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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Resistance rolls can be augmented. Core rulebook: "An adventurer may attempt to gain Runic inspiration to augment skills or increase a character’s chance of success with the resistance table." Passions, the Moon rune, or skills depending on the situation might all be allowed by the GM. I think it makes sense to have all resistance rolls be player facing. Players like to roll dice, the GM typically doesn't.
  2. Yes and no. I would argue that while heroes and even gods may be among your ancestors and could well be worshiped as such, they are not available for the various Ancestor-related rune spells. For instance, my PCs have Yinkin as their ancestor. I would argue that they would include Yinkin in their ancestor worship, and could set up an ancestor-style cult of Yinkin, but don't normally gain any access to Yinkin magics this way. I think heroes are also one step up from big-A Ancestors that the Daka Fal rune magic can work with.
  3. Surely in Glorantha, philosophy turns out a bit differently when items like souls, lies and do on are empirical and objectively measurable using magic?
  4. Agree. Push hard on your Spirit Dance (for the fetch roll) and Spirit Combat (actually less important here, but you will want it as high as possible anyway), and upgrade to shaman as soon as you feel comfortable. Hope to get out of it with just a couple of taboos. 125% Spirit Combat after buffs (augment; extended Charisma) isn't actually very high, and you can get away with less for certain. I run that you can use Ritual Preparation for either skill.
  5. Yes, if applicable. It’s not immediately obvious how they would motivate an Augment to the Fetch roll, though. Cultist Devotion might be easier to apply there. Love (Family) for Daka Fal should work nicely as it also counts for ancestors (and it will probably be high, too - our PC Shaman has it well above 100%).
  6. Good thing that's not the argument, then!
  7. Such Pendragon rolls are a house-rule - by RAW, Success vs. Success is explicitly a tie. They need a Special or better (20%) to beat your success, and you can match their special with one of your own (which you after all have 10% chance of). And I did say nearly half the time to take specials and crits into account.
  8. You don't really need conversions to QuestWorlds, IMO. Maybe a few lines for the cults, but that's about it, and even this could be quite easily improvised. QW is super light-weight when it comes to stats in need of publishing.
  9. I think this adds some nice tension to the Hero Wars era Artmali uprising and New Artmali Empire. Yes, it's good if they can escape slavery, but I really don't trust them not to backslide into Chaos stuff (as the Guide makes clear happens).
  10. This one is interesting. It has more meat than CoT, but the majority of stuff (far from all though) in it is going to end up in the Chaos cults book, one imagines?
  11. As a consequence, Genertela is more of a patchwork. There's (presumably) no "I fought we won" in Pamaltela, and things never reached quite the same utterly apocalyptic state as in Genertela during the Greater Darkness?
  12. I think a good spot is when you can get 95% on your Fetch roll and have 125+% in modified and augmented Spirit Combat (giving you decent chances to avoid taboos by having 50% left after being downgraded). This isn't super demanding, but also probably not something you can do out of the gate.
  13. I like this for Illumination as well. If you're saying Chaos isn't inherently destructive, you're plain deluding yourself. But if you embrace eventual destruction as part of the natural cycle...
  14. You have to be really lucky to get boons, and taboos really aren’t that bad. This means good Spirit Combat is nice, but not critical. Getting a bad Fetch sucks though, and I would not want to go in without a 95% chance on that roll (the PC in my campaign who did the test a while back put his Ritual Preparation into the Fetch roll, not Spirit Combat… and then rolled spectacularly for Spirit Combat anyway).
  15. I don't get it - the spell explicitly says "discorporate spirits, nymphs, specific type of elementals", which are each a subset of spirits. Why would anyone ever pick that if "Spirit" is legitimate? And you will get your POW gain roll as soon as you're involved in any combat (unless you're in excess of 95%, which can happen against animals). I'd be vary against being a monotasker against spirits, because the large majority of fights likely won't involve Spirit Combat. Like you said, you want to survive that first adventure. Vishi Dunn is built the way he is because he can deliver in close combat from llama-back instead (if unreliably).
  16. First off, I don't think Control Spirit is something that exists - it's Control [Entity], and the rules say "This spell comes in many variations, such as discorporate spirits, nymphs, specific type of elementals". Getting such a specialized Control spell doesn't seem like a good investment (later on, you will be able to use anything you like due to Shaman rules). So that's out. Heal (2), Demoralize, Disruption, Spirit Screen (2) would probably be my go-to. You could also drop the Spirit Screen entirely and rely on Rune Magic for Spirit Combat armor, but this might get expensive fast. This reduces your spirit job somewhat, but as an assistant shaman, you might want to be mostly defensive against spirits, rather than seeking them out (Discorporate is also questionable due to this - do you really feel competent in doing solo spirit travel yet?). Losing Distraction hurts, though. This makes for a functional second-liner in mundane combat.
  17. Won't work - Summon Spirit Teacher requires a Summon Ancestor to stack with, and you haven't learned that yet. 1. You always want Healing 2 rather than 1, in order to stop bleeding. 2. You definitely need a proper attack spell like Demoralize or Befuddle (or in the unmodified Core rules, Sleep), or you won't carry your weight in regular fights. Disruption isn't enough, although it's a good reserve tool for when other things don't work. 3. I very much doubt you can afford the POW for any spirit binding while you're an Apprentice Shaman.
  18. Rule of Cool says you keep your clothes and your stuff.
  19. The Pink Moon is one of those lost Godtime ones, correct?
  20. I'm also in favor of the Lords of Terror trinity: "The Great Goddess as Glorantha created the world; as Arachne Solara She preserves it; and as Krarsht the Devourer She will destroy it at the end of Time."
  21. Isn't this exactly the same thing as restoring damage and injuries? That is, we get the same outcome if we just argue that damage is healed, rather than posit the body having a self-image (how does that even work? what's the "image" the mere body has?)
  22. At the very end, after all the gods, would be unsurprising though. When it comes to usefulness, I would take it before Sea or Chaos (and possibly even Sky). Chaos is already amply detailed in older books, and Sea is very conditional.
  23. I would also certainly allow it for all ghosts. Handling ghosts is one of the major points of Daka Fal!
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