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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. I agree with you, but one more time, there is an ambiguity: "When a spell is cast on a target that already has an incompatible spell, then only the spell with the greatest magic point value takes effect." can be understood both ways.
  2. While I don't agree it is munchkinery, I think as you this has to be a local and societal matter. A lunar campaign should have different rules than a Heortling one.
  3. Agreed.This is why I am speaking of economics abstractions and of rules and prices made for adventuring, not to describe a working society at the global economic level.
  4. Hello Jeff, Why having removed the RQ3 Missile and Spells hit location table (we also used it for spears, but this is another story)? Regards.
  5. In fact, I think the right answer is what PhilHibbs told: After all, a broadsword is worth 50L (close to 1 year of living for 1 free family), and almost 1 adventurer has one. The listed prices are only for having interesting adventuring, and are only a simplified abstraction of Gloranthan economics, as are the various standard of living.
  6. Kloster


    Does that imply that your Lunar sorcerers can not learn spirit or divine magic?
  7. I haven't thought of it that way, but I am converted. Brilliant.
  8. Kloster


    As far as I understand, Aeolians and Lunars also can. And Lunars don't have caste, either.
  9. If your the target of a spell and you don't accept it voluntarily, there is a POW vs POW roll, so you automatically know you are 'under magical attack' because your soul is resisting. If it fails to be cast, logically, you don't know, but if it is cast successfully but don't manage to overcome your magical defenses or your POW, yes, you should know. Yes, being out of sight and out of hearing range. For me, and as we play it, the target of a spell automatically knows a spell is cast and by whom. Witnesses may know a spell is cast, depending on situation (see above), but would not know who is the target, unless it is obvious, like a sword bursting in flames, somebody dropping dead or the like.
  10. You have also something in the decription of "Enchant Spell Matrix" p 265: The strength of a matrix can be built up over time. Thus a 2-point Bladesharp matrix could be built up into a 4-point matrix by later sacrifices of POW and successful Enchantment rolls. The matrix can also be created a part at a time, so that a 3-point Bladesharp matrix, needing 3 points of sacrificed POW, can be done over the course of several weeks or even seasons. Of course, it does not have the spell until the entire sacrifice is made. Also, p335: For example, to make a spear into a Thunderbolt matrix requires 3 points of POW. The strength of a matrix can be built up over time. Thus, the Thunderbolt matrix could later have an extra point of POW stacked with it by later sacrifices of POW. Similarly, to create a Strength matrix, 2 points of POW must be sacrificed into the item. The Thunderbolt matrix, needing 3 points of sacrificed POW, can be done over the course of several weeks or even seasons. The spear does not have the Rune spell until the entire sacrifice is made. So, even if not explicitly written, it is clearly implied that you can add POW later to an enchantment, as was already the case in RQ3 (Magic book p58): "Stackable spirit spells can be slowly enchanted into the item, a point at a time."
  11. In fact, latin "taberna" (plural tabernae) is the precursor word for french "taverne", that translates in english as "inn". In cities, they were more shops than anything else, but outside, they were used as hotels and inns (and in that case, the plural form has to be used, but I don't remember why).
  12. I've read it that the 1st point of each enchant has to be provided by the enchanter. That is, if the enchanter makes a 3 points enchantments, and then add 2 points to the enchantment, he will have to provide at least 2 points from his personal POW. Now, after rereading your post and the rule, I think it can also be understood your way. One more clarification needed.
  13. Kloster


    This is part of what makes them interesting. The mix of Lunar, Orlanthi and Malkioni culture is also interesting (for me).
  14. For me, it is not houseruling. As I understand it, it is RAW. Perhaps am I wrong. Agreed. This is why I explain I see few (very few) potential buyers for POW. Completely agree. This I don't know and has to be decided, either officially or in each of our Glorantha.
  15. You're right. My mistake. It's only rune and passion inspirations that are instant, not skill augments.
  16. No, those are spirit magic, so don't stack. I would do this only for stackable rune spells known from 2 cults.
  17. Yes. And T1 was "The village of Hommlet", first part of "Temple of the Elemental Evil" (T1-4).
  18. I had the opposite problem: My co-players hated when my GM began to use successfully MY tactics. Good.
  19. Don't forget that if you use Sing or Chant to augment a spellcasting, it is instant and will not make the spell longer to cast. Meditation is a different story.
  20. In that case, I would say that if you cast, say, a Shield 2, known by Orlanth cult and powered by 2RP of the Orlanth Rune pool, and then the following round you cast a Shield 3, known through Storm Bull and powered by 3 RP taken from the SB Rune pool, yes you would gain a Shield 5. As a GM, I would accept it.
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