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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Yes, and I don't remember the dates, but Mycenae has stone paved roads.
  2. I think divination, knowledge of god (not cult) secrets and rune spells could be a way to convince cult members. But yes, it would be difficult.
  3. True, but I don't see many initiates spending 90% of their time for the temple, just because they need income just to avoid starving. But I agree, RAW, an initiate that has enough income to allow tithing 90% of his time and income to the temple will not receive the same benefits than a full priest, although he gives the same gifts to the god.
  4. A priest gives more time, has more dedication, leads worship, ... . So, he receives more.
  5. The titles are mortal ones. What the gods like are the gifts (POW, MP, attention, devotion, offers, time, ...), and they reward those who are giving the most with their best rewards (spells, powers,...).
  6. Have you seen Spike's "who is the deadliest warrior"? The combats are not very good, but the measurement of the effects of the weapons are interesting. In one of the airings, there is someone that is using a Spartan hoplon to strike a crash test dummy, and the measured effects are devastating.
  7. I never use the combat resolution matrix. I hate having to look in a table in the middle of action. I am using the old RQ2/RQ3 rule.
  8. It's 2.54, but the difference does not matter.
  9. Same for me. SB being my least favorite BRP game, I had no real interest going to Magic World.
  10. Well seen. I've just checked and this was already the case with RQ3, but I've never noticed that point.
  11. Yes, if only for the reason g33k noted:
  12. Agreed. But this clearly means most fights will be over before you have put half your armor.
  13. I don't think. They have no INT, so no free will. Agreed.
  14. Sure, but in that case, it becomes the quest for the right initiated spirit. Of course, the spirit being already initiated, the rest is much easier to munchkinize.
  15. I am not sure Cult Spirits are initiated, but if they are, yes, of course, very good point.
  16. In fact, I don't find this munchkin, and I think spirits can be perfect lay members. The (egregious?) munchkin use of this trick would be: - Finding and summoning a 18 CHA spirit, and binding him to a matrix. - Convincing him to become lay member of a cult (let's say Lhankor Mhy). - Having him learn 18 points of Spirit Magic. While bound to the matrix, you can freely use the 18 points of spells known by the spirit and his MP. If not a sorceror, the character has now 18 extra CHA to store spells. If a sorceror, he has 18 points of Spirit Magic spells without lowering his free INT.
  17. I completely agree. I would not accept the use of dominate to give MP or POW: I would not be voluntary. What I explained is that you can try to convince the spirit to do it, while it is dominated, but not using the dominate. This is why I spoke of role playing opportunities.
  18. Correct, but you can use the dominate duration to explain him why he should give MP (big RP opportunities), and in that case, he becomes Lay member, and can even become initiate. You can force him to give, but there would be no benefit. I very much enforce the voluntary aspect of freely giving MP or POW, whether for worship, enchants or others.
  19. I am using since years the same rule as Soltakss, exactly for the same reasons (and with the same caveats)
  20. 1971, by John Frankenheimer, with Omar Sharif, from a Joseph Kessel book
  21. IIRC, membership to numerous subcults does not increase your time commitment, nor your tithes, because those are by cult, not by subcult. IIRC, Orlanth has 4 (Adventurous, Thunderous, Rex and Vinga), but true for the other points.
  22. In fact, except for 2 handed swords, everything you just describe already existed in bronze age earth.
  23. Before I switched back to RQ3 combat (and moves per SR), I did the non engaged moves in the reverse order of the SOI (We do the SOI in ascending INT order, INT being in this case a measure of quick thinking).
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