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Mythras (german edition and supplements)


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9 hours ago, General Kong said:

This is a business decicision. Some horrible, horrible, horrible mistake was made and 100 Questen had get booted.

No alternative. Okay.

No further discussion. TDM had to do what they had to do. Right.

Well, I also had business relations with TDM in the way of buying their books, adventures and whatnot. More than I can actually play. I was very happy with the 100 Questen translations, so much that I double bought books - English first, German later. The way 100 Questen managed their business end was superb: top-notch translations, published products all on time (can't remeber a delay really) in a business were translations are often okay, delays the rule etc.

And if you ever met Andre and the others - very friendly guys.

So, TDM says: "Yeah, swell. But that fuck-up was their first and last. Mebbee someone else wants to pick up the German license: Cost you money,a lot of work awaits you and if you fuck up once, we yank the license from under your feet like yesterday and tell the customers: They did bad, so we booted them. No, no further information for you clowns - see: business secret. BUY TDM!"

Well, they can surely do that. Sound all good and legal to me. Public relations-wise it is like increasing the prices of your product to tripple the price before and  say: We had, too. Don't ask questions. Now buy again."

I will buy the German products of 100 Questen that I don't already have.

I will sell the English stuff on E-bay (already started - the translations are much better, really). And that's it.

Best of luck, TDM. Hope you like my decision as much as I like yours. But see, Lawrence: It is all business "and sometimes there’s no alternative but a red card. This was a red card situation."

For me, too.


Very harsh words, but I understand you. This politic of no words about the reason is very unfair in my eyes. The fans and followers want to understand this step from TDM and in the moment they can’t understand it. In the last year it seems that Mythras in Germany became bigger and get more audience/followers. With this step it ends and this small flower will die. I really hope this decision will be checked with all aspects in mind and will be cancelled. For the audience/followers and with the necessary rationality.

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On 7/1/2024 at 11:17 PM, AndreJarosch said:

I fully understand that fans of german Mythras are unhappy about the situation, but please don´t let your anger out on The Design Mechanism, they don´t deserve that, et all. 

I think if Andre has said this ..then we have to leave it for now? I'm still saddened by the decision nevertheless

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So, maybe a final wish to TDM: Please tell us fans in germany the reason(s) for this final cut. We need this to understand yout step and maybe to support the english version in the future. A lot of comments are very bitter about TDM and you only can bring the fans back to mythras. 

This are my personal wishes and words...

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Posted (edited)

I really do not understand why this happened but just as a feedback on your communication, Lawrence:

The way you felt it was necessary to register in the Tanelorn Forum, just to issue this statement BEFORE 100questen could write something, either on their own website or in said community forum, was very weird and over-bearing.
That you included no word of thanks for all their years of work and your cooperation, when the professional way would clearly have been to issue a joint and amicable statement (independent of what the reasons for the divorce were or how emotional it was!), and have 100questen do the communication in German unisono with yours in English - all this throws a pretty negative light on TDM.

I am not sure this was very clever, as within the silence and lack of amicability, people just go off of the little they see - a seemingly "out of the blue"/emotional decision in which 100questen had no say, nor received any respect.

So I am not surprised to see people now start calling for a boycot of TDM - which, as you well know, does not necessarily mean that people will play less Mythras, they will just stop paying you for it...

Again, I have no clue what deserved "a red card" (although I also have a hard time imagining André doing something hostile to TDM, deliberately, he has been promoting your system tirelessly in the last 9 years) this is just a feedback on the form and content of your news statement.

Divorces are difficult events. They require very good communication to not f..it up with the kids, family and friends.

Right now, you are f...ing it up.

Which might be all the more tragic, if your decision was totally justified.

Maybe you should discuss with André what kind of follow up communication would be helpful.

André as been very fair in the few words he used to announce this divorce. I am pretty sure, no matter how much you 2 have head-butted in the past, you could find another communication that does not alienate a lot of your German-speaking fans.

Edited by treslibras
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TDM very much appreciates the concerns raised  by the German Mythras fans and 100 Questen customers. You have been a great and very supportive community. We are attempting to spare 100 Questen’s officers embarrassment over what is an extremely serious breach of the license agreement. If 100 Questen wish to provide more information on these very unfortunate events, then that is something they should do in their own time and in their own way.

The Design Mechanism: Publishers of Mythras

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100 Questen Gesellschaft made a mistake, and The Design Mechanism drew the consequences. 100 Questen Gesellschaft was informed before The Design Mechanism made their announcement. We still consider Mythras one of the best roleplaying games and would suggest our fans to continue buying Mythras products from The Design Mechanism.
This is the final statement of 100 Questen Gesellschaft concerning this topic.

- Andre Jarosch & Lutz Reimers - für den Vorstand der 100 Questen Gesellschaft e.V.“

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I have many questions about that statement and TDM's decision making as we are all guilty of, and prone to, making mistakes. Indeed, it is what makes us human. We hopefully learn from mistakes and we endeavour not to do it again. That is the human condition. It is hard not to feel frustrated with the process as no-one really understands it.

Having said that, I accept that is your final word on the topic and I have to shut up and keep my thoughts to myself.


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  • Scotty locked this topic

As we have had the final words from Andre & Lutz, and Lawrence has provided a clear statement regarding the situation, this thread is now closed. If you have any questions regarding their posts, please contact 100 Questen Gesellschaft e.V. or the Design Mechanism directly.

If you wish to start a new topic on German Mythras, please do so. 


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