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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. I mean, say what you will about Avalon Hill, but they knew how to write rules.
  2. It does fell slightly odd, at least to me, that bees are creatures of Darkness. They are diurnal and associated with flowers and golden honey. Not exactly creepy-crawly creatures of decay.
  3. I always liked how hardcore HW was with the cult descriptions - BG and especially Eurmal were borderline unplayable.
  4. I like to think of him as an aspect of Orlanth worshiped as a spirit cult, but that's starting to become mere semantics.
  5. I was always a fan of Praxians thinking of Orlanth as Little Brother and Lightning Boy. Yes, perhaps technically they're just the spirit cult equivalents, but can you imagine a Praxian in general and Storm Bull cultist in particular turning down the opportunity to refer to Orlanth as "Little Brother"?
  6. Gorakiki-Bee for bees (Gorakiki in general for insects, Aranea for spiders). Human worship of some Gorakiki cult, perhaps under a different name and with varying rituals, seems reasonable to me.
  7. Fairly low when it comes big gods, but that's only if you want to adhere to canon. It's a lot easier to add subcults and hero cults. Also, some areas aren't covered nearly as much as others - in the East Isles, you may well stumble upon a new god with every new island you visit. And plenty of mere wyters may count as "local lesser gods". The big factor in making up new gods is probably "what purpose does this god fulfil that wasn't already present in the setting?" Do you need a new war god rather than some variant on Humakt, Storm Bull or ZZ, especially as you could just make a different cult of one of them instead? Of course, if the Lunars could do it, so can you! 🙂
  8. Some son of Barntar as your clan or bloodline ancestor makes perfect sense to me.
  9. Gains it from Jolly Fat Man instead. Not sure what motivated the change.
  10. This seems like Peak Yelmalio.
  11. The Rubble is this to an even more condensed state. That’s why I like the idea that it’s completely in-world intentional, an actual project of Pavis’s.
  12. Still not as bad as how Shanasse and Shanassee are two unrelated terms.
  13. Our big name Illuminates are hardly paragons of virtue, it must be said. It starts with Jar-eel and goes downhill from there.
  14. A strong part of FATE is that it's easy to craft what the player is looking for. Let's say the player doesn't want to have to improvise thunder magic, and only wants to be able to attack with lightning. Now you could instead create a stunt "Lightning" that allows the PC to once per scene use Will for a ranged attack - perfectly simple and straightforward. Perhaps the PC even carries one of those metal lightning bolts Orlanth is frequently depicted with these days?
  15. FATE is so toolbox:y that it will probably work best to pick a style and approach you're used to and apply that. Cat powers might be immediately applicable to Yinkin worshipers. 🙂
  16. 18 skills in FATE Core, 20 Runes in RQG. Seems like it could work to replace them, if you have player buy-in for that kind of thing (you don't roll Ride, you roll Mobility; you don't roll Broadsword, you roll Death - and you use aspects and stunts to be good at specific things). It will give things an instantly magical feel.
  17. Crafting good aspects is definitely also a skill. My favorite ever is probably Second-best Swordsman In the World. 🙂
  18. Let's try Vasana, for instance, in FATE Core which is the ruleset I'm familiar with. High Concept: Veteran Vingan Cavalrywoman Problem: Not in the pregen, so we make something up. Maybe Enemy of the Lunar Empire? Aspect: My cavalry bison, Molon (by having Molon both as an Aspect and a Stunt, you secure it to the character) Aspect: Strong in the Storm (basically, the Air Rune) Aspect: Honor, Country, Tribe! (we sneak in a mix of Passions and relationships this way, as well as hand the GM tools to push you with) Stunt: Molon, cavalry bison (quickly stat up Molon as a follower - Physique is very likely the strongest FATE Core skill here) Stunt: Thunder Magic (You can use Will to create suitable weather-related magical effects (and you have an Aspect to back it up)) Stunt: Mounted Pursuit (+2 to Ride when you're pursuing someone while mounted) Stunt: Powerful charge (+2 to Ride rolls made to create an advantage in combat by charging in a straight line) Stunt: Fearless! (+2 to defend against Provoke attacks specifically related to intimidation and fear (and the GM should usually allow you to improve this further by invoking your high concept)) And so on. I assumed a Ride skill will be replacing Drive (or perhaps added to it, if you want a skill to drive chariots and wagons). Vasana has Fight, Ride and Will as her top skills. Note that it's not necessarily Will that's used for magic - a sorcerer or even just a Lhankoring would likely use Lore instead, and a shaman might even use Contacts along with an aspect to interact with spirits.
  19. Just dump all the fiddly bits and recreate the Aspects and Stunts from the lore. Make sure to get HeroQuest: Glorantha - HeroQuest 2 and FATE are fairly similar games, and you can borrow a lot about the free-form abilities from there. Don't say that some Orlanthi has Lightning, Warp Wind and Rain - given them a "Worshiper of Orlanth the Storm God" aspect, or a "Thunder Magic" stunt. If you want to fiddle with the rules some more, create new "skills" for the Runes as you suggest, and then PCs can pick up some of them as well as learn new ones (but make them optional - there's no need to have rating in all runes, just the important ones, if those). It depends a bit on what kind of game you want. An extreme variant might replace all the regular skills with just the full set of Runes, and always just checking against runes as in John Wick's Glorantha hack (if I understood that correctly). Basically, just approach it from the FATE angle, instead of the RuneQuest one. FATE is very good at turning worldbuilding into characters. Get rid of all the RQ granularity - it has no place in a FATE game, and the very fixed and defined magic of RQ isn't necessarily the best model for Glorantha in the first place. I don't think you need to even reference the RQ ruleset in order to make a FATE version.
  20. I think Safelster is the most playable region that has little to no published material. It might even be the most playable region, period.
  21. I think it stands to reason that he has them - he's the ideal farmer everyman, and the ideal farmer everyman obviously has good and strong sons. I would be unsurprised if there's not much particular to them, maybe not even as much as Lodril's ten little sons who at least have one characteristic each.
  22. 1630, Lords of Terror. Note that this is the third time he kills (a) Ralzakark.
  23. + Whatever Yggites and Wolf Pirates speak.
  24. Something he couldn’t have managed without the Illumination (being a Storm Bull). With it, he was ready to use Ralzakark as a tool against the Lunars.
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