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Couple of Questions


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1) Does an attuned power crystal have to be in contact with the attuned person to work?

I have looked in all the usual places and can not find a definitive answer.

2) Some skills base is a Characteristic X Whatever (Usually x3 or x5). 

I am thinking of Dodge primarily but there are others.

So so over the course of adventuring you improve the skill by a certain %. Later you increase the base Characteristic. Does the skill automatically go up also?  


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1) I would rule that the character's aura and that of the crystal need to be in contact/overlap for the magical benefit to apply. Similar with bound spirits in items. In practical terms, that aura extends about half an arm's length.

2) I would rule not, unless the new ability times X percentage is higher than your learned percentage, in which case the higher of the two values applies.

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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2 hours ago, Murf said:

So so over the course of adventuring you improve the skill by a certain %. Later you increase the base Characteristic. Does the skill automatically go up also?  

Base should not change - it's simply what you start with. 

Skill will go up from there.

If the Characteristic changes, then if that changes the Skill Category bonus, then that would apply, but otherwise would not change the actual skill %.

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2 hours ago, Murf said:

1) Does an attuned power crystal have to be in contact with the attuned person to work?

I have looked in all the usual places and can not find a definitive answer.

I would say so. Direct skin contact? No, I think you could activate a crystal on a brooch with a gloved hand.

2 hours ago, Murf said:

2) Some skills base is a Characteristic X Whatever (Usually x3 or x5). 

I am thinking of Dodge primarily but there are others.

So so over the course of adventuring you improve the skill by a certain %. Later you increase the base Characteristic. Does the skill automatically go up also?  

Hmmmm, my online character sheet is dynamic, but that's a technology issue. Maybe it should stay the same, but I like the idea that if you have a huge DEX boost from somewhere then your Climb and Dodge go up accordingly.

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1) for me you must wear the crystal. So you don’t need to have skin contact but that will not work if the crystal is on the table in front of you 

2) I would say yes. But others say no so maybe a q&a « official » topic ?

(btw I would prefer if the rules followed only one system a fixed % like climb or a characteristic based % like dodge. Both are good but I don’t understand why there is a difference there)


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