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Heroquest Gifts


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6 hours ago, Caras said:

Has anyone played this heroquest on RQG? What did your heroes get as heroquest gifts? I have no idea, what those should be like. How powerful? And do all heroes get something?


I have to assume you have the Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes which contains the adventure “The Red Hands of Hofstaring” on pages 300. If not this seems to fit the bill (no pun intended) perfectly and should answer this well. Translation to RQ will be needed.

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On 9/6/2019 at 4:53 AM, Caras said:

Has anyone played heroquests on RQG? What did your heroes get as heroquest gifts? I have no idea, what those should be like. How powerful? And do all heroes get something?

Yes, I've run heroquests in RQG, though were not explicitly called that.

The main gift they gained was a future Vision of the Colymar, which they brought back to Queen Leika. Very important for the tribe as a whole.

Enroute to the vision they won/gained the following from the demigoddess Dekko:

  • a sleeping Earth priestess
  • Maran's Four-metal Spike (but only with the oath that "when the Green Woman speaks and asks you 'by your love of Ernalda and the 10,000 goddesses' to perform her task, you will set out to do so. And if you fail to answer her call, her curse upon you as an oathbreaker shall fall, and her fury shall pursue you even to the Hall of Judgment."
  • a sleeper from the Chamber of Statues (who turned out to be a well-known skald)
  • a lock of Dekko's serpentine hair (yes, it really was a serpent)
  • the last quester only learned that the powers of Illusion cast by the Moon stand against him 


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On 9/6/2019 at 9:53 AM, Caras said:

Has anyone played heroquests on RQG?

Not in RQG, but I have run or taken part in hundreds for older versions of RQ and HQ.

On 9/6/2019 at 9:53 AM, Caras said:

What did your heroes get as heroquest gifts? I have no idea, what those should be like.

I find that HeroQuest Gifts should come from the HeroQuest itself, or be related to the HeroQuest. So, if you do the Hill of Gold as Zorak Zoran, you are likely to come away with some Fire Powers, perhaps your fire Runemagic doesn't cost double, or you might get a Fireblade or Firearrow spell. You won't get the ability to Fly from the Hill of Gold, unless you defeat an opponent who can fly and rip the ability from them.

On 9/6/2019 at 9:53 AM, Caras said:

How powerful?

It really depends on the power levels of the participants.

As a guide, I normally say that lay Members and Initiates might get a Spirit Magic spell, or perhaps a magical item of some kind. Initiates might get a new Runespell, or a Runespell that isn't available from their cult. Rune Levels might get special magic items and abilities.

If you have Legend, then Legendary Abilities make excellent HeroQuest gifts.

Spell Matrices are good items to hand out, especially powerful ones.

Weapons with permanently enchanted spells are also good, for example a sword with Bladesharp 3 enchanted into the sword, so it does 1D8+4 damage and +15%, or a sword with permanent Truesword. 

Permanent magic is also useful, so someone with permanent Catseye or permanent Soul Sight. You have to be careful with this, as having permanent Shield means you can't use Spirit Block.

Heroic Casting of magic, so a spirit Spell might only cost 1 MP, no matter what it's strength, so you could cast heal 6 by spending 1 MP. Your Magic Points act as rune Points for certain spells.

Immunity to magic/effects, so someone might gain immune to Acid, Immune to Fear, Immune to a Jack o'Bear's Harmonise or Immune to a Wronged Husband's Wrath.

Special magical items are good. have a look at Plunder or the Plunder thread for some examples.

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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


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Yes. We don't have real rules, but for now, we can improvise.

The sort of thing, vaguely, that you might get from Gifts , only not necessarily related to your cult, and without (usually) a Geas. So attribute increases, Rune spells, large skill increases. 

Rune spells that you would otherwise have no way of gaining. Who doesn't want a Heal Body spell?

Magic weapons may be often be very powerful, such as having a spirit that casts Rune Magic for you in it. 

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