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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. That's more or less what I have understood. Thanks.
  2. Not having the guide, but re re rereading GoG and this forum: This is what I have understood. Same. According to GoG, yes, those may tap. Borists may tap chaos beings and Galvosti may tap non Malkioni. Thanks. Is there anything about what are thinking non Malkioni?
  3. Possible. The only think I seem to remember (apart of the part in GoG) is that others think they may be corrupted by using magical energy coming from chaos by their tapping, but I may be wrong. The anti chaos stuff is purely my personal reading.
  4. The only link to Chaos I know of is the Borists that can only Tap chaos beings, making them anti-chaos.
  5. You are right, nothing is written. We nonetheless have it played with the POW vs POW roll, which, combined with Touch range, means they were rarely used.
  6. In that case, you are speaking of Tap Air (and I quite agree), but we were speaking of Tap in a more generic way. On steal Breath (=Tap Air), could it be seen as 'asking Orlanth to give you some energy'? It was not in mine (hence my question). It was considered evil (as described in GoG), but not Chaos. As we played (and continue to play) that all attack spells have a POW vs POW except when noted differently (Sunspear for example). Same for us.
  7. That's exactly my point, and is the reason I continue to use as reference the RQ3 products that don't cost me anything now because everything has been purchased between '86 and '95. I am not complaining about the price. From what I have heard here, it is worth it. I just can not afford it. Just as an explanation, the cost of the guide, plus S&H cost is about for me equivalent to 2 weeks of food for me and my family (and I have an above average french salary).
  8. Kloster


    Yes, that's what I think. Completely true for me. Also true. That means they have lovers passions, interests,... and are managed by the same rules. For mooks, we always had reduced stats and skill sets, but most of the GM have kept the localized wounds.
  9. A bit expensive for a pdf, and the books are far too expensive for my budget. Of course. We just purchased 30 years ago. For new players, the guide is the right choice and RQ3 is not. Completely agree here.
  10. As me and the various groups I've been part of have probably 10 complete RQ3 sets (i have 1 AH complete set, 1 GW complete set and 1 complete Oriflam set), but none of us has the guide, this is the only reference we can use.
  11. This is not what I wrote, nor promote. What I say is that if we apply the RQ3 restrictions, Tapping people is forbidden for most sorcerors and we don't know for the rest. Everything else that has been told for now is coming from non RQ sources. Pete Metcalph answered the question. And as I have already explained, I like them, and am not trying to avoid them. As you say, "And it's just an explanation of why Tap is considered bad, not whether or not it is considered bad, which it certainly is by the majority of mainstream sorcerers." but is says it for Malkioni (more properly most of them). It says nothing for non Malkioni that don't know anything and would probably not care about Malkion's and Zzabur's teachings.
  12. Why is it considered Chaos by Orlanthi (we agree Aeolians are slightly special Orlanthi)? Same, why consider it linked to chaos? This I like (the rest, I don't dislike, but I don't see why it would be seen as linked to chaos). This is more how I understand it: There is no social stigmata on actions most (almost all) people don't know it exists. Completely agree here.
  13. Kloster


    I think one of the great strength of RQ was that it has always been symmetrical (I remember the 'Monsters have experience too'). But I don't consider having simplified NPCs to be asymmetrical: The rules are still the same.
  14. Kloster


    Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. A kind of Ronin. I like the idea. It can be fun. Like I have already explained, my player wants to play a descendant of the Carmanian settlers in Prax. His family is thus in Prax since 15 years and he came there very young. I will use for him the Praxian history, and as suggested, the Lunar Tarsh cultural package (replacing Tarshite language by Carmanian). For the most important parent and grand parent, I still don't know if we'll stay on the Lunar Tarsh history or if we try to build one for Carmania and lunar heartland. My old Carmanian character was a Lunar officer whose family ended on the loosing side of a dart war. As a result, he had been 'promoted' as commanding in second of the Lunar garrison in Corflu. Of course, the 'River of Craddles' campaign started during his travel from Pavis to Corflu. I have not yet though to another reason to (logically) have a Carmanian character in Dragon Pass / Prax, but I am sure there was some in the various regiments and college of magic that were destroyed in Whitewall siege and the Dragonrise. Some may still be there.
  15. Yes, agreed, it is usable for Brithini, Galvosti and Borists. If we apply this and with current RQG rules, that means Brithini can freely use Tap Body, Borists can only use it versus chaotic beings and Galvosti versus non Malkioni. Hrestoli and Rokari should not be able to use it. We know nothing about it's use by Aeolians, Arkati and Lunars, nor anything about Steal Breath use (because those 2 spells are the only one using Tap technique we know now). As RQG is centered on Dragon Pass, that means we know about nothing on this for the vast majority of the sorcerors covered by the rules.
  16. By the way: Not RQ and not official, but I like them.
  17. Please check my previous post. If we apply RQ3's tapping restrictions (GoG p45), Hrestoli and Rokari are not allowed to tap, Brithini, Borists and Galvosti may tap people with restrictions (and we don't know anything about tapping non living things) and we don't know anything for others, especially non malkioni. And the only usage of tap spells in an official RQ product I remember is in 'Griffin Island', which is non Gloranthan. I will also redirect you to Pete Metcalph's answer:
  18. Thanks for the info. As far as I know, this is not a RQ product. This, I don't know but I believe you. In fact those changes are part of what makes the new supplements needed for us old RQ players.
  19. Thanks for the info (I don't have the guide). That means they lack power and numbers compared to the large tribes. Compared to the other independents, they are behind the Pol Joni (about the same size, but less magical power) and probably equal to the Agimori. For the others, I think there is a reason the Ostrich people were described as the Ostrich clan and not the Ostrich tribe (iirc) is Heroes mag.
  20. I'm sorry but I have to disagree. RQ3's tapping is only at tapping people, not air, earth or any non living things. In the various RQ products, the only informations we have on tapping prohibition are that: - Most Malkioni agree that tapping is evil. - Brithini may use Tap spells freely. - Borists may freeely tap chaotic beings. - Galvosti may tap non-malkioni. We have nothing special for Vadeli, Hrestoli, Rokari, Wertaegi. We have nothing on non Malkioni sorcerors (Aeolian, Arkati, Lunars, Carmanians, Lhankor Mhy, Mostali,...). So, 3 described Malkioni sects on 5 can use tapping, even if restrictions. I agree they respect the "Do not destroy that which you love" motto (Galvosti don't love non Malkioni, Borists don't love chaos and Brithini don't love non Brithini), but it does not seem to me they all "Love that which the Invisible God created". And I doubt non Malkioni sorcerors care anything about the Invisible God's teachings. RQG is (for now) Dragon Pass centric, and so Malkion's rules are not (for me) concerning the majority of the sorcerors (God Forgot's Brithini, the rest of Malkonwal Rokari, a few Nochet Malkioni being the more notable exceptions). By the way, Drain Soul (one of the few non lethal attack of the whole game) wat restricted to Hrestoli and is now open to every sorceror, meaning at least some of the old restrictions have been lifted.
  21. Not owning 'Nomad Gods' and not having played since more than 20 years, I can't check. But I am (almost) sure their weakness is due to their low numbers.
  22. With detect Bronze, I said 50% for winner and max 25% for loser (because it is fast and don't require a lot of time). Without magical help, I would say max 25% to 30% for the winner and 0% to 5% for the loser (they don't have the time, nor the human resources, nor the terrain mastery).
  23. I said that I consider them, not that Praxians consider them 'normal'. But Morokanth are not humans, and Agimori don't have a herd animal (Basmoli neither, but this is another story) and are considered normal Praxians. Baboons don't have the numbers and the military might of Agimori and Morokanth, so perhaps they are accepted grudgingly, but I think they are accepted by other tribes, if only because they live in Prax since beginning of time. Even Pol Joni are counted among tribes, even if they are not part of the covenant and they ride horses.
  24. What I wanted to say is that the RQ3 prohibition was on tapping people (you couldn't tap anything else, ruleswise). If this is reproduced, that means the only prohibition is on 'Tap Body', the RQG successor of RQ3's 'Tap SIZ'.
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