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Everything posted by Trifletraxor

  1. Tweaked a option, no more merging!
  2. I've checked some of your submissions with my android phone. Could you post a link to a specific file where this happens? New feature of the upgraded software?
  3. BRP line culled? Well, then this really becomes the generic d100 BRP thread. Even though they don't sell that much BRP product I would think having a generic system around would at least earn them some license money, but I guess other publishers will fill that void.
  4. I'm not having the same issue with my phone. Could you direct me to the specific file i question so I can see if I can reproduce it there?
  5. Looks good! Just tipped our Elric! GM of the site!
  6. The upload size was set to "unlimited" in the AdminCP, but the practical limit is 20 Mb - something which I can't change (I would if I could). It's got something to do with the server we're hosted at. I've changed the limit from unlimited to 20480 Kb now to make it more clear to people. Any file larger I can upload by ftp - and with the new software I can even set the correct author!
  7. File extensions are working again. These are allowed now: doc docx dot dotx xls xlsx xlt xltx ppt pptx pot potx pps ppsx sldx txt rtf odt fodt ods fods odp fodp odg fodg psd psp cpt cgm svg webp bpg bmp jpg jpeg gif png tif tiff pdf Are there any others we need? Try editing your download again tooley1chris. I was able to fix the d100II srd file which had the similar problem.
  8. I've already noticed the file extension problem, support is on it. I'll post back when it's fixed.
  9. Upgrades are dangerous! However, old forum software is prone to hacker attacks which is quite a problem too. We lost a couple of months of posts from the forum when we got hacket using vBulletin. IPB has much better support and the latest version is mobile friendly too.
  10. Please tell me which and I'll get around to fixing it!
  11. Hi tooley1chris! Could you try it again? Just tweaked a setting.
  12. We just had another upgrade of the BRP Central software. The last big one was a move from the bloating vBulletin software to Invision Power Board. Lost some downloads in the process and had quite a bit of hassles with it, but a major step forward from an administrator point of view. Or current update went from IPS 3 to IPS 4, which got all the downloads deleted. I kinda freaked out, but with help from the support staff at IPS it was restored from a backup the next day. Just the pictures out of the cardboard boxes and up on the walls again. Will probably still be some bugs to iron out, but I'm confident that can be managed. A currrent bug is that you can sign in with your display name but not email, even though the text says both can be used. Please just report any bugs you encounter, or any improvements you would like to see. There just might be a setting to tweak for it!
  13. Download section is back functioning again.
  14. Okay, it's all fine now again! All the files had just gotten a wrong ULR during the upgrade, and then got deleted by the Fix orphan files tool. Restored from yesterdays backup, it's all fine. Nothing to worry about at all!
  15. Okay, have put the support staff on this one too. Is there anyone who ARE able to download still?
  16. I've been looking through the settings without finding any obvious reasons for download fails or password loops. Please report if you continue to experience download fail, include the browser you used and if it was a single specific file or multiple files. Are you still experiencing password loops clanrence? If so I'll open a support thicket to have it investigated?
  17. And we have problems again! I've opened a support ticket with IPS and asked them to take a look at it...
  18. Thanks, I've opened a support ticket with IPS and asked them to look into it.
  19. New Content link worked for me too. Do you still encounter the problem soltakss? We'll shortly have the old artwork up on the walls again.
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