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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. On average, a farmer has 11 and a rodent would have 7. That makes a gap of 4, not 10. Right. If it is running away and you don't want to loose a cow, for me, it does matter. Whatever, my counts were not including that kind of rolls, only High Holy days, sacred time, raids and the occasional spirits.
  2. For a farmer or a tenant, a running cow does matter, and a cow has 3D6 POW, same as the farmer, so it should count.
  3. As far as I remember, disrupting rodents was described in an official RQ product, and was one of the reason most farmers had disruption. For the POW of pests, in the bestiary, almost all living creatures and animals have 3D6 POW. Some have 2D6, the rubble runners have 1D6+6, and some have more than 3D6. We can assume a basic rodent has 2D6.
  4. I'm counting 95% success because of the modifiers Akorahil describes and because I don't see a reason not to push to 100% or over because more MP augment your score and more importantly makes your god happy. This is purely religious fervor (my personal way is to go to around 120% with my characters). And I am not even counting Scotty's rules that told us that tithes count. I was not even counting those not so egregious munchkins tricks. I barely counted 1 raid done or 1 raid received or 1 spirit encountered per year. With those (and disruption against rodents is for me a logical use), you have your 6 rolls per year. Agreed.
  5. If my calculations are ok, the probability of gaining 5RP (and no extra POW) in 5 years are 60% and 93% in 10 years.
  6. I am counting only High Holy day, Sacred time and 1 other occasion, whatever it can be (raid done or received, hunt, spirit encountered,...) per year. See my above answer: with those 3 rolls, a gain of 5 has a high (63% if no POW spent) probability, so yes, 3 to 5, but more probably 5. Completely agree here, but I didn't take that in account with my quick math.
  7. I fully agree with your maths. My basic assumptions were different though: If players are able to spend MP to max their worship rolls, so are NPC, and they have at least 3 rolls per year (high holy day, sacred time + 1 other, like after or before a raid). On those 3 rolls, a 15 POW char has (21-15)x5=30% chance of increase, or more precisely 65.7% of an increase. In 10 years, that means 6.5 points of POW. If you do the math starting from 11, probability are 88%, 84%, 79%, 73%, 66%, 58%, 49%, 39%, 27%, 14% of gain. That makes a probability of 28% of gaining 5 POW in 5 years, and 63% of gaining 5 POW in 10 years. If you spend the POW to acquire the RP at the beginning, the rate is even faster. This is why I spoke of 5 RP in 10 years: The probability is around 75% to occur.
  8. Yes. I also read those books some 45 years ago, and I had the same feelings.
  9. Yes, of course. NPCs are people too. I think it is not enough. With 6 rolls per year, at least one should succeed. Even with only 3 rolls per year (if only for major worships), the POW gain should be at least 1 per year, and I think average Joe has not many other options to spend those POW. After 10 years, either they have a 18 POW or they have gain at least 5 RP.
  10. Officially, yes, 1 roll per season and I seem to remember that Sacred time counts as 1 season. As I shifted all experience to previous one (1 experience roll per adventure where you have at least 1 week of pause afterwards), my players may also have a bit more (but I still restrict to max 3 weeks of extraordinary activities per season, so, most of the time, this lead to 1 or 2 set of rolls per season).
  11. Gooooood. Various Gloranthas, all being the reflection of a primal one on the waves of a chaos sea (I know, I have read Zelazny at least once too much). In that case, that would become the search for the primal one.
  12. or perform 45 parry and still be at 100%.
  13. On this, we agree. This is a world point of view, not a rule one, but you are totally right. This is why my first line began by 'Ruleswise, ', and my second line began by 'Glorantha wise'.
  14. What I meant is simply that nothing in the rules we currently have is giving any indication that tapping chaos is giving chaos features. I am not saying it can not do it, nor that it should not do it, only that nothing in the rules, current or past, indicate it.
  15. I don't remember reading they killed the 'cleaned ones', but it does not matter on the subject, I also remember (vaguely) some stuff on that. Even if chaos destructors, they are clearly not very sympathetic guys, even without the chaos taints.
  16. Ruleswise, nothing ever permits to think it can occur. Glorantha wise, of course it can occur. This is a fantasy world, but I don't remember having read anything in something RQ that lead to this conclusion.
  17. You beat me on this. This is exactly what I think of it.
  18. Of course. You can't wear other armor, but natural armor is not worn.
  19. I agree with you but the last question (the one I was answering) was about loitering corpses after a battle.
  20. I think this should be purely cultural and depends mostly on the cults. I don't think we have much info on the subject in any RQ supplement. Perhaps is it better to ask the question on the Glorantha forum.
  21. RQ3 is using skill for category of weapons: The 77% you have in broadsword is the same you have with all the 1H swords and you gain nothing for weapons belonging to other categories. RQG is giving you half your skill in your best weapons in all the other weapons of the same category, and nothing for weapons belonging to other categories. When playing RQG, I use RQG rule. For all other BRP games, I am using RQ3 rule.
  22. From memory, Homer doesn't wrote about the rank and files, but only of the heroes, whatever the side, but they were recovered with their stuff (armor, weapons and regalia). Hector's funerals lasted several days, during which a truce was in place. For Achilles's ones, games were organized, and Achilles's armor has been disputed between Odysseus and Ajax, meaning it had been recovered with the body. His spear has also been recovered and was brought to Athena's temple.
  23. In fact, this is very 'bronze age'. You can find truce for recovering dead bodies and other things in Homer and some egyptian writing (I think I read something like that in a book about the battle of Kadesh). If it is a sacred activity, you don't care. Illyad describes a 10 years war, and greeks accepted an extra length of war if it allowed them to recover the dead bodies and perform the rituals.
  24. I would say something like "Do you accept to participate in my enchant activities if I give you 10 cows in exchange? It would engage you to act as if you wanted to worship Orlanth to learn a spell from me. You would receive the cows instead of the spell.".
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