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PK Games

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Everything posted by PK Games

  1. Yes yeah yeah, buck becomes Captain Ameirca, so the Real Captain America is still dead. 23 years of being a fan.
  2. I love comics, Long live Captain America, despite bieng, well, dead!
  3. So is this new sourcebook suppose to be space adventures in the 1910s-1930s, or sci-fi space adventures as they thought the future would be in 1910-1930s? Meaning, is it 1920 and we are space travelling, or is it a 1930s serial set in 2025? Im also a big fan of the XXVc Buck Rogers game form 1990 (and TSR), but I am not sure if that is Planetary Romance or straight Sci-Fi. And what is Gor? Fantasy? Science-Fantasy? Sci-Fi? Planetary Romance? Of just plain bad?
  4. In honor of our first year as a publisher of OGL material and the Holiday Season PK Games is having a sale. The following titles are reduced to these new prices: Berlin ’61 Full Color Rule Book Print: $29.42 Download: $0.94 Berlin ’61 B&W Rule Book Print: $8.99 Download: $0.89 Berlin ’61: Player’s Manual Print: $6.11 Download: $0.44 Berlin ’61: A Merry Berlin Christmas (Adventure 1) Print: $5.43 Download: $0.40 Forgotten Arcana Book 1 Print: $6.79 Download: $0.44 Forgotten Arcana Book 2 Print: $6.70Download: $0.39 These prices won’t last forever, get yours today. Tell a friend.
  5. The Original Mini-Series is still one of my all time favorite sci-fi events.
  6. I like human centric games myself. My settings tend to be very Arthurian/Charlemange esque with Elves and Dwarves pretty much up the line of LOTR style. Its what I prefer. But I dont feel thats a bad thing or make the game more "D&D." I think the concept of saying "Im not having elves cause they are too LOTR or D&D" or "My elves are not going to be like LOTR or D&D" is shoe horning your setting. The response should be "I have elves and they are like this..." You should not feel a need to focus on how to not make your elves and dwarves and just make your elves and dwarves as they fit in your setting.
  7. I recently bought the Arcanum and the Bestiary from Amazon.com, couldnt find the Lexicon though. First had these games in late high school (circa 1992) and recently got very nastalgic for them. Count me in for some of this.
  8. This may be better suited in another thread, but as far as game settings go, does Chaosium have some sort of submitting system for proposals or do they just hire freelancers to write what they have in mind?
  9. Probably run Berlin '61. Or an update of the old XXVc setting TSR did back in the early 90s. Love that setting.
  10. Berlin '61 has a Fate Point system, but its more based on the lines of Hero Points from DC Heroes.
  11. Yes. I do. >:-> I also dropped all the prices of all the books I have on lulu.
  12. Just dropped the price of the Xmas module to .99 cents for download and $5.68 for print.
  13. Both. The cults will appear but not much more on the actual mythos.
  14. This is the first adventure, it is not a solo adventure. There are more planned. The next one Im writing is a espionage bonanza, hopefully 30 or so pages. Very little if any mythos related stuff in it. Another writer is working on a mytho related adventured based around the construction of the berlin wall and another one is working on a sourcebook about Moscow.
  15. Berlin '61 Christmas Adventure is up on lulu. Berlin '61: A Merry Berlin Christmas (Adventure) by CS Barnhart (Book) in Games Next is straight espionage for the game.
  16. Then what system are you talking about? And the Stan Lee/George Lucas/DC comics argument still goes to me, because even with the lawsuits and court battles and rip offs, they never stopped because of them.
  17. How does it hurt the hobby? Do you really think that those who prefer OSRIC or BFRP or Four Color over D20 or even D100 counterparts are hurting the market by buying products for those games instead of WOTC books? Chances are they wouldnt buy WOTC or other games anyway. Personally I think they are helping the hobby by providing a product that people actually want. Not all people want it (obviously) but there are those of us who would rather play AD&D (1st or 2nd) instead of D20 and want to have new material for it and not use the same old books over and over again. I would have quit games altogether if it werent for OSRIC and GORE! Hell because of GORE I went out and bought Call of Cthulhu books and am going to get BRP when it comes out. I might even check out MRQ, sense the only negative comments I get about MRQ is that it "isn't BRP or RQ". I never played any RQ, have no clue what a Glorantha is and think a Duck is for eating. But because of GORE Ive discovered this whole other side of games I never seen. So basically Dan Proctor is providing free advertisement for BRP by making GORE. I saw it, read it and wanted more. And that leads me to either MRQ or BRP. Yeah, that stopped George Lucas. It stopped DC Comics. It stopped Stan Lee. It stopped Dungeons and Dragons (TSR). I honestly believe they are more likely to write more stuff because they have the original ideas, dont want to give up on them and can make better follow ups as its their ideas (with the exception of Lucas, we were better of letting others steal his stuff). This is a narrow view of the situation. The fact is these Retro-Clone games (distils is a horrible name) stir up interest in games that have long been forgotten by most gamers, or never even heard of. BRP needs all the fans it can get and that includes those who use the OGL of MRQ or GORE to create works for it. Someone may see my Berlin '61 books as a mockery of the BRP rules, theft or even killing the system, if thats how the want to view it. In actuality it is a throwback to better days of role playing where setting was important and capatibility as well. All this talk Ive seen on other threads of world specific monster books and settings are only possible if there are people willing to write them. And whats on the cover page of this web site? Vikings! Vikings! Thats less original then GORE using the OGL to recreate a variation of the BRP. So let these writers add thier chapters to the history and volume of these games. You dont have to like it. But dont say they are killing the game or harmful to the hobby or they negatively affect other writers. They bring in new fans and force the competing writers to create and write better and more interesting material.
  18. Besides, the original authors are usually mentioned in the OGL.
  19. As someone who writes OGL material using both SRD, I do it with an admiration for those who came before and wrote their own material. Much like Dan Proctor I have such a fondness for older style games that I want to see them back in print. GORE does that for me. If I never found out about GORE Id never know about MRQ and if I didnt learn about MRQ I wouldnt now be here on this forum learning that a new BRP is coming out. So dont trash someone's work just because you think them using the law and their legal rights to recreate something they love is dodgy. I know Dan fairly well (as far as knowing a Forum Personality goes) and understand that he honestly loves old school gaming. His introduction in Labyrinth Lord is like a sports fan introduction to a story about a favorite athlete or movie star. The guys at OSRIC likewise have respect and love for the old ways. Now if these fellows were actually making a profit off their works and denied the proper homages and dedication, then thats something to complain about. Ive made a total of $40 so far off my works (which have more dedications then the bible) and thats not profit as I commission some original art for the books. So if it bothers you that GORE doesnt outwardly say "Thank you Sandy, etc etc" email Dan and ask him why it doesnt.
  20. I agree with the generic creature book first then campaign specific books after that. I may not want to do mythic iceland or vikings or ninjas, I may just want to do my own thing and a generic monster book would be more appropriate for my needs. But the generic book has to be fairly vague with some detail but nothing truly specific (Orcs live in the south, elves dont eat meat, all halflings are thieves). I think the true tragedy that is D20 (all all its ancestors) was the wandering monster by HD/Level idea. A generic "typical" listing, and then a few paragraphs of adjusting the template.
  21. I agree that the creatures in this type of book have to be either 1) Mundane and necessary that everyone will use. Such as horse, dog, orc, goblin and dragon or 2) unique and odd. These are creatures that players and GMs have never heard of or seen and would create interesting play around. I think the problem with each monster manual type book I have ever seen is a lake of motivation for encounters. A few extra paragraphs per creature of a sampe encounter scenario and what not would go a long way from turning Normal Kobolds to the Dreaded Tuckers Kobolds. In Berlin '61 Im trying for a mix of exotic pantheon specific monsters, classic b-movie horror monsters and everyday typical encounters. Sure I can have hundreds of pages of tentacled demons and nazi war scientists but whats the point if I dont have stats for street thugs, government agents and that drunk guy at the bar? Just my lousy and useless 2 cents.
  22. Holiday update. I will be releasing a Holiday Edition of B61, it will have a generic black cover with just the logo, include the optional character gen methods from the Player's Manual and hopefully a short adventure called "A MERRY BERLIN CHRISTMAS" included. It will probably be reduced to a $2 PDF and be available for only a week or so. The main rulebook will be available as a PDF for $1.50 during xmas week.
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