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Squaredeal Sten

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Everything posted by Squaredeal Sten

  1. So far among my players, very few conditions. Enchantments suck up POW, and my players struggle for every point of POW. If I recall correctly the current project is to enchant a rock with enough capacity to bind Krampus into, and they don't know for sure how many characteristics Krampus has. I think they intend to bind him and then drop him into the sea. Thanks, by the way to Austin Conrad, whose Throat of Winter has provided play value for several Dark Seasons.
  2. The problem is that "the basics" is different for different people and campaigns and times. This past two weeks I have needed references for Chaos cults. mostly Thed, as I prep to GM my Sartar campaign. And I want the long form. . My players may just need Lightbringers in short form. In another campaign, set in Prax, they may need Fire and Earth cuts, while I don't need to look up Waha right now. That may change next week if a couple of people in my PBF Borderlands campaign recover from illness.
  3. Maybe less of a problem than publishing one or two massive volumes to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.😉 Maybe it was their judgement that this way the material would actually get published promptly. Most of it in 2023, rather than having it all wait to go to layout and the printer until the last bits of art were done. And this way the first wave of books finances the printing of the next wave. And a lot of people will buy a series of $25-30 books without hesitating while a $250 --$300 cased set will wait till a special occasion. People are funny that way. I am just speculatng from the outside. Not bad from my viewpoint. I haven't read all of Guide to Glorantha yet and I have had those massive books for years now. With the cults books in ten smaller pieces I may actually read them all promptly. I can lie in bed at night reading them, which is actually strenuous with GTG.
  4. Alchemy and herbalism are firmly present in Gloranths, specifically in Runequest. Alchemy is a skill in the RQ character sheets. Old and new. So is plant lore - the change from earlier editions was to get rid of Find Healing Plants as a skill redundant to Plant lore. Quicksilver dwarfs are the dwarf alchemusts. Search Well of Daliath for alchemy and you will find a very explanatory piece of art direction about dwarfs. Quicksilver is at the bottom. The Red Book of Magic has a section on potions, as well as some relevant spells. This is the same information that was in the Chalana Arroy long-form write ups in RQ2 (Cult co.pendium, Gods of Prax.) W&E has some plants written up. What RQ doesn't do is present a how-to on alchemy. It's a skill the adventurer and non player characters can have, but they know how to do it and for the players it happens in the background. But enough hints are provided for you to elaborate: herbs are gathered, then magically Preserved. Processing into potions can concentrate them for more effect. Potions generally last only a season. Example plants and potions are written up. I think it's implied that your alchemist character needs lab equipment but there is no alchemical equipment write up, probably because that would get into writing actual processes which are not the stuff of adventure.
  5. As I work on the adventure plan, broo shamans open up more paths, more suitable to the higher level adventurers. A broo shaman can come with several bound spirits, and a wider selection of spirit magic, as well as the small menu of Thed Rune spells. What I envision for the broo army in 1628ST is a core of better equipped tribal broo, bulked up by their making a sweep to conscript less skilled "wild" broo. They will not employ phalanx tactics both because of their chaotic nature and because the wild broo are wild. Instead they will bury disease vials like land mines, swarms of wild broo will cut off small parties of men, in battle they employ broos with chaotic features to break up human formations. And the shaman priest will stay back and cast magic.
  6. As to why, two reasons: First, I like many others began with the older material, and my readings on Thed were from Cults of Terror. And I end to prefer reading the long form. Second, because in the Bestiary the paragraph on priests of Thed doies not begin labeled "shaman priests". The Thed sentence you reference is at the end and easy to overlook. And I wasn't reading the Mallia portion any more closely because the broos I was rolling up did not come out as Malliants, and the Mallia sentence is also not prominent. Structure of these documents does make a difference to their use.
  7. But the RQ3 stuff is explicitly not canon. Wi h ws my question. I still have and use some, nevertheless....
  8. That is a significant change from Cults of Terror. I am gladdened by the announcement that the new cults books are starting to be printed; but where are the chaos cults in the schedule?
  9. Then I'll go with a broo shaman. This is for the broo horde invasion before the Battle of Heroes.
  10. Are there broo shamans? Any in canon? IF not then what does reason suggest? It seems to me that because broos are children of Thed, they have always been attached to that Chaos god. Which might prevent spiritual exploration. It also seems to me that broo "culture" would not support the long term apprenticeship which develops shamans. And their take on the Bad Man would certainly be different.
  11. Apple Lane does not seem to have many combatants nor a functional militia in any of its iterations. In the Original apple Lane you have the "sheriff" / thane and that's about it. The folks at the Tin Inn seem most likely to bar their gate in case of an unidentified threat. In the Heroquest (now Questworld) Sartar book, In the Apple Lane adventure in the RQiG GM Pack, the Adventurers are meant to defend an even more depleted Apple Lane, and there is no thane / sheriff. And one of the minor hooks in that book is a suggestion that the Adventurers may try to form a militia from the various tenant residents (most of whom are tenant apple farmers, and most not born in the local clan). It seems to me that Apple Lane does not have a wyter to lead the residents to stick together and defend each other.
  12. Examine my own An Orlanthi Wedding on Jonstown Compendium. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/404892/An-Orlanthi-Wedding?term=an+Orlanthi+wedding++
  13. Lined with lead? Or sheathed? Sheathed would make more sense to me, because lining can only have an effect after the worms have eaten through the wood, while sheathing is preventive.
  14. Yes. Gringle"s in the original RQ2 Apple Lane was always unnecessarily big. If I were you I would re - scale it down. That's not likely to be an issue with the original adventure. And the changes over the editions reflect improved production standards, so originalism is probably not helpful. You'll also note that the people in Apple Lane changed from RQ2 to post Dragonrise as well as the buildings, incorporating the history from the Heroquest Sartar book and even a nod to Griffin Mountain in the GM pack adventure hooks, plus generational change. It is interesting to read through the various versions and see varous authors' tool marks on the village. Apple Lane's history of the Lunar occupation actually makes a neat background story. And when running the Six Seasons campaign books I ran my players through sme of that HQ Sartar book Apple Lane adventure , so it was very nice to have it all and it worked out seamless.
  15. The RQG spirit combat rules seem oriented to one on one fights as far as I can see. In your opinion is it possible to gang up two on one in spirit combat? For example, Or to put the shoe on the other foot,
  16. Look at Orlanth Adventuous and Thunderod in RQG: They each provide several rune sells and the two sub cults' lists are not the same. Are you saying that any Orlsnth temple will only have a shrine by which to approach each of those two aspects of Orlanth, and if you want to learn a second spell from that liat, you have to go to a different temple with a different subcult shrine?
  17. And that dies seem to have been put into the supplemental rule - at least for SIZ and INT. It is iambiguous. All characterstics in tre further expanaton of " lost" but initially that was ambiguoius.
  18. The shaman could have sacrificed SIZ. So is SIZ now recoverable with rest under this ruling?
  19. Kitori know to say "Uz", too. "Troll " seems to me to be a pejorative term. Polite and educated people will say "Uz". I am not saying that people don't use pejorative words. Seems to me that if you meet a Zorak Zoran initiate who understands what you are saying, and you call him "troll", you may just have him try to push you around, or you may have a fight on your hands. So people probably do this less in places like Nochet which have Uz populations living alongside humans. Now the big unanswered Gloranthsn question is: What do the various elder races call humans?
  20. As I read it, Garangian"s title is chief librarian. Chief priest or priestess is explained elsewhere as chief of a particular temple, not of the whole cult. My estimates is that because the LM cult is about knowledge and literacy the senior priest or priestess must normally be chief librarian. But being responsible for all other aspects of the cult too, that duty will in reality be delegated as much as the incumbent wants to delegate it.
  21. In the examples published so far, even the large spirit cults only teach one or two Cult Special rune spells. And they usually don't have all of the Common rune spells, but a narrower selection. Small spirit cults may not happen to give any rune magic, as I understand them. As I understand it, amount of magic should be in proportion to the number of worshippers. So your brand new local spirit cult with ten worshippers should not expect to get much, probably no Rune spell at all. because in comparison with even a small god cult they are miniscule. Look at the possible spirit cult in the back of Griffin Mountain. If they get a unique spirit magic spell, then that is a pretty significant benefit considering their members' magical input. I'm not saying don't do it. I am saying the spirit cult should not be as beneficial as a god cult. Or even as a large spirit cult like Oakfed.
  22. As animals have no INT in this (RQiG) version, I would say indicates No Int = only instincts. However ability to train a horse in game shows that is not literally true..
  23. I also believe so. We should be more specific: when we discuss breakage of stone on hitting metal armor, we mean stone edged and pointed weapons, not crushing weapons.
  24. As far as I can estimate, an attempt to fire harden bronze would anneal it, making it more ductile, so the result would not at all be like tempering steel. ( That is based on what some people do before reloading brass cartridges, and brass is a variety of bronze. Bronze alloys do differ. Some ancient ones included lead! Do we have a mettalurgist in the house? )
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