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KHAN OF KHANS Kickstarter is Live - Wa-Ha!


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New 'Leaders of Dragon Pass' backer levels added to our Kickstarter—your opportunity to immortalized in the KHAN OF KHANS Rulebook as the leader of one of these famous Gloranthan places!

Up for the taking:

  • Count of the Sun Dome
  • Chief of the Colymar
  • Dark Mistress of the Council of Elders
  • The Dwarf of Dwarf Run
  • Great Witch of the Earthshakers
  • Prince of Sartar
  • The Human King
  • Lunar Governor of Tarsh
  • Feathered Horse Queen

and (last but least)

  • Great Beak, Lord of Quackford, Duke of Duckvale and Master of Gandertown


Edited by MOB
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1 hour ago, MOB said:


New 'Leaders of Dragon Pass' backer levels added to our Kickstarter—your opportunity to immortalized in the KHAN OF KHANS Rulebook as the leader of one of these famous Gloranthan places!

Up for the taking:

  • Count of the Sun Dome
  • Chief of the Colymar
  • Dark Mistress of the Council of Elders
  • The Dwarf of Dwarf Run
  • Great Witch of the Earthshakers
  • Prince of Sartar
  • The Human King
  • Lunar Governor of Tarsh
  • Feathered Horse Queen

and (last but least)

  • Great Beak, Lord of Quackford, Duke of Duckvale and Master of Gandertown


That link drops me somewhere else. Happens a fair bit recently when you post links.

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Khan of Khans has passed 600 backers and is closing on the next Stretch Goal at 23K. So we've outlined the next couple of Stretch Goals after that, or as Rick so deftly put it to the backers, "additional treasures and riches await to tempt our assembled raiders".  Sounds better than stretch goals, but here they are nonetheless:

$23,000 (mere hoofbeats away!) - GRACEFUL VISTAS (WALLPAPERS)
A deceptively useful and formidable collection of downloadable wallpapers will be created from Ian O'Toole's playful Khan of Khans art! Use these to tempt and taunt your friends when they will inevitably ask "that's cool/cute, what is it?"

We will set up a dedicated forum for Khans of Khans at BRP Central, the Chaosium Forums. Here you can boast of your record raiding of cows, tally the numbers of foes vanquished, playfully taunt your rivals or gain secret inner knowledge from other legendary Khans (yes, here). 

$29,000 - WINNER'S TOKEN
We will create a special token which denotes which player is current Khan of Khans. Win the first game and claim the prize. In the next game, as the premier warlord of Prax, you get first pick of the Khan cards and can choose to go first to claim your rightful first pick of targets.

We also have this clarification:

We regrettably did not make it crystal clear that ALL Tribal War Band Backers will get their names immortalized in the Khan of Khans rule book. To help make up for this, we are working on a nifty bonus reward for each Tribal War Band that fills to capacity. 

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Great article in Geek & Sundry about the game!

"Reiner Knizia, the epochal board game designer who has won enough gaming awards to sink a boat, has a new game on Kickstarter that you need to know about."

Geek & Sundry says our new cow-stealing game Khan of Khans is "udderly fantastic"


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9 days to go
738 backers
$27,037 (270% funded)

A deceptively useful and formidable collection of downloadable wallpapers will be created from Ian O'Toole's playful Khan of Khans art! Use these to tempt and taunt your friends when they will inevitably ask "that's cool/cute, what is it?"

We will set up a dedicated forum for Khans of Khans at BRP Central, the Chaosium Forums. Here you can boast of your record raiding of cows, tally the numbers of foes vanquished, playfully taunt your rivals or gain secret inner knowledge from other legendary Khans (yes, here). 

Closing in on the next Stretch Goal, the WINNER'S TOKEN at 29K...

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With a week to go we've announced the final backer levels for the Kickstarter:

Some backers have let us know they were disappointed to miss out on the opportunity to get a framed print of their favourite Khan of Khans image. With a week to go in our Kickstarter, we have two final backer levels available where you can show your appreciation for Ian O'Toole's engaging artwork.

Art Patron

Kakstan's Art Museum is a famous landmark in the ruins of Old Pavis. It is a regular stop-off for adventurers on their expeditions in the Rubble, because magical art mysteriously appears. As an esteemed Patron of Kakstan's Art Museum, you have a chance to take some of these fabulous pieces home with you. 


Kakstan's Art Museum - Art Patron $250 (5 only)

Be named as an Art Patron of Kakstan's Art Museum in the rule book. Receive a boxed and tin boxed versions of the full game with all expansions and stretch goals, a framed 12" x 12" art print (your selection), a 10" x 10" art board (your selection), and the Nomad Gods rulebook PDF.

Note: Shipping will be calculated when game is ready for shipment.


  • Full Print-and-Play version 
  • Printed Boxed Game 
  • Nomad Gods rulebook PDF 
  • Full game in Kickstarter exclusive metal tin box 
  • 12" x 12" framed print (your selection)
  • 10" x 10" art board (your selection)

Jaldon Goldentooth - our final backer level!

Jaldon Goldentooth is the legendary immortal Khan of the Praxian nomads. He is dead at the moment, sleeping away the years in his stone cairn at Jaldon’s Rest. But it is prophesied that when all the Great Tribes gather at his cairn and unite themselves against a common foe, Jaldon will rise again to lead them into battle.

Jaldon Goldentooth - $750 (1 only)

Be named as Jaldon Goldentooth in the rule book. Receive a boxed and tin boxed versions of the full game with all expansions and stretch goals, one 12" x 12" framed print (your selection), ten 10" x 10" art boards (one of each Khan), and the Nomad Gods rulebook PDF.

NOTE: The Jaldon Goldentooth backer level includes free shipping

  • Full Print-and-Play version 
  • Printed Boxed Game 
  • Nomad Gods rulebook PDF 
  • Full game in Kickstarter exclusive metal tin box 
  • One 12" x 12" framed print (the Khan of your selection) 
  • Ten 10" x 10" art boards (all ten Khans!)


As always, thank you for backing our Kickstarter.

PS Kickstarter has just made Khan of Khans a "project we love" - nice!


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Oh no! - over on the Khan of Khans Kickstarter it pains my heart to see that the Count of the Sun Dome has apparently defected to the nomads!

(In other words, that backer changed their pledge level, and Count of the Sun Dome Lands backer slot is available again)

In other news, Sandy Petersen was happy for it be known the backer for the Dark Mistress of the Council of Elders, leader of the Uz in Shadow's Dance, is none other than his wife, Wendy. Confirmation of who's really pulling the strings at Petersen Games...


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Many backers are keen to know more about the world of Glorantha, especially the area of Prax and Dragon Pass where the game takes place. Even though it isn't a part of the game, we know many people love very visual maps with lots of wonderfully evocative detail. All Backers from $9 shaman level on up will receive an introductory PDF map of Dragon Pass. 


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On 1/26/2017 at 1:54 AM, MOB said:

Yes, but after the Kickstarter. 

Cool.  I'll be looking into this, for sure!

The sample you published appears to be a part of the actual map to be produced, is that correct?  I think this because of snip'age of edge details, such as seeing ".RSH" (presumably "TARSH") in the upper left; the "Ivory Plinth" pictogram being cut off on the top edge; and similar anomalies in other places...

C'es ne pas un .sig

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The dust cloud shows that with just over three days left in our Kickstarter, almost 1000 backers have already joined our nomad horde on the Plains of Prax.

You can back the full KHAN OF KHANS game for just $20, and it's from two of the best known names in tabletop design (Reiner Knizia and Greg Stafford). So come join us in plundering Dragon Pass! http://bit.ly/KhanofKhans


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6 hours ago, MOB said:



With three days left, just 27 backers to go to reach 1000!

I think no one at Chaosium expected the Kickstarter to be so successful!

Edited by Runeblogger

Read my Runeblog about RuneQuest and Glorantha at: http://elruneblog.blogspot.com.es/

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10 hours ago, MOB said:

The dust cloud shows that with just over three days left in our Kickstarter, almost 1000 backers have already joined our nomad horde on the Plains of Prax.

You can back the full KHAN OF KHANS game for just $20, and it's from two of the best known names in tabletop design (Reiner Knizia and Greg Stafford). So come join us in plundering Dragon Pass! http://bit.ly/KhanofKhans


BTW, Jeff's art direction notes for this painting by Cory Trego-Erdner: http://www.glorantha.com/for-those-of-you-who-wanted-the-references-for-corys-prax-landscape-picture-here-it-is/

And this is the scene in view, as projected onto Colin Driver's map in the Argan Argar Atlas:




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On 26/01/2017 at 7:04 PM, MOB said:


Many backers are keen to know more about the world of Glorantha, especially the area of Prax and Dragon Pass where the game takes place. Even though it isn't a part of the game, we know many people love very visual maps with lots of wonderfully evocative detail. All Backers from $9 shaman level on up will receive an introductory PDF map of Dragon Pass. 


I love this map, it totally captures that limbic flavour of the old RQ2 map of Dragon Pass & Prax, yet is coloured and updated. Looks like it is the same one used in HQG.

Not only will I get a physical copy when it is released, this is also the one I'm holding out for on a coffee mug from Redbubble!

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" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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8 hours ago, Runeblogger said:

I think no one at Chaosium expected the Kickstarter to be so successful!

After the G2G and CoC 7E it feels like Moon Design/Chaosium have the Midas Touch.

I read somewhere that Chaosium is now described as the "most loved indie game company" (I guess anything sounds Indie if it's not WotC, Paizo, or Games Workshop these days).

I think the original concepts of both The Mythos and Glorantha still hold fascination, and the dedication of Moon Design/Chaosium to bring these settings to life with such passion and quality is what people are responding to.

Both of these settings have been presented with equal measures of gritty realism and quirky humour, so there is wide appeal here.

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" Sure it's fun, but it is also well known that a D20 roll and an AC is no match against a hefty swing of a D100% and a D20 Hit Location Table!"

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On 1/28/2017 at 4:37 PM, Mankcam said:

I read somewhere that Chaosium is now described as the "most loved indie game company" (I guess anything sounds Indie if it's not WotC, Paizo, or Games Workshop these days).


Chaosium was "indie" before "indie" was even a thing ...   They just rock it THAT HARD.

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C'es ne pas un .sig

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Update: 1000 Backers!

And this Geeknative article Glorantha's Khan of Khans Conquers Kickstarter actually says:

"The nature of the beast means there’s no such thing as a ‘safe Kickstarter’ but Khan of Khans is complete, just waiting for the Kickstarter campaign to finish before going to the printers, it has more than 300% of target in funds and is being managed by Chaosium."

A Kickstarter "managed by Chaosium" is now seen as a plus? Wow, that is turn-around and a compliment that Rick and the Chaosium team can take a great deal of pride in. 



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