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Gaming with the American Revolution


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Greetings fellow gamers.

After a fun weekend of visiting a local Revolutionary War re-enactment with my family, I've decided to begin putting together some ideas for a campaign set during that time.

I did some research, and the colonial era is a surprisingly untapped source of gaming material, despite what I see as great potential for rich storytelling and intrigue. I've purchased a PDF of Colonial Gothic by Rogue Games - though I haven't had time to do much but skim it (a deeper read-through happens this afternoon when the baby goes down for his nap), and have pulled some of my history books off the shelf for some reference material. My plan is to use BRP as the rules engine for an alternate history set at the outbreak of the war, circa 1765, but with the untold secrets (supernatural elements) being the focus of the campaign. A pipe dream would be to get my hands on a copy of After the Vampire Wars and have the PCs be vampires, weres, mages, etc recruited for the cause Before the Vampire Wars *chuckle*. I'll probably throw in the stunts from Blood Tide and maybe, just maybe, the deep magic from Advanced Sorcery.

I just wanted to throw my idea out there and see if anyone has ever run or played in something similar. What experiences have you had? Does this sound like something that would work, or am I missing something? What other resources might I look into?


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This is a Lady Blackbird hack by Jason Morningstar, the author of Fiasco. It features George Washington in love with a lass who might be a witch,, Ben Franklin and his electric weaponry, native American magic and much more. What else might you ask of an RPG?

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Proud member of the Evil CompetitionTM

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There's some stuff to be plucked from the digital commons if you hunt around.  For the view of a German soldier during the Revolutionary War, search out the following document:


I'm sure there is other stuff from the time, if that sort of thing is any help?  Obviously it's all mundane, but may help give you a feel of the period from an outsiders view.

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Big fan of 18th century, to date the best items I have found are :

A) The two adventures for Cakebread & Walton's "Rennaisance" set during the French & Indian War (20ish years prior to the Revolution, but similar enough)

B ) there is also a n adventure written for Call of Cthulhu set during the lead-in to the Revolution.

But I'm definitely interested in what you come up with

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I'd reeeeeeaaaaaalllllllllyyyyy like to see Colonial Lovecraft Country see the light of day.

Same here, but Renaissance + the two aforementioned scenarios set during the French & Indian War are also extremely useful for this.

Renaissance Deluxe

The Depths of Winter

The Breaking of Spring

Also, the Colonial Gothic RPG is definitely your friend when you're looking for source material.

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RPGbericht (Dutch)
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Wow - thanks for all of the assistance here! You guys really are the kindest RPG forum out there. :-D Looks like I really need to look into Renaissance...

Speaking of Colonial Lovecraft, I think Rogue Games is putting out their take on HPL, entitled Lovecraft.

http://www.rogue-games.net/tumblr/index.php?id=120433696080 - looks like something easy to rip over to BRP/D100.

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With a little effort, it might be possible to convert the old Fantasy Games Unlimited system, "Privateers and Gentlemen"  to a d100 BRP mechanic.  That would provide sailing ship action galore, and could easily be built upon to provide other sorts of adventures, i think.

You can find it at Noble Knight Games, I think.




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