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CoC7th Edition - Printing has Commenced


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Last Friday, Rick was delighted to let our Kickstarter backers know that the presses have now started rolling for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition!

Printing has commenced on the internal pages, with printing of the covers to start next week. The printing process will take at least 6 weeks. Shipping from Hong Kong to our fulfillment centers in the US, Europe, and Australia begins immediately thereafter. We're looking at setting up links to "follow the shipping containers as they sail across the ocean" as other Kickstarters have done.

Meanwhile, we haven't forgotten about the other stretch goal rewards, curiosity shoppe add-ons, and their status - Rick will be sending further updates to the Kickstarter backers soon.

And - because we know our backers love to see progress in photos more than words - courtesy of the printers, here are some more mock-ups we shared including a demo Keeper Screen and the Slipcase:




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8 hours ago, TrippyHippy said:

So, depending on the nature of the postage and delivery, it should be on our doorsteps early January? Good news, and the physical qualities do look good in the photo.  

 Shipping will be early in the new year, but we can't be more accurate than that at this stage

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4 hours ago, Matthew said:

Any love for non-kick starters, will my FLGS be getting some copies down here in Australia about the same time? 

Our patient backers get first priority, but we are currently working out the details on a fulfillment and distribution model for Australia and New Zealand which will expedite and reduce shipping costs. This includes supporting FLGSs here.

Edited by MOB
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Good news! This is a momentous moment for Chaosium! :) 

I'm very very happy to hear that, even if I'm not a backer and it will probably take some time before I buy the CoC7 books (I'ts an impressive set of books, but currently RuneQuest old and new and BRP/Mythic Iceland have higher priority for me).  

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