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Out Now - The Pendragon Starter Set!

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Pendragon Starter Set

It is the age of Pendragon! What kind of Knight will you become?

This is a game of Arthurian legends.

Do you believe in chivalry, or do you think might always makes right? Are you willing to die for your Honor? Will you fight to rid the world of injustice, or use clout and power to take advantage of those beneath you?

The Pendragon Starter Set contains everything a fledgling Gamemaster requires to run a band of freshly-knighted characters through several adventures in the historic fantasy of King Arthur’s Britain.

Pendragon Starter Set contents

World, Rules, & Adventure!

The Pendragon Starter Set contains three soft-cover books. The Adventure of the Sword in the Stone is a solo scenario that teaches you the basic rules as you play.

The World of Pendragon outlines everything you need to know about the setting and core mechanics of the game.

The Sword Campaign is a series of linked, beginner-friendly adventures that take the Player-knights through five in-game years of King Arthur’s reign!

Lastly, the appendix sheets additional rules and setting details you’ll discover as you play through The Sword Campaign.

Pendragon Knights

Accessories, Dice, & Knights!

The Pendragon Starter Set box is bursting with content to help you transport your tabletop to the time of the Round Table. The set comes with 18 perforated cards allowing you to generate combat encounters, and quickly reference enemy combat mechanics.

The box also contains 8 pre-generated Player-knights, ready for adventure with full-color character art and backstory.


And, of course, no Starter Set would be complete without a set of 8 polyhedral dice!

Pendragon Starter Set

Begin your Knight's Quest today!

The PENDRAGON STARTER SET is available now:

Chaosium.com (US, EU, Australia warehouses*)

  • Box Set - $29.99 - price includes PDF
  • PDF - $14.99
  • *please note, the Pendragon Starter Set cannot be ordered from the UK due to a customs issue. We hope to have it available soon!



  • All maps, art, multi-sided tokens, and character sheets fully integrated and ready for the virtual tabletop - $14.99

"Pendragon is Greg Stafford’s masterpiece and he was right to make such a claim… Not just a masterpiece, but a design classic... one of the greatest roleplaying games ever published, the perfect combination of mechanics and theme."— Reviews from R’lyeh.

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  • MOB featured and pinned this topic

It appears, at least in PDF, The Sword Tournament scenario is missing the first encounter with Arthur in the city that appeared in the free release version. This seems to be an error as it says the player knights recognize him when he draws the sword.

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I might be misunderstanding, but perhaps you are meant to meet Arthur while playing in Book 1, "The Adventure of the Sword in the Stone"? That being said, when I ran my group through it, I used Book 1, the Sword Tournament, and some additional sources of mine to make it a bit more involved before the actual Tournament.

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1 hour ago, Hzark10 said:

I might be misunderstanding, but perhaps you are meant to meet Arthur while playing in Book 1, "The Adventure of the Sword in the Stone"? That being said, when I ran my group through it, I used Book 1, the Sword Tournament, and some additional sources of mine to make it a bit more involved before the actual Tournament.

Book 1 is a solo adventure that you play as a squire in 510.

Book 3 is the Sword Campaign which you start in 510 as a fully grown knight.

One does not lead to the other.

It is indeed odd that the free Adventure of the Sword Tournament 6e preview has the meeting with Sir Ector and Arthur, but it has been cut from the Book 3's The Adventure of the Sword Tournament. I would definitely put that back in when GMing this. I can only assume that it was cut because of time (or page count?). The standalone AotST was supposed to be one session, ending at the drawing of the sword (and a bit), whereas the Sword Campaign has a lot of other stuff happening afterwards, too. There is a note that Year 510 in the Sword Campaign will likely take 2 sessions. Still, I would put the encounter with Squire Arthur back. It won't take all that long, and is a nice little addition.

Edited by Morien
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Honestly, the simplicity of that character sheet is the thing that’s making me almost buy this. And the pretty foliage around Greg Stafford’s name. I’m starting to recall why I liked Pendragon all those years ago. The beautiful folklore, subtle ethereal magic, yearning, sadness, beauty. So different from Glorantha which is almost pungent with magic and trippy. Hmm, I think I’ll get this after I recover from buying my massive fridge! 

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14 hours ago, zzMannyzz said:

Any idea when this situation will be resolved, as I'd really like to purchase this item? 🙂

When the Pendragon Starter Set is available in the UK we will make announcement. We left a buffer of extra time to get the Starter Set across the Channel but UK Customs delays are unfortunately not in our control.

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My starter set box arrived, very nice. Of course I had it as an pdf since the order, but nice to have the physical copy as well. The paper is slightly glossy, like a magazine with plenty of pictures. Not that I have bought a magazine for ages, so who knows that they feel like now. Been ages since the last physical rpg book, too, as I tend to go for the pdfs for the cost and portability, too.

I was a bit worried about the appendices, but fortunately each appendix (if multiple pages, so B and D) are attached to one another. B is a leaflet and D is just a four pages, so A3 (equivalent) folded in the middle. That being said, I probably would have preferred a single appendix 'booklet'. I keep worrying that I will lose them. I would also have liked the character folios to be thicker and stiffer paper (the same material as for the battle cards would have been nice). I'd definitely worry about putting a pencil through one unless the surface is both hard and smooth. I think I would definitely use the folios more as display items and give the Players less fancy 'every day' character sheets to do their markings on. And of course my gripe about having just 1d20 rather than 2d20, and all 6d6 being of the same color rather than 5d6+1d6 to make axes and maces and hammers easier to roll. Minor gripes, in the pursuit of perfection. 🙂

I did play the solo with my wife and my brother (adjusting it for two players was quite easy to do even on a fly), and it was very fun. I think one of them (my brother) became Arthur's Squire and an eventual RTK, while as my wife's more brash character ended up with just a career as a household knight. I would be inclined to say that this is my new favorite intro adventure to any RPG, reminding me of the solo in the old Red Box Basic D&D set.

I am looking forward to unleashing the Sword Campaign on some folks, too, but I think my current group would prefer to continue the campaign that has been on a hiatus. I might ask them if they want to have the Sword Campaign as a 'not everyone could make it' backup campaign.

Edited by Morien
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  • 2 weeks later...

A big thanks from this Blighty resident who now has the Pendragon Starter Set, ordered direct from Chaosium!!

I may do as Morien did, and run the solo adventure as our group's "starter game". I was reading through the first actual adventure and it did seem quite brutal, and jolly good fun. Very much looking forward to running this in the next few weeks. 

Thanks again Chaosium ⚔️

Some feedback: the Royal Mail damaged the parcel on the way. You may want to see about adding a bit more packaging to it, or using a different courier! I wasn't buying the box for collection purposes so I really don't care myself, but thought I would pass it on so at least you know.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it me or is the Pendragon Starter set a little thin when you compare it to the other two starters(at the same price point)? I'm surprised there isn't a fold out map of Britain or of a city, castle, manor or village. The quality of what is there is great but feels a little reduced in scale.

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Personally I think it's okay, maybe a tiny bit light but not to the degree where I am too fussed about it. My opinion may be biased though, as I do own all the Pendragon v5.2 content, hence I figure I can convert stuff myself as required. 5 years would have been way better than 3 years, for sure, and I think that would probably have provided enough content for most customers to be satisfied.

I do agree about a map, definitely. It's been a bit of a hassle not having one.

Overall I'm satisfied with the product, and chuffed to be an owner. My group's certainly enjoying the content and the system - it's the first time we've played Pendragon and it's going down well.

Edited by zzMannyzz
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  • 7 months later...

Hello everyone!


Is there any chance someone has developed a form-fillable player's folio, or character sheet?

Because I have been asked this afternoon to run a one-shot adventure with Pendragon 6th to a group of medieval sword-fighters, and I'd like to use something different from the starter set adventures, which some of them has already played out, in particular I'd like to threw in the field some new knight or lady.

Thank you in advance for any suggestion/help

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  • 4 months later...

Just to wrap up my feedback on this item, as our group completed the starter set this week.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience with highlights being the battle sequences and the courtly shenanigans. 

The third year was very short, only taking one half-session to complete, whereas the other two years each took two to three sessions, and did not have the same level of enjoyment as the first two years.

If I run this again, I will definitely pad the third year out by adding some content, probably a hunt to let the Player Knight's experience that part of Pendragon.

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