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Everything posted by Akhôrahil

  1. Yeah, Oedipus doesn't get off the hook just because he was abandoned in the woods by his parents as a baby.
  2. I could easily imagine a ritual that at the very least helps. Full immunity seems a bit too good - that's the domain of illuminates. And if you have friends associates when you know a spirit of reprisal is showing up, maybe you can even beat it down? Plot Hook: A band of Gagarthi have defeated and bound Spirits of Reprisal from [your cult]. This is utterly unacceptable - go and free the spirits and kill as many of the outlaws as you can get away with! Freed SoRs will help you out.
  3. I would assume so, although at least your fellow Gagarthi will be used to it and may be better placed than usual to help you get through it, if they can be bothered. Sounds right to me, although he should probably try to bushwhack them now, or bring his pals - he's likely to be at a serious disadvantage. I could easily picture a sufficiently depraved ex-Humakti relishing in dishonorable behaviour.
  4. Although if you're under temporary outlawry, behaving really badly could get the clan to change it to permanent when they decide they never want you back...
  5. I think only your bloodline and actual relatives count as incestuous - you can surely have sex within your clan, and it's only marriage that ought to be done outside it, for practical reasons (political and counter-inbreeding). If outlawry actually severed all kinship, then it would be no particular problem to kill or have sex with close relatives post-outlawry, and that doesn't seem right to me - I believe people would still think that's against the natural order.
  6. I don't think I agree. You're ejected from you clan (which means that outsiders can kill you without repercussions because you're not under clan or tribe protection), but not from your bloodline - you don't stop being a relative. Note how Orlanth can't fight Daga directly in KoDP, because no matter what else, he's still kin.
  7. One complication here might be that Orlanthi can mostly be trusted to adhere to the rules of hospitality even if they’re weirdo foreigners, while Gagarthi will be completely opportunistic about it. No-one in their right mind would trust the word or oath of a Gagarthi, as nothing holds them to it.
  8. One minor difference might be that while killing Broo is a religious duty, killing Gagarthi is about practicality. Praxians will likely accept longer odds against Broo.
  9. Grandson, but the point stands. This is important - you don't stop being kin for becoming a Gagarthi (compare with Orlanth and Daga). It creates all kinds of complications. Although that said, I think Praxians will kill them on sight.
  10. Up to and including sometimes hiring for them for dirty business.
  11. If you ask the PCs, it’s doubtful whether good dogs exist. 🙂
  12. Yes, if you start in 1625 anywhere, there will have been a lot of stuff visibly going on in the Sky recently - Orlanth's ring disappearing, then three stars rising there instead. The Boat Planet reappearing, and finally Orlanth's Ring rising in all its full ancient glory of 11 stars. The final one is bound to be a superb omen for any Orlanthi.
  13. My PCs have ”Bad Dogs” as ancestral enemy, and they just keep showing up! Gagarthi hounds definitely fit here too.
  14. I had forgotten it's a Pentan thing as well (East Sting Wind). Here he seems to be a far more accepted deity, worshiped at a tribal level.
  15. That's when he was created, so very likely.
  16. Quoting Terry Pratchett, when in Jingo it's discussed why a character is called "71-hour Ahmed":
  17. Have you read the comics it's based on (Hellblazer)? I think Constantine is pretty enjoyable, although it helps if you put aside what you would expect from the source material (even though it adapted an actual story arc). Also, absolutely everyone should strive to avoid being John Constantine's friend, or worse yet, love interest. That's certain doom.
  18. About how much of it is there, say measured in filing cabinets?
  19. Blind idiot gods? 🙂 #azathoth
  20. Depending on how your GM runs things, you may also be entitled to a free point of Spirit Magic from start due to five years of initiation (it’s not completely clear how to interpret this passage).
  21. Someone demonstrated that it's possible to qualify for Sword of Humakt at character creation.
  22. Eurmal, especially in HW/HQ, is also a bit like this. HW heavily implied that the Eurmal cult is where you put mentally ill people, whose behavior can then be tolerated (and sometimes benefited from) now that it's cast in a mythical context.
  23. Or even just scattered (Cwim can only eat so many as they flee) and not coming back until things look better. They don't have any huge investment in holding Pavis after conquering and looting it.
  24. I mean, maybe? But Elmal has some pretty good mythic connections already. Orlanth's second in command, stand-in ruler and defender of the Storm Tribe, does stuff at the very end of the LBQ, the Elmal/Heler/Esrola triangle... does Yelmalio really have a richer mythic tapestry? And that's before we get into the Elmal myths we see in Six Ages (that the Heortling Elmali may or may not have access to).
  25. He’s probably just corrupting the youth, anyway.
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