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Skill Base Chances

Prinz Slasar

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I've got some questions regarding the Skill Base Chances.
According to the Character Sheet, the RQG Core Rules (1st print) and the updated RQG Core Rules (PDF), there are some issues with the actual Base chances.

Furthermore, I need your advise concerning some skills with and without parantheses.

So, let's start:
Is it Evaluate (05) or Evaluate (10)?
Is it Farm (05) or Farm (10)?

Is it Drive Chariot (05) or Drive [vehicle type] (05)? The character sheet lists the skill without any specific vehicle.

Is it Art (00) or Art [all] (00)? In RQG, the "Art"-Skill includes all arts.
Same with Game: Is it Game (15) or Game [all] (15)? In RQG your character can handle all games with the same chance, no matter what game.

The both aforementioned skills compel the question: Why are some skills differentiate and others are broad?

Thank you, guys. 

[next up are the Weapon Skills]

Edited by prinz.slasar
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It looks as though these should have been picked up.

Drive Chariot is clearly Drive [Chariot] with the brackets missed off, each drive [Vehicle Type] starts at 05 and is increased separately.

Art is a generic skill, so each Art[Art] starts at 00, so Art [Sculpture] and Art [Painting[ both start at 00 and are increased separately.

Same for game, it is generic and each starts at 15, so Game [Duck Golf] and Game [Elfball] both start at 15 but increase separately.

I don't know about Evaluate or Farm, as I haven't seen the different references.


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Simon Phipp - Caldmore Chameleon - Wallowing in my elitism since 1982. Many Systems, One Family. Just a fanboy. 


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6 hours ago, prinz.slasar said:

Is it Art (00) or Art [all] (00)? In RQG, the "Art"-Skill includes all arts.

Just Art (00)"It measures the artist’s ability to communicate an idea, such as beauty, divinity, grace, etc., as well as the artist’s technical skill. This skill is used in media as diverse as
pottery, bronze, gold, marble, silver, stone, terracotta, wall paintings, and more."
  Note that it is a Communication skill, not a Manipulation skill.  So it can be applied to any number of media without requiring you to specify anything in terms of the media.  It can also be used to augment a Manipulation skill such as Craft(x) (which you will note is specifically divided into specialties).

6 hours ago, prinz.slasar said:

Is it Game (15) or Game [all] (15)?

Same as with Art, it is just Game (15)"Game measures an adventurer’s competence in common Gloranthan games of wits and chance, especially those where money is wagered on the outcome. It includes knowing the rules of games, and is also used to assess the odds of success or failure, or to spot when someone is cheating."  While this is a Knowledge skill, again there is no breakdown into abilities by specific games.  

6 hours ago, prinz.slasar said:

Is it Evaluate (05) or Evaluate (10)?
Is it Farm (05) or Farm (10)?

I'd go with what's on the Ability List p.61 and the character sheet.

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17 hours ago, prinz.slasar said:

So, let's start:
Is it Evaluate (05) or Evaluate (10)?
Is it Farm (05) or Farm (10)?

Where are these different values from? Page references would be useful, if only so that we can note the corrections ourselves! I haven't seen these differences pointed out before.

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Good spot. One for the errata thread when it reopens... shame it gets locked for so long, this sort of thing could easily be forgotten.

Also, examination of the list on Page 61 has answered my long-standing question as to whether Customs (Local) should have a tick box: yes it should as it is in bold. The character sheet has a tick box for Customs (          ) but not for Customs (Local).

Edited by PhilHibbs
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