form of life."
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