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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Temertain is the son of Jostisan of Karse, son of Markalor, son of Eonistaran the Sage. He has no children. Installed in 1614 (never crowned), and still in office. Is there any info on Jostisan and for that matter is there any on Temertain when in Karse? It would be interesting for the PC's to bump into Temertain 1600-02 in Karse (before he moves onto his serious studies I think it was in Nochet?). When does Temertain move from Nochet? Would he not have been considered nobility and have lived in the "Fortress" in Karse?
  2. We are running our Backford Campaign from 1600, we'll get the PC's into trading, mostly as guards to Nochet, Runegate, Apple Lane, Troll Woods etc. they learn Trollball and might end up in or near Alda-Chur, maybe work with Jon Mith? When they are up north they get drawn into the Invasion of Sartar - bad timing on their part? Was trying to tie them to the Silver Shields bu that is TBD. Where were the specific battles in Northern Sartar? Has anyone used the Dangerford scenario or something like it and where as a battle in the 1602 Sartar Invasion or possibly a skirmish done with the Lunars a bit earlier due to growing "border tension"?
  3. I have that and I think most other sources, thank you Met! Just trying to get an earlier conflict going with Sartar around 1600-1610... Also, do they have packs of dogs with them? Standard Tent #1 Silver Shields File Leader Hyemtosus Silver Shields equipment Standard Tent #2 Silver Shields First Half-File soldiers (Bendrek, Gwaere, Jomes, Kortilus, Luridas, Pardidrek, Phirmax) Standard Tent #3 Silver Shields Second Half-File soldiers (Anerasus, Envertos, Kotorum, Joren, Lukaros, Oreneros, Terkotus)
  4. Does anyone have a source for the Silver Shields, their founding, their activities up until the invasion of Prax. I think I have all that follows that including the Heortland invasion, the 2nd Battle of Moonbroth/Pavis and the reforming of the unit thereafter. Were they part of the invasion of Sartar inn 1602? Were they at Boldhome or somewhere else in Sartar at that time? Were they at Grizzly Peaks before then? Does anyone happen to know the approximate year and season of when the Fortress of Doors takes place? (I know not likely canon but I’d like to know). Thanks much! Mr. Helsdon’s, Mr. Pospisil’s, Brootse’s, etc. illustrations are really helpful, various sources.
  5. I was reading in Gloranthan Adventures 1 about the Hero Quests “Issaries convinces the Storm Tribe” and “Ernalda calms the Warriors” that the Silverwinds (known as a Peace Clan) who's heroes have repeatedly successfully undertaken... Does anyone have a source for these quests and or the steps, locations, maps, participants, etc. Please and thank you all. Happy New Year!
  6. Any great leader has a support team, the PC's could be that...
  7. Yes, the PC's are not liking darkness. Not at all and so would only change to be trolls via sorcery learned via a blog with the matrix on it? They wish to beat the trolls at their own game, light over dark so to speak, figuratively and temporarily physically? Are there any geas that say never impersonate a troll? LOL I suppose one of them would need the duration skill so the spell would last the entire game? How long does a trollball game last anyway? Bonus of this would be being transformed into a troll would help with trade caravans into Trollwood and Dagori Inkarth... need to learn some Dark Tongue? Still trying to figure out Quicksmash (SIZ 60) and how he'd be their goalie? Would likely just have him meet the PC's when he is younger no more then say around SIZ 30? I recall Hungry the Great Troll is SIZ32. I suppose a Great Troll could be up to 48? Adding known trollball teams: Crabtown - Total War Sazdorf - Whackers & Tacklers Redstone - Wallbangers
  8. We played RQ for years and didn't even know who Argath was. We didn't have Prince of Sartar nor White Bear Red Moon. We had Nomad Gods in French for some reason!? We played in Sanctuary and used the old map from RQ2. It was difficult for a PC to stay alive in RQ, trollkin killed many PC's as I recall. You don't have to follow a set timeline or introduce Super NPC's. Either way you can have loads of fun...
  9. Nothing religious I assume just good old fashion smash tusk trollball! I had no idea there was an actual game. There was Blood Bowl and something else in the Dragon Magazine, I recall if you brought a giant it cost so much you were left with only halflings for the rest of the team? https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/37445/trollball-not-fair-game
  10. How many Orlanthi are going to be at a Trollball Match to witness Humans and Agimori turning into trolls anyway? How would they know if it were AA divine magic versus weird meldik sorcery, they'd just assume it was exotic troll magic right... I mean trolls are not chaotic and of course they have souls? to
  11. I love this, bad ass librarians with glasses that have sport straps for combat!
  12. It seemed in RQ3 you didn't have to be a rune lord of Lhankor Mhy to get some sorcery. I like that, being brought into the game for PC's without living in a library or monastery I'll have to weigh that idea versus the new rules. Thanks.
  13. Maybe this is his island-fort with an actual walled compound covering about 3-4 acers? The crab lives off to the right below the fort? I think I'll go with this. Likely the access is more of a wagon-way for Leo's Fort... I imagine fields on the flats behind the photos atop the hill...
  14. ToTRM 12 - Kobakuruum is only mentioned here but could be really cool to develop? I assume Argan Argar members don't like them as they would be like Meldik's for Orlanthi? But then again, trolls don't dislike sorcery...
  15. It is so secretive Jaja doesn't even know of its existence!
  16. Who wants to be member of that cult when you can just learn the sorcery spell?! (Plus I don't have that book yet!)
  17. I have to ask, would there not be a Trollball team affiliated with the Black Arkati who could transform to trolls per a sorcery spell? Seeing the noncanon HQ in Jansholm (TT12 P.22) they'd have to have a Trollball pitch there. Where is the map of Jansholm!? If so would the spell not also add some size as part of the transformation? If this spell could be taught to any non-troll players they could more easily be assimilated.
  18. I missed this before but when looking at TT12 p.22 (nocanon) the notes show the HQ for the House of Black Arkat in Jansholm. Jaja, when might you show a sketch map of what you were working on?
  19. We are starting in 1600, more fun, 30 years of game time! At the left is the Bay, Minthos River, Duchamp, Uncertain Woods and the Mts. easy just rotate the map 15-20 degrees counterclockwise and call it a day. I think I like Lei Tabor as Duchamp. Now if Jaja could share he in progress map of Jansholm some day we'd be all set with major towns in Heortland! I was reading in TT12 p.22 that the HQ of the Back Arkati was in Jansholm... (noncanon of course).
  20. I know Jaja has a map of his making of Jansholm (not ready to be shown) but I'd place the City of Lei Tabor there or at Duchamp, leaning toward Duchamp. The authors less GS will tell you its too Medieval to be in Glorantha but I fall back on the Sog City Keep, how it looks and think that an early Medieval Heartland Plateau is perfect for my Glorantha. The entire campaign my group has been working on is centered on Backford and would be early Medieval. TT12 has some good stuff in it. The castle town of Durengard in there shows a strong Medieval feel? Lei Tabor has the look of a Stone Keep-Concentric combination in my mind.
  21. I assume a clan's boarders change over the years based on population flux, bumper crops, stead construction - destruction, feuds, war, sickness, debts to be paid and well if you are near the Marsh your boarders might shrink via the rods: The Marsh Development Corp...
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