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Everything posted by RandomNumber

  1. 😀 I'm relieved to discover that it wasn't operator error. Thank you.
  2. I dropped in a very basic set of stats, tried "Shaman" and "Assistant Shaman" but the Spirit combat damage doesn't seem to adjust beyond the amount determined by POW+CHA. What's my rookie error?... Thanks for the tip re the NPC sheet - will be using that.
  3. Thanks for this tip. I noticed that the character sheet doesn't seem to accommodate the spirit combat damage mod for Assistant Shamen and Shamen - it simply derives the base damage from POW+CHA. OK.. so there's an NPC sheet? Where/how do you obtain that? I was able to get the character sheet by setting my game up to use the BRP / RQ: Glorantha character sheet. I hadn't figured out that there is an NPC sheet asset that can be loaded somehow. Thanks.
  4. I see what you mean… I discovered on Sunday afternoon that playing around with fonts and styles is a procrastinator’s heaven. Not much material written but I get an experience roll in Love (Fonts) Dare I test the relationship by enquiring what the specifications are for the shades of green used in the tables?…
  5. The Compendium is very useful - thank you. I'm getting back into RQ and being time-poor will rely on published material. I've made quite a few purchases now and the Compendium has really helped me figure out which ones will be of greatest utility. I bought Legion today - the artwork is extraordinary.
  6. Glad my ignorance could be of service! 😁 I'm experimenting with Roll20 for RQ myself but am yet to run anything - how have you found it? There doesn't seem to me much in the way of support for RQ specifically though the character sheet seems very useful and there are plenty of generic assets to be found.
  7. Hello, Apologies if this is a rather foolish question. After a 25+ year hiatus I have started writing some RQ material and am using the Jonstown Compendium templates to do so. For one thing they are lovely and for another it will make the job of sharing the material easier in the future (should I be brave enough). However, I'm using Word and noticed that the Word template has different Header formats (Albertus and dark red) to the PDF templates (Georgia and dark red then a bronze colour). The published material seems to use the PDF template not the Word template. Could anyone please tell me the font settings for the PDF template headers as I would like to adopt them in my Word documents? Many thanks,
  8. I don't believe the two have to be mutually exclusive. Personally, I'd like to have a map to use as a map and artwork to give me a sense of how these places look. RQ2 Pavis nailed it - the fold out map was a complete and valuable resource for GMs and players. Combined with the two-page isometric "Pavis Panorama" all the bases were covered. Not having an overhead view is a fair enough decision but a shame, IMHO. Feedback is a gift etc. I'll still buy the packs though as the RQG products and material absolutely rock.
  9. I agree with you completely. We need utility as well as artistry.
  10. Flew over the Burley Griffin today courtesy of an air elemental in the form of a flying Kangaroo and pleased to report no Pirates in sight
  11. You’re certainly amping up the levels of excitement about this next release - can’t wait to get my hands on it. I love the idea of a Jonstown guide - adventures in Paris, Trilus, Elkoi and Dykene used to pretty much write themselves. Recognising the “uncertainty” about a release date - I hope you will keep us well fed with Design Diaries in the meantime!
  12. There are no specific rules or features added for magic - our campaigns were always quite low magic. I agree that magic for mass combat or magical units would be a fascinating addition. It would be simple enough to rustle up enchantments, battle standards and spells that modify aspects of the mechanics e.g. unit morale, competence, damage etc as a very straightforward first step.
  13. I can thoroughly recommend "Ships and Shield Walls" for TDM's RQ6 by Jon Drake, Pete Nash and Loz Whitaker. This has very accessible rules for running battles at a fairly abstract level and is pretty cheap. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/130245/Ships--Shield-Walls?term=ships+and+shie I'll declare a conflict of interest - Jon Drake (author of the Korantia setting for RQ6/Mythras) is a good mate of mine from when we started playing RQ2 back in 1980/81. Even so, the rules stand up, IMHO.
  14. Our battle magic was typically visible in some form albeit not always greatly so. It was incidental "colour" rather than being a plot device. The same spell might manifest differently for different casters depending on a range of factors - the focus, whether the spell was learned from this cult or that etc.
  15. Do Aldryami (for example) perhaps spend significant amounts of their time in commune with nature in a kind of trance-like or semi-autonomous state? Then, the periods of time for which their consciousness is at a level at which they are "out and about" interacting in a way that PC's would is only a small proportion of the elapsed time they have been alive. It is in these slices of time or episdoes that they gain what for human PC's would equate to "previous experience". Thus, although their age might be far greater than for humans, the period of time in which they have gained skills they can use in independently is not much greater than for a human. It might be these episodes which constitute their family history and previous experience. Perhaps not though... I've never much looked at Aldryami, I'm just spitballing an idea to "rationalise" an answer to your question. Similar explanations could be found for other Elder Races. What is written in the Glorantha Bestiary is written by humans after all. And what do they know about anything to do with Aldryami other than what they think they have been told...
  16. Oh, I don't know... things can get stuck on a dockside for all sorts of reasons. Hopefully though the Starter set doesn't have geo-political significance.
  17. Really looking forward to seeing this hit the shelves
  18. By way of follow up (and validation of your estimate), the Dagori Inkarth map from Trollpak (2nd ed 1988) shows Swan (Swanton) and Apple Lane at the bottom left hand corner. They are precisely 5km apart according to that map's scale.
  19. Thank you. I agree completely. Like you I have always played with the attacking force getting the roll (being the "active" entity). The point I am trying (and rather failing) to convey is that the example, as written, is more likely to confound than clarify for someone new to the game. Para 1 sets up Sorala as the active player. Para 2 has Sorala's roll fail yet have her obtain a "successful" outcome because the example has switched to having the gas as the active entity. Having confirmed that I haven't lost my mind it occurs that a simple edit would remove unnecessary ambiguity from the example for the benefit of future readers. I may now be raising this in the wrong place though. Many thanks for taking the time to reply.
  20. I agree entirely and thank you. Glad to find I haven't been playing RQ wrongly for 40 years! Since the example concludes that Sorala is not overcome by the full potency of the gas, this leads me to suggest it isn't as clearly laid out as it could be given its purpose is to explain the mechanic. Eurmal will always find a way...
  21. Hi, I looked on Well of Daliath but didn't see this covered so having a feeling this might be me not getting it. But here goes... p.146 example of resistance table use. The first para describes Sorala (active, CON11) trying to overcome a gas (passive, POT 8). That gives Sorala a 50% + ( 11 - 8 ) x 5% = 65% chance of overcoming the gas. However, the second paragraph then switches to implying the gas is being considered the active entity and notes that the gas has a 35% chance of success (I understand that one or the other will succeed so a 65% chance of success for Sorala means a 35% chance of success for the gas). Sorala rolls a 74 which is a fail whether Sorala or the gas is considered "active". However, surely Sorala should be overcome by the gas if she is active (per first paragraph) because she has failed her 65% chance to overcome it. Or, she should not be overcome if the gas is active (as implied in the second paragraph) having failed its 35% chance of success. The outcome describes Sorala not being overcome which implies that the gas was the "active" party in this situation, contradicting the set up in paragraph one. Grateful if someone could dispel the Befuddle for me! Thanks,
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