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Well, this is what to say to those who feel changing game elements is cheating or dishonest. All of this about whether or not fudging die rolls or other game components is cheating is completely subjective. This is my personal TTRPG Game Master Advice, and it's not a popular opinion. If you are always a player, maybe think twice before watching this one:)

Also put a link to the forums in it, so hopefully we get some more interaction on here.

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-Voice of the Legion

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I just realised...

From a purely rule nazi point of view....
CoC is onboard with you, it has an official fudge dice roll mechanic! It's called Luck Point!
And who is to say NPC can't use luck (or bad luck?) point too, hey?! 😛 

Could you restore luck by using negative luck point to fail skill?! 😮 

Edited by Lloyd Dupont
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1 minute ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

+1 for Puffins, they are not nearly as recognised as they should! :P

I think Geese could be in too! 😮 

I found out a bunch of animal people (actually including puffins) are in other lore books ect.

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-Voice of the Legion

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Number one is actually that I feel most puzzles take away from the game... The remaining four points go over using puzzles to amplify the setting and narrative, making it simple, engaging and challenging, and what makes a puzzle.


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-Voice of the Legion

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome back everyone, this is Dethstrok9! Today, we have a very special guest! Dennis Detwiller is a writer, designer, and illustrator for some of your favorite games like Magic the Gathering and Delta Green.

We're going to interview him and see what he has to say about a number of topics, including MtG, DG, the Video Game industry, working for Wizards of the Coast, co-founding and running Arc Dream Publishing, why KickStarter revolutionized the industry, Call of Cthulhu and its impact, and valuable advice for game designers just starting out in the industry!

Dennis is the four-time winner of the Origins Award for game design, and the thirteen-time winner of the ENnie Award for RPG excellence. His books Delta Green and Delta Green COUNTDOWN are the highest rated RPG products ever, according to RPGnet and RPGgeek, and he has 9 products in the top 100 RPG products of all time.

I encourage you to check out the interview. This far exceeded my own expectations, as Dennis' answers were extremely thought-provoking and filled with useful industry information. It's also pretty short, just over 30 minutes:)

Thanks for reading, I hope you find this interesting!

Edited by Dethstrok9
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-Voice of the Legion

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