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What material is set in 1920s Britain?


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Cubicle7 once had a licence to produce material and had a Cthulhu Britannica line - but the core books set in England are now staggeringly expensive! (Typically > £100)


Is there any hope Chaosium will adopt, reprint, or rewrite a setting for Britain? (I know we has Gaslight, but I was hoping for a 1920s setting...)


What other material do people know of that is available, that is set in Britain, and especially in England (rather than Scotland - I know the old Cubicle7 Scotland books are widely available)

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Games Workshop produced Green and Pleasant Land, when they had the licence. It was a source book for Britain with 3 scenarios. The going rate on eBay is about £40. On drivethrurpg you can get kingdom of the blind, which is Chaosium's 1920-30s UK source book.


Edited by albinoboo
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Of course, the England section of Masks. If you wanted a cheaper version, you could target the 4th Edition (of that book, not ruleset) version. Many of those scenarios can stand alone.

The first section of Horror on the Orient express starts in London.

The first part of Tatters of the King starts in London.

Age of Cthulhu: Madness in Londontown

Trail of Cthulhu: Bookhounds of London and The Final Revelation. It is not difficult to convert Trail to Call.


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London Guidebook (or is it Guidebook to London) also cover some of the more general UK stuff. And there's another one by Pagan Publishing... The Golden Dawn, that covers the Esoteric phase of the UK in those years with Medium and a Mythos order

Edited by André Roy
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1 hour ago, André Roy said:

London Guidebook (or is it Guidebook to London) also cover some of the more general UK stuff. And there's another one by Pagan Publishing... The Golden Dawn, that covers the Esoteric phase of the UK in those years with Medium and a Mythos order

I don't have the Guidebook to London but The Golden Dawn is outstanding. The only problem is that print copies tend to be expensive these days...


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While rummaging through my books, I came across one of my favourite British adventures by Marcus Roland (a Brit himself) - from 1989


Bad Moon Rising

Wherein the investigators attend a scientific meeting, learn new respect for phobias, and undertake a strange journey to an even stranger end.

Set in Lancashire in the 1920s. Has 5 other adventures within:

PDF currently on sale: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/1680/The-Great-Old-Ones

From the back cover:


THE GREAT OLD ONES consists of a set of six scenarios for Call of Cthulhu: “The Spawn’’ is in the Wild West, with Indians, Wobblies, and bad guys; “Still Waters” is an adventure for people who hate to lend books; “Tell Me, Have You Seen the Yellow Sign?" makes a symbolic stop-over in New Orleans; “One In Darkness” features South Boston hoodlums; “The Pale God” introduces investigators to an unusual contract; “Bad Moon Rising” is an experience to remember. The adventures can be presented in sequence, as a loose campaign; limited crossreferences allow the scenarios to stand independently.


Edited by David Scott


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