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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Like Bullpen! I have the original print of the Gazetteer, didn't think to look there. I am not able to see any copies for sale of either of Ms. Love's books. Anyone have ideas? Also I had placed several noncanon items/scenarios on the Heortland Plateau form various sources such as Tales and Tradetalk. I put the Caldvale Manor scenario just south of Jab Hills on the north branch of the Minthus River... Curious if anyone has a Newtling settlement developed anywhere on the Heortlan Plateau? I'll do the something similar, it works and I have placed an abandoned dwarven settlement (red arrow) which I am working on integrating which is just south of Skullpoint which has been partly infested with Krarsht tunnels. It'll be interesting to have some Emali's moving through the Kitori lands on the way to Skullpoint. Maybe they'll be able to sell the Trolls some dried scorpionman tail!? Thanks for the links Mr. Scott!
  2. I have 2 questions: Where was the old Sun Dome in Dragon Pass that was razed during the Dragon Kill and would Sartar Emali find it's ruins as a holy place? I don't recall where I read about it but thought someone might know even if noncanon... If the lance isn't considered the same as spear (not up to date with new weapon proficiencies) wouldn't the lance also be a weapon of choice for mounted Emali units especially when the Hendriki of old had a good bit of western influence or so I had read, again maybe not canon? Love the thread Mr. Svensson.
  3. Just posting the link for Londra from the Well of Daliath: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/home/gloranthan-documents/personalities-of-glorantha/personalities-of-glorantha-londra-of-londros/ Also some of Jaja's notes from another thread: Best source for the founding of the temple is the RQ Classic Trollpak, pp.53-55. This is in 1611, and includes the establishment of the temple in the Sazdorf caves. WF #12 provides information on the Skirmish at the Wind Temple. Sartar Companion, p76-77, discusses Londra of Londros and the Wooden Sword, and mentions the dissolution of the temple in 1615. WF #14, p.7 notes that Leika accompanied the Wooden Sword battalion to Snakepipe Hollow and was where she gained the surname Ballista. This happened before her crown test in 1615 when she returned to Snakepipe Hollow.
  4. Is anyone able to point out Skullpoint on a map? I am reading through Gathering Thunder and was hoping to see where it sits. Likely early in this campaign there will be some trade set up with the Skullpointers allowing the setting to be integrated with some known NPC's years later. Also in the statement: The other reason is that the Verge is very close to Hendrikiland and is accessible through the summertime passes in the Storm Hills, via Gutlig Pass, the Skullpoint Pass, or Eurhol’s Vale. Where is Gutlig Pass, Skullpoint Pass and Eurhol's Vale? From the GtG year 411: Harmast Initiated, Lokamayadon killed at the Battle of the Verge. Where is the Verge?
  5. I am on board with any Elmal Cult items you develop. I love the Loyal Thane idea as it allows Orlanthi to have some inroads with the Sartar Sun Dome and Sun County in Prax at least in the campaign we are running. The Elmali in Runegate, Horse Town or the Narri of the Colymar would be close cousins to the Yelmalio in the Sartar Sun Dome and any Elmali in the Heortland? There must be several groups of Elmali in Sartar who don't suddenly pick up their families and run to Sun Dome County? I keep going back to Joerg's article on the Elmali of Heortland... maybe some of them came from Sartar when the whole “Elmali Civil War” didn't sit well with them, maybe Monrogh was not the respected and revered priest for all of the Elmali in Sartar? I can't find it but wasn't there a cult write up for Elmal in one of the fanzines? Some temples allied with the True Golden Horde to assault the Dragon’s Nest, resulting in the Dragonkill War. The Sun Dome Temple in Dragon Pass was razed – like every other human settlement in Dragon Pass. (The Well: The Sun Dome Temple in Sartar - Posted on January 28, 2021) Where was the old Sun Dome in Dragon Pass that was razed? It might be a great place to find an artifact to start a new temple (maybe say Backford) along with any potential of a crystal gained from the Hill of Gold Hero Quest? ...he escaped with the last particle of decency of the Fire Tribe in the Justice Spear he bore. (Storm Tribe p.46) The Justice Spear sounds like something worth investigating? ...but they still coveted his brilliance. (Storm Tribe p.46) So seems like any light related powers would still be part of the cult. sun horse-mounted combat aspect, mounted patrol covers a lot of territory, tracking down cattle raiders, spear, lance horse archey of course. Exactly and most campaigns we've had over the years end up having all the PC's who go questing end up being mounted, especially in places like Prax. With dwarven made wagons to carry extra things... usually turns into some sort of trade caravan moving place to place... Both fit for me as the Loyal Thane - almost paladin like, honor, duty, rigorousness, bright glowing light, goodness, protect the innocents, possibly even celibacy from the shrine at the NE side of Strom Walk, knightly even? Yes teased by Stormbull and even Humakti as square or awkward but still cool compared to the misogynistic xenophobics that are the Yelmalians.
  6. Once in a while I pull out this old friend... its not a consuming as the Rise and Fall but has some nice bits here and there on art and culture. https://www.roundtablebooks.com/product/1919/Past-Worlds-HarperCollins-Atlas-of-Archaeology Prisoners of Geography is also nice though not based in ancient times but yet give as nice summary of how certain features, rivers, mountains, etc shaped how civilizations grew. Makes me think of Russia wanting a warm water port as do the Lunars?
  7. I understood that the Heortlanders moved from sacrifice of live animals - offerings to that of baked goods that looked like the creature to be offered? But cleaning the temples/alters wouldn't be an issue as who doesn't like cake that isn't covered with chaotic powdered sugar runny frosting.
  8. LOL its like politics, those in power will do whatever they are able to stay there. Maybe Chaosium = Liberalism? is there a rune for Liberalism? A Centrist Liberalist will tend to try more varieties of ethnic foods, sort of like trolls. The Thunderbreath Tavern comes to mind.
  9. This is a tough crowd. I couldn't stop laughing looking at the one lamb cake face. My stomach hurts from laughing so much and I couldn't even get a commnet. My recent turned 15 daughter loves chemistry and is a scratch baker for sure. Her Key Lime pie bests any restaurant and we've tried many. Three Step Isles? I will only eat powdered sugar frosting on grandma's christmas sugar cookies and molasses bars. Oncakes it really gross IMO. I bet they make it in Three Step Isles along with the sugar cane that grows there which is brought to the Heortland Plateau (see how easy that was). IMG The one face is too funny for me...
  10. There are hundreds of Blue Moon results found when searching this forum... I might bring it all together this weekend in one thread!? (sound like a lot of wine sipping and cheese nibbling is in order)
  11. I have and to your point maybe not so bad, separate stable is better, I'll figure that out. Like a particular Balazar town, no pigs inside the city walls... In Cedar Rapids IA they used to burn carcases on Wednesdayds and if the wind was blowing from the south the city gots its 5th stench. The Heortlanders IMG bake in animal form, no more animal sacrifices, lamb cakes with fresh buttercream frosting are the favorite in Backford and even sent to Nochet still fresh. In the southern areas of the Lunar Empire, however, they have tried to emulate this baking trend but due to the influence of chaos something inevitably goes wrong... not mad cow disease but nearly just as bad...
  12. I love the detail, it's about a 1/4 the estimate (cost) I was thinking but it depends on the loot any GM gives out as to supply and demand. In this Glorantha there are a good number of Elmali's on the Plateau, St. Ehlmal maybe? Thinking the same. totally agree, not with long spears and pikes, but they also train from horseback in Backford... or will. The 2nd floor is more for rainy day 2nd weapon and training, like a gymnasium of sorts? Was thinking horses on the ground floor... but the smell? The dome acts like a lookout tower as a secondary function possibly. This is a good add, need to figure what it might be... if the local acolyte ends up in Sun County, after River of Cradles, Sun County, Sandheart, etc for a year and comes back to build the compound then all the better. We had some earlier discussion as to a relation with a known Sartar Sundomer (maybe an aunt of uncle) that is anti undead/chaos then it would fit... Thanks again Mr. Sten!
  13. In our Glorantha - Lagor is one of Naimless' two troll lovers, was with her at Tourney Altar and in about 1617-18 gains possession of the Wooden Sword... referenced in Masters of Luck & Death, not the lover part...
  14. I had to add this: So old friend of Londra, Lagor is given the sword (Masters of Luck & Death p.15) he must be a Sword of Humakt by this time but why would Enfrew go and give the Wooden Sword to a troll of all creatures? To fight ZZ? Curious if anyone named the Wooden Sword or if its name is known? What year is Masters of Luck & Death? 1616 but being 2 years later, 1617 if this 2 years is after the Temple was disbanded by Londra or 1618 maybe if 2 years after the tournament? Is it possible that one of the trolls that was Naimless' bodyfriend was Lagor and even was at Tourney Altar when she dueled? Will add this to other thread...
  15. As a tribute or sarcasm? Did Jokotu kill to be number 1 or to rid the world of Garangordos? They usually work for the Lunars I thought? Also didn't they kill most of the remaining Hose of Sartar? I thought in Petersen's Campaign the giant traveling wagons were attacked by broo, ogres and giants? I'll go back and read again. I'll need to do a bit of reading on them and the Blue Moon. Thanks again. How long does it take to transverse the Homeward ocean from north to south at a normal speed...
  16. Didn't know that and so they should likely be impaled. Send assassins with absorption on them. Who are the descendants of the perverters, provide a list and have the PC's off them. Sounds like a good contact in the south for my PC's once they meet the Baron and or ride the Cradle, have to sort out what year but I like it. This sounds good as well as one PC is from Melib. Who doesn't want the sword. I am still sorting that out, one of these weekends I'll take deeper dive. We made it so one PC is a half elven daughter of Pavis, she doesn't know this and would likely not know for years of game play but maybe she could be the new Artmali Empress, then again the Amazon might be destined to fill this spot being of Agimori decent, form the south continent. Any dragons in the south that may be called to assist in eating the oppressors? Its a really interesting campaign setting Dumuzid, I like it a lot, especially after reading Petersen's RuneQuest III Campaign Log, running crazy all over Pamaltela. Thanks.
  17. A lot of interesting things popped up... I tried to be sensitive but the one really did look like the RQA 02 cover or so I thought...
  18. But why enslave, would they not be much more prosperous, fruitful and lush if not prisoners? So what ignites the forthcoming epic battle Aldryan forest-kingdoms versus Fonritian slavers? Is the Veldang Revolution incited by the aldryami and if so when and where?
  19. Honestly I have been waiting for someone to bring up vampires... When Goliathan vampires need false (they are telling a tall tale if they say they brush) teeth they are made of bronze. Gold, even when enchanted isn't hard enough to bite through armor. Silver tarnishes and just doesn't cut it aesthetically for these eccentric fellows. Iron isn't needed as it's in the blood they drink and they don't want to get liver trouble. Other metals would easily fit here if we wanted to discuss further... be my guest. I bet there is a Hero Cult for ducks that wish to be dentists but none of the authors is brave enough to post the write-up? On the same note Gloranthans must mostly smell and surely have bad teeth. It's a good thing its a fantasy world as otherwise we'd all have clothespins on our noses.
  20. Some of these are partial repeats but have NPC's: Pavis City Guide, Pavis & Big Rubble, Sun County has a little on Pavis Sun Domers, River of Cradles, Big Rubble, Pavis Gateway to Adventure, Trade Talk 08 & 09 both have some info.
  21. What does the birthmark/tattoo look like and where is it on their body? Likely not a dragon but when I searched it pulled up some. The one reminded me of the cover of RQA02.
  22. Made by the Hendriki on the Heortland Plateau and exported to the Hartland through Sartar, for its 1, 2, 3 shots you're out at the old gin mill... actually we are headed to Edinburgh in early April so we'll look fo it! We have lots of local taverns and some chains like Geo's or Thunderbreath's but what about larger breweries or wineries? Are there famous ones, like Clearwine and would all these be run by Issaries cult members? Looking for ones on the Heortland Plateau and Sartar. We might think about Imtherian wine to go with the cheeses but less likely to send it as far as say Mt. Passant?
  23. Thoughts of a reincarnated hero who will be born to counter the scorpionmen hordes that overrun Backford coming out of the Print come to mind. It has Hero PC written all over it. Maybe she's a woman with red hair and a Vingan/Storm Bull... love this. Born 1585, immune to poison even. As an FYI strange things came up under a search for Urvagal on line...
  24. I do like the idea of a hero cult from a (hidden shrine as they are peaceful there now) in or near Vorda and possibly in the Elf Ruins as well. Hero Cult for the win... maybe even an Elmalian one! Immolate Troll.
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