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Everything posted by Kloster

  1. Good ideas. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  2. This is exactly what I want. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  3. Not counting the shield (which is of course the main parrying weapon, widely used from the bronze age to the renaissance): - The florentine style is a rapier plus a parrying weapon (mainly a dagger). Widely used in renaissance Italy, dominant in european duels from 1500 up to around 1650, when the better cups and the introduction of quillons allowed for 1H parry with purely thrusting weapons (Giacomo de Grassi and Vigiani). - Niten’ichi (or Ni-To Kenjutsu) is a sword plus a parrying weapon. Usually, katana plus wakisashi. Never was dominant, but has been quite used. - Philipinos Eskrima, done with 2 sticks or 2 swords. Dominant in the Philipines. The single weapon for attacking and parry is feasible almost only with the modern, light thrusting only weapons. Parrying with a cutting weapon risk to damage your own weapon. Parrying with a heavy weapon is slow. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  4. In fact, in that case, hit locations reduce lethality because the damage done can not bring the location below destruction (minus starting value) and the THP taken is equal to the damage taken to the location. Of course, if the location is head, chest or abdomen, this is instant death. So, for criticals, I agree, hit locations don't change anything. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  5. True, it's a risk. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  6. This is exactly what I would not buy. I would be interested in either a realistic western setting, or in a version that allows to represent one of the categories of western movies (spaghetti, gritty, classical,...), but not a supernatural western. Perhaps I'm too old for the mainstream tastes. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  7. It's easy to disrupt and strike in the same round. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  8. Of course it is feasible. I just told that parrying with your attack weapon means removing it from it's direction, and is slower than dodging or parrying with another weapon, wether dagger, main gauche, shield, lantern or cape. If most duels in the 3 musketeers period were done with 2 weapons is not a random fact. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  9. This is exactly my point. With the MWT, this is random. With the hit locations, player choose to remain or not (if they are not disabled). If they die, this is their choice to have taken the risk (barring the disabling or killing blows). I never complained about BRP being lethal, I like that. But I like to be able to choose my strategies. I can choose to be heroic and having a high chance to die, or backing out and play safer. What I don't like is the random extra lethality, especially (as noted) when coupled with random armor. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  10. The ability to kill with one hit in real life is also fairly low. So, BRP lethality pleases me. But if the setting don't require it, I don't wan't EXTRA lethality. And I agree, there are deadlier games. Some settings required it (cyberpunk for instance). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  11. Agreed. Also agreed. QUOTE=Enpeze;4590] ... You are more into the classical literatic "hero" and cinematic thing than me I assume.
  12. In that case (long jump), it is as much a limitation of innate capabilities than one of training and dedication. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  13. I know it is realistic, and I agree with your comments. This is tactics I employ even without the Major wound table. But RPG are GAMES and should be enjoyable. That does not mean I don't want PC to be immortal, but I think BRP is deadly enough, and the extra lethality brought in by the MWT and Variable armor unnecessary. It is in line with setting with SB, so should be used, but I would not use it for the other BRP incarnations. RQ and CoC are deadly enough. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  14. Aces and Eights seems beautiful and overly complicated, and appears as out of stock for all the european distributors I have checked. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  15. For me, it's not the only real one, but this is truly a big problem. Hit location permits a different protection value on the different locations (as a flak jacket that don't protect arms). Another one is that it forbids certain tactics (aiming to strike a certain location to disarm, or to hit more vital area). The biggest problems I have with the major wound table (I'm speaking of the one of SB1, because this is the only one I have used) is that it is completely random. It may be desirable in SB, where the chaos is the driving force, but I don't think it can be desirable in other settings. Besides that, the wounds caused by a broadsword and a firearm are completely different, and require a different table (I don't see how you can cut the nose of your opponent with a colt peacemaker). If we have several table depending on the weapon, it becomes more complicated than managing the hit locations, and if we don't, the wounds can be aberrant. And I'm not even speaking of the lethality of the combination of Major wound table / Variable armor. I don't care loosing a character because I'm beaten by a superior foe or because I'm doing mistakes, but I don't like to see the death or the unusability of a character just because of sheer bad luck on 2 consecutive dice rolls. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  16. As I have a quite severe allergy to D20, I don't check what is displayed in the few gamestores I visit. It's so not a surprise I've never heard of it. For the others, I have to check. It can be interesting. There are also a few french language produced amateur games (10000$ Reward, Western Parade). Runequestement votre, Kloster
  17. You were faster than I am on this one. I perfectly agree. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  18. I just found it, top of the thread list. >:-> Runequestement votre, Kloster
  19. They are allowed to cast spells. Allied spirits are even initiates of the cult, so have access to one use runic magic. The problem for this tactic is the perception of the target. Familiars (at least animal based ones) can see, so no problemo. Allied spirits bind to animals (an alynx for Orlanth forex) are in the same position. A Humakt allied spirit bind in a sword has no eye, so will need a spell to be able to target the following combat or healing spells (soul sight, second sight, mystic vision are the one that comes to mind). A fetch is discorporate, so I don't know. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  20. Hi, As a sidetrack of this thread (http://basicroleplaying.com/forum/basic-roleplaying/263-ancient-history-3.html) what do you think of a western setting for BRP? Would it be playable or too deadly? Would it be interesting? Except for deadlands, I haven't seen a Western RPG for long. The ones that comes to mind for me are Boot Hill (TSR), Western Hero (Hero Games) and Wild West (FGU) and they are old quite ancient. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  21. I agree. That's why I told it's better to do it on someone who is trying to heal (already wounded and the chance on failing INT roll) than on somebody else. The chance is low but the gain is higher on those targets. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  22. I think it's me. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  23. You're doing a fine job, Triff. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  24. IIRC, the cretan bow is a U shaped, simple composite bow, made with wood, reinforced with bones and sinew. The scythian one was a recurved composite bow. But for atlanteans, both are OK. Runequestement votre, Kloster
  25. Hello Jason, Do you know if foreign version are planned? Runequestement votre, Kloster
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